So this guy called ''korqee'' or something like that was joining the veteran server even though he was banned, (he was banned for crashing the server by purpose over and over again)
He could keep on joining cause he had 0 points or something like that, it was some sort of a glitch. Matt and sacred kept trying to get him out of the server by kicking. He then started changing his name to prevent getting kicked, so he changed to alot of people from ksf and people on the server at the time, and alot of random letters etc. later he changed his name to ''supreme'' while i was on the server, so there was 2 supremes on the server.
He got in the server cause matt though it was me joining, but it was him instead. he then said something like ''1 more kick and i crash the server'' or something like that, and matt kicked ''supreme'' but instead of him getting kicked I got kicked. My game crashed so i restarted, and joined vet, the server was then crashed and was at surf_graphia, and only matt was on. Matt said he kicked the wrong supreme and he apologized i think. Then sacred joined and banned me cause sacred saw the threat message the fake me guy sent, and though he was me. So i got banned from vet, sac then unbanned me. I still couldnt join all though i was unbanned, cause of some glitch, so sac said he was gonna talk to untouch. But im still banned so ye, matt and sac are witnesses i guess, just wanna see if this thread can get me an unban.
Proof of Korqee's first ban: