direct link to original tf2 bsp - should work fine in css if you just add in some spawns
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direct link to original tf2 bsp - should work fine in css if you just add in some spawns
well that map looks like aids
fun map actually, +
I suppose I should play it before calling it aids
These map polls are completely useless. Almost everyone wants new maps to be added whether they are good or not. The only exception is troll maps which obviously aren't going to be added. I think a large percentage of surfers don't even care about the quality of the map and just want new things to play.
I think the idea is to get a community vote to prioritize maps which will be added first. better organized and a little more pressing on admins to actually add the top maps
So if a shit mapped gets accepted, can sacred still decided to add it or no?
Although it is a bit more organized, these polls aren't about top maps. They are simply a "yes" or "no" for whether a map to be added. (Which is probably always going to be a "yes" regardless of quality). If we wanted top maps we would have a poll with a list of all the potential maps. The map with the most votes would be added. It's been done multiple times by Sacred, but needs to be consistent.
These polls are far from "completely" useless. Here's how they are useful:
1. Engages community in deciding priority of the map (Strong support = high priority)
2. Allows anyone to freely suggest a map with out needing to know "someone" - allows them to get feedback about their suggestion, so they won't feel like they are not heard.
3. Ends the "Why isn't this map not added yet" question. (Not added? -> make request. Requested? -> Check status on forums)
4. Motivates admins to keep an updated queue of maps to be added in the future which will be generated based on priority.
5. Makes the life of admins easier in dealing with people who want X map
6. Provides a good reference as to why the map hasn't been added yet (poor support = low priority)
7. Keeps track of maps we are missing on KSF
8. Motivates someone else to convert a map if they want it added to the specific game. Takes workload off of the admin.
I can keep going on and on with this list.
Having said that, this is a new thing and we will see how it will play out. Ultimately in my experience, giving people choice and the ability to express it has worked out just fine.