Command |
Description |
sm_info | Display surftimer commands |
sm_surftimer | Display Surftimer settings configuration menu |
sm_restart | Teleports you to the start of the map |
sm_teleport | Teleports you to the start of your current stage |
sm_bonus | Teleports you to a bonus in the map Usage: sm_bonus [#number] (Abbreviation: sm_b) Example: sm_bonus #2 |
sm_stage | Teleports you to a stage in the map and enables practice mode Usage: sm_stage [#number] (Abbreviation: sm_s) Example: sm_stage #5 |
sm_goback | Teleports you back one stage Usage: sm_goback (Abbreviation: sm_gb) |
sm_stop | Stops your timer |
sm_timeleft | Displays time left until map end |
sm_specinfo | Displays player's spectators Usage: sm_specinfo [target/#userid] |
sm_rank | Displays player's Rank in chat Usage: sm_rank [target/#userid/@rank] Example: sm_rank @5 |
sm_arank | Displays player's Angle Surf Rank in chat Usage: sm_arank [target/#userid/@rank] |
sm_swrank | Displays player's SW Rank in chat Usage: sm_swrank [target/#userid/@rank] |
sm_hswrank | Displays player's HSW Rank in chat Usage: sm_hswrank [target/#userid/@rank] |
sm_bwrank | Displays player's BW Rank in chat Usage: sm_bwrank [target/#userid/@rank] |
sm_mrank | Displays player's map rank in chat Usage: sm_mrank [target/#userid/@rank] [$mapname] Example: sm_mrank zoom surf_bob |
sm_swmrank | Displays player's SW map rank in chat Usage: sm_swmrank [target/#userid/@rank] [$mapname] Example: sm_swmrank sinsa surf_bob |
sm_hswmrank | Displays player's HSW map rank in chat Usage: sm_hswmrank [target/#userid/@rank] [$mapname] Example: sm_hswmrank morning surf_bob |
sm_bwmrank | Displays player's BW map rank in chat Usage: sm_bwmrank [target/#userid/@rank] [$mapname] Example: sm_bwmrank yamaan surf_bob |
sm_crank | Displays player's Country Rank in chat Usage: sm_crank [target/#userid] |
sm_acrank | Displays player's Angle Surf Country Rank in chat Usage: sm_acrank [target/#userid] |
sm_swcrank | Displays player's SW Surf Country Rank in chat Usage: sm_swcrank [target/#userid] |
sm_hswcrank | Displays player's HSW Surf Country Rank in chat Usage: sm_hswcrank [target/#userid] |
sm_bwcrank | Displays player's BW Surf Country Rank in chat Usage: sm_bwcrank [target/#userid] |
sm_pc | Displays player's percent completion Usage: sm_pc [@rank/#userid/target] |
sm_apc | Displays player's total percent completion Usage: sm_apc [@rank/#userid/target] |
sm_swpc | Displays player's SW percent completion Usage: sm_swpc [@rank/#userid/target] |
sm_hswpc | Displays player's HSW percent completion Usage: sm_hswpc [@rank/#userid/target] |
sm_bwpc | Displays player's BW percent completion Usage: sm_bwpc [@rank/#userid/target] |
sm_cp | Displays player's current zone Usage: sm_cp [target/#userid] |
sm_lookup | Search for a player by name or steamid Usage: sm_lookup [name]/[#steamid] Example: sm_lookup insane / sm_lookup #1337 |
sm_alookup | Search for a player (Angle Surf profile) by name or steamid Usage: sm_alookup [name]/[#steamid] Example: sm_alookup fuddy / sm_alookup #1337 |
sm_swlookup | Search for a player (SW Surf profile) by name or steamid |
sm_hswlookup | Search for a player (HSW Surf profile) by name or steamid |
sm_bwlookup | Search for a player (BW Surf profile) by name or steamid |
sm_player | Displays player's rank menu Usage: sm_player [target/#userid/@rank] (Abbreviation: sm_p) Example: sm_player @1 |
sm_aplayer | Displays player's Angle Surf Rank menu Usage: sm_aplayer [target/#userid/@rank] (Abbreviation: sm_ap) |
sm_swplayer | Displays player's SW Rank menu Usage: sm_swplayer [target/#userid/@rank] (Abbreviation: sm_swp) |
sm_hswplayer | Displays player's HSW Rank menu Usage: sm_hswplayer [target/#userid/@rank] (Abbreviation: sm_hswp) |
sm_bwplayer | Displays player's BW Rank menu Usage: sm_bwplayer [target/#userid/@rank] (Abbreviation: sm_bwp) |
sm_playerinfo | Displays player's information menu Usage: sm_playerinfo [target/#userid/@rank] (Abbreviation: sm_pi) Example: sm_playerinfo @1 |
sm_pr | Displays player's personal record on a map Usage: sm_pr [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] Example: sm_pr @1 surf_bob |
sm_swpr | Displays player's SW personal record on a map Usage: sm_swpr [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] |
sm_hswpr | Displays player's HSW personal record on a map Usage: sm_hswpr [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] |
sm_bwpr | Displays player's BW personal record on a map Usage: sm_bwpr [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] |
sm_prinfo | Displays player's personal record detailed information on a map Usage: sm_prinfo [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] (Abbreviation: sm_pri) |
sm_swprinfo | Displays player's SW personal record detailed information on a map Usage: sm_swprinfo [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] (Abbreviation: sm_swpri) |
sm_hswprinfo | Displays player's HSW personal record detailed information on a map Usage: sm_hswprinfo [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] (Abbreviation: sm_hswpri) |
sm_bwprinfo | Displays player's BW personal record detailed information on a map Usage: sm_bwprinfo [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] (Abbreviation: sm_bwpri) |
sm_cpr | Displays compare personal record menu Usage: sm_cpr [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] Example: sm_cpr surf_bob @10 |
sm_swcpr | Displays compare SW personal record menu |
sm_hswcpr | Displays compare HSW personal record menu |
sm_bwcpr | Displays compare BW personal record menu |
sm_ccp | Displays compare stage times menu Usage: sm_ccp [target/#userid/@maprank] [$mapname] Example: sm_ccp surf_bob @1 (Must be a staged map) |
sm_swccp | Displays compare SW stage times menu |
sm_hswccp | Displays compare HSW stage times menu |
sm_bwccp | Displays compare BW stage times menu |
sm_mapinfo | Displays map information menu Usage: sm_mapinfo [mapname] (Abbreviation: sm_mi) (Chat Version: sm_m) Example: sm_mapinfo surf_bob |
sm_surftop | Displays top players by points Usage: sm_surftop [@startrank] (Abbreviation: sm_st) Example: sm_surftop @200 |
sm_asurftop | Displays top Angle Surf players by points Usage: sm_asurftop [@startrank] (Abbreviation: sm_ast) Example: sm_asurftop @200 |
sm_swsurftop | Displays top SW players by points Usage: sm_swsurftop [@startrank] (Abbreviation: sm_swst) Example: sm_swsurftop @200 |
sm_hswsurftop | Displays top HSW players by points Usage: sm_hswsurftop [@startrank] (Abbreviation: sm_hswst) Example: sm_hswsurftop @200 |
sm_bwsurftop | Displays top BW players by points Usage: sm_bwsurftop [@startrank] (Abbreviation: sm_bwst) Example: sm_bwsurftop @200 |
sm_ctop | Displays countries by total points |
sm_actop | Displays countries by total points (Angle Surf) |
sm_swctop | Displays countries by total points (Angle Surf SW) |
sm_hswctop | Displays countries by total points (Angle Surf HSW) |
sm_bwctop | Displays countries by total points (Angle Surf BW) |
sm_top | Displays top times in a map/stage Usage: sm_top [#stagenumber] [mapname] [@startrank] Example: sm_top surf_bob #5 @50 |
sm_swtop | Displays top SW times in a map/stage Usage: sm_swtop [#stagenumber] [mapname] [@startrank] Example: sm_top surf_bob #5 @50 |
sm_hswtop | Displays top HSW times in a map/stage |
sm_bwtop | Displays top BW times in a map/stage |
sm_btop | Displays top times in a bonus Usage: sm_btop [#bonusnumber] [mapname] [@startrank] Example: sm_btop surf_tronic_njv #2 @50 |
sm_swbtop | Displays top SW times in a bonus |
sm_hswbtop | Displays top HSW times in a bonus |
sm_bwbtop | Displays top BW times in a bonus |
sm_mtop | Displays main map menu Usage: sm_mtop [mapname] |
sm_swmtop | Displays main SW map menu |
sm_hswmtop | Displays main HSW map menu |
sm_bwmtop | Displays main BW map menu |
sm_topwr | Displays players by number of WRs |
sm_atopwr | Displays players by number of Angle Surf WRs |
sm_swtopwr | Displays players by number of SW WRs |
sm_hswtopwr | Displays players by number of HSW WRs |
sm_bwtopwr | Displays players by number of BW WRs |
sm_topwrb | Displays players by number of WRBs |
sm_atopwrb | Displays players by number of Angle Surf WRBs |
sm_swtopwrb | Displays players by number of SW WRBs |
sm_hswtopwrb | Displays players by number of HSW WRBs |
sm_bwtopwrb | Displays players by number of BW WRBs |
sm_topwrcp | Displays players by number of WRCPs |
sm_atopwrcp | Displays players by number of Angle Surf WRCPs |
sm_swtopwrcp | Displays players by number of SW WRCPs |
sm_hswtopwrcp | Displays players by number of HSW WRCPs |
sm_bwtopwrcp | Displays players by number of BW WRCPs |
sm_wr | Displays the WR on a map Usage: sm_wr [mapname] |
sm_swwr | Displays the SW WR on a map |
sm_hswwr | Displays the HSW WR on a map |
sm_bwwr | Displays the BW WR on a map |
sm_wrb | Displays the WRB on a map Usage: sm_wrb [#bonusnumber] [mapname] |
sm_swwrb | Displays the SW WRB on a map |
sm_hswwrb | Displays the HSW WRB on a map |
sm_bwwrb | Displays the BW WRB on a map |
sm_wrcp | Displays the WRCP on a map Usage: sm_wrcp [#stagenumber] [mapname] |
sm_swwrcp | Displays the SW WRCP on a map |
sm_hswwrcp | Displays the HSW WRCP on a map |
sm_bwwrcp | Displays the BW WRCP on a map |
sm_rr | Displays recent Map records menu |
sm_arr | Displays recent Angle Surf Map records menu |
sm_swrr | Displays recent SW Map records menu |
sm_hswrr | Displays recent HSW Map records menu |
sm_bwrr | Displays recent BW Map records menu |
sm_rrb | Displays recent Bonus records menu |
sm_arrb | Displays recent Angle Surf Map Bonus records menu |
sm_swrrb | Displays recent SW Bonus records menu |
sm_hswrrb | Displays recent HSW Bonus records menu |
sm_bwrrb | Displays recent BW Bonus records menu |
sm_rrcp | Displays recent Stage records menu |
sm_arrcp | Displays recent Angle Surf Map Stage records menu |
sm_swrrcp | Displays recent SW Stage records menu |
sm_hswrrcp | Displays recent HSW Stage records menu |
sm_bwrrcp | Displays recent BW Stage records menu |
sm_rp | Displays player's recently set records Usage: sm_rp [target/#userid] |
sm_arp | Displays player's Angle Surf recently set records |
sm_swrp | Displays player's SW recently set records |
sm_hswrp | Displays player's HSW recently set records |
sm_bwrp | Displays player's BW recently set records |
sm_rb | Displays player's recently broken records Usage: sm_rb [target/#userid] |
sm_arb | Displays player's Angle Surf recently broken records |
sm_swrb | Displays player's SW recently broken records |
sm_hswrb | Displays player's HSW recently broken records |
sm_bwrb | Displays player's BW recently broken records |
sm_rrtop10 | Displays recent Top10 records |
sm_arrtop10 | Displays recent Angle Surf Top10 records |
sm_swrrtop10 | Displays recent SW Top10 records |
sm_hswrrtop10 | Displays recent HSW Top10 records |
sm_bwrrtop10 | Displays recent BW Top10 records |
sm_demos | Displays a list of available 96 hour demos Demos are removed automatically after 96 hours |
sm_uploadeddemos | Displays a list of uploaded demos |
sm_wrdemos | Displays a list of WR & WRB demos WR Demos don't expire but can be manually removed at any time WRB Demos expire after 96 hours |
sm_lastplayed | Displays a list of recently played maps |
sm_mostplayed | Displays a list of most played maps |
sm_toppc | Displays players by Percent Completion |
sm_atoppc | Displays players by Angle Surf Percent Completion |
sm_swtoppc | Displays players SW by Percent Completion |
sm_hswtoppc | Displays players HSW by Percent Completion |
sm_bwtoppc | Displays players BW by Percent Completion |
sm_toptop10 | Displays players by Top10 Points (Abbreviation: sm_topt10) |
sm_atoptop10 | Displays players by Angle Surf Top10 Points (Abbreviation: sm_atopt10) |
sm_swtoptop10 | Displays players by SW Top10 Points (Abbreviation: sm_swtopt10) |
sm_hswtoptop10 | Displays players by HSW Top10 Points (Abbreviation: sm_hswtopt10) |
sm_bwtoptop10 | Displays players by BW Top10 Points (Abbreviation: sm_bwtopt10) |
sm_topimprov | Displays players by Improvement Points (Abbreviation: sm_topimp) |
sm_atopimprov | Displays players by Angle Surf Improvement Points (Abbreviation: sm_atopimp) |
sm_swtopimprov | Displays players by SW Improvement Points (Abbreviation: sm_swtopimp) |
sm_hswtopimprov | Displays players by HSW Improvement Points (Abbreviation: sm_hswtopimp) |
sm_bwtopimprov | Displays players by BW Improvement Points (Abbreviation: sm_bwtopimp) |
sm_noclip | Toggle Noclip |
sm_speed | Change timescale speed Usage: sm_speed [amount] - Amount is 0.0 through 5.0 |
sm_gravity | Change gravity Usage: sm_gravity [amount] - Amount is 0.0 through 5.0 |
sm_triggers | Toggle triggers |
sm_cheats | Toggle sv_cheats |
sm_getloc | Gets a Player's location Usage: sm_getloc [target/#userid] |
sm_saveloc | Saves current location Usage: sm_saveloc [target/#userid] |
sm_tele | Teleports to location Usage: sm_tele [x] [y] [z] or sm_tele [#location] or sm_tele (no parameters) |
sm_size | Change Model Size Usage: sm_size [amount] - Amount is 0.1 through 3.0 |
sm_spec | Spectate Specified player Usage: sm_spec [target/#userid] |
sm_mostwr | Displays players by most number of WRs beat |
sm_amostwr | Displays players by most number of Angle Surf WRs beat |
sm_swmostwr | Displays players by most number of WRs SW beat |
sm_hswmostwr | Displays players by most number of WRs HSW beat |
sm_bwmostwr | Displays players by most number of WRs BW beat |
sm_mostwrb | Displays players by most number of WRBs beat |
sm_amostwrb | Displays players by most number of Angle Surf WRBs beat |
sm_swmostwrb | Displays players by most number of SW WRBs beat |
sm_hswmostwrb | Displays players by most number of HSW WRBs beat |
sm_bwmostwrb | Displays players by most number of BW WRBs beat |
sm_mostwrcp | Displays players by most number of WRCPs beat |
sm_amostwrcp | Displays players by most number of Angle Surf WRCPs beat |
sm_swmostwrcp | Displays players by most number of SW WRCPs beat |
sm_hswmostwrcp | Displays players by most number of HSW WRCPs beat |
sm_bwmostwrcp | Displays players by most number of BW WRCPs beat |
sm_mostcontested | Display Most Contested Maps |
sm_amostcontested | Display Most Contested Angle Surf Maps |
sm_swmostcontested | Display Most Contested SW Maps |
sm_hswmostcontested | Display Most Contested HSW Maps |
sm_bwmostcontested | Display Most Contested BW Maps |
sm_changedrecords | Display Changedd Records |
sm_age | Display Age of Server and Total Time Spent On Server |
sm_togglemapfinish | Toggle map completion upon entering the end zone |
sm_practice | Enable Practice Mode |
sm_makezone | Create a custom practice zone |
sm_removezone | Remove a custom practice zone |
sm_showzone | Show a custom practice zone |
sm_telezone | Teleport To a custom practice zone |
sm_togglevel | Toggle velocity message in chat |
sm_rmtop | Displays top map menu to submit reports Usage: sm_rmtop [mapname] |
sm_top10hist | Top10 Oldest History Usage: sm_top10hist [target] [#rank(1-10)] [@offset(How many to skip before showing the first record] |
sm_rhist | Map Record Oldest History Usage: sm_rhist [target] [@offset(How many to skip before showing the first record] |
sm_bhist | Bonus Oldest History Usage: sm_bhist [target] [@offset(How many to skip before showing the first record] |
sm_cphist | Stage Oldest History Usage: sm_cphist [target] [@offset(How many to skip before showing the first record] |