*Was surfing the web, so I thought I'd stop by and introduce myself :)*
Hi there!
My name is Nicolai, I live in Oslo in Norway and I am 26 years old.
I started surfing way back in CS 1.6. Spent hours on different servers just chatting and trying to execute tricks I wanted to accomplish. (Freestyle Surf)
Eventually Speedrun servers became popular and I tried to adapt to it, but found it really hard and slowly drifted away from surf..
Then some years later I tried to surf in CS:S and I met a really nice Norwegian player called: Deebs.
He basically inspired me to become better and so I started to play with him on a daily basis.
I remember him saying that I had a really big potential to become a great surfer. At first I was like whaat ?
He assured me he was not joking and that just inspired me even more.
One day we were playing a map I really liked at the time and after who knows how many hours.. I actually beat the World Record for a Stage 1!
I remember how amazing that felt, to hear that *glass break* sound. It was the reward for so many hours of just going for something and then finally achieving it!
To me that was a deal breaker when it came to what I wanted to focus on, which was to surf my ass off and just develop myself gradually until I could basically do anything I wanted to. Unfortunately personal things interfered with my plans and so I left surf again..
Fast forward to the realease of CS:GO and I slowly found my way back to surf once more. It felt so awesome! (Even though I didn't have any particular skill at that time). Then not too long ago Deebs returned from being inactive and we started talking again. I told him I had began surfing again and he was thrilled ^^,
I realized that you need to buy VIP in order to access the replays on the servers, which lead me to become a member on this site.
I know I have a LONG way to go and so many things to learn about surf, but I will continue to improve myself and we will see where it goes :)
*Buying that VIP*