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View Full Version : Disgusting defamation against me, Jabra, on KSF Discord

02-14-2021, 03:37 AM
I have seen many outrageous claims about my character on KSF Discord, all kinds of horrible lies, and even hatred against innate biological characteristics such as autism, which gets very close to resembling racism/eugenics since autism, at least childhood autism, is genetic.

I can tolerate much of this because I do in general believe people should be allowed to speak about everything, but ...

The worst I had seen yet was that I had sent death threats to a person called Simex. I want for once and all to put this defamation to the grave because this is very serious. Death threats are equivalent to violence and illegal in every single country on earth.

I have tried to dismiss this but whenever I join KSF Discord to reply to these awful things that are said about me, I get banned (ban deletes messages).

So this is a public statement where I for once and all stress that I have never threatened Simex. Simex lied to me about something which he even admitted himself.
So I was extremely mad (not only because of that though) at him so I wrote some lines about how he should kill himself (expressing the wish of his death, like an extended version of "kill yourself" which even KSF admins have done, e.g., Deadeye to Beetle) and, by the way, I did it privately, thus I could impossibly encourage violence. I apologized for my horrible utterances, but Simex kept talking about the incident in a way that didn't present the complete picture of what happened (the whole context is also very complex), thus he lied again so I withdraw my apology.

The big lie was that I sent death threats to him which has been carried forward to this day in the community and in KSF Discord.

For once and all, I have not. And if this post gets deleted, some people can anticipate a lawsuit for defamation because I will not accept the fact that I'm being exhibited as a violent criminal. I will not accept this why I also chose to carry my IRL name in this post.

My only demand is that this post stands - else I'm looking forward to seeing what legal means I can take into use.

Edit 20. February.
It turned out that Simex also lied about not lying about it (Simex is ofc. also a KSF member).

He wrote:
Det var ikke min ide, jeg skrev kun besked for dem, men jeg synes også selv at mappet kunne være så meget bedre uden maxvel. Halvdelen af top10 er enige i at mappet kunne være bedre uden maxve, og den anden halvdel har vi ikke spurgt, da vi var næsten 100% sikre på at de ville have det på samme måde. Dette kan vi selvfølgelig ikke være sikre på dog.

Google translated
It was not my idea, I only wrote message for them, but I also think that the folder could be so much better without maxvel. Half of the top10 agree that the folder could be better without maxve, and the other half we did not ask as we were almost 100% sure they would have it the same way. Of course, we can not be sure of this though.

He didn't only write for them. He continuously contacted Sam to keep the idea alive who continuously refused him. He clearly wrote for himself as well. I guess it was also only him who asked the top10 holders and not a "we", but I don't know about that. He also wrote a second message to elaborate on his involvement which he tactically ignored when I mentioned it, but by doing that he amusingly also knew what message I was referring to because he could see my point.

He couldn't reply to this (check page 12)

Edit 24. February.
It did ofc. turn out what I said was true.
It was written that I had sent a death threat and it was taken for granted.

https://imgur.com/a/7yEcBiu (https://imgur.com/a/7yEcBiu)

Why did you have to deny it? Why didn't you bother to search it up yourself? Yeah, it was my job in some way, but I was banned by you.
In the hindsight it seems ridicilous for people that I hadn't screenshotted this.
Well, the reason I didn't screenshot it was ofc. that I was banned (works as IP ban too), but neither did I expect that people would actually deny this.
But well, it's KSF, just learn to expect the worst.

I didn't even know Merky was a KSF member until 3. may and that he had even been active in this very thread, page 6

https://imgur.com/a/yuvbJ5j (https://imgur.com/a/yuvbJ5j)

well, it all makes better sense now, lmfao

Edit 31. March.
I want to say that the death threat rumor was spread more than just in that case obv. It was a generally accepted thing that they desperately tried to deny. Sadly because I was banned, I couldn't look through it all. I got my friend one day to look at it where he didn't have much time, he found that one, and I do remember a specific conversation where it was said which I told him about, but the message in question had disappeared from that conversation.

[Later more evidence was found, check Edit. 3. May]

The fact that I had to drag them through 13 pages of discussion without them finding Merky's comment (WHO IS A FUCKING KSF MEMBER) that could be found in a very short time proves their total lack of credibility and dishonesty.

I do also wanna say that I tried to contact KSF lowkey before I made this thread (which I also provided somewhat evidence for on page 7), but they just banned me and laughed it off. So my intention was never to start drama actually. They did that themself. The most important about this conflict was actually not whether I had sent death threats or not (which I didn't, but what I wrote was indeed horrible), but the fact that my voice wasn't heard and that I was subject to a complete character assassination that went disgustingly far, and that was completely deprived of context, I had no chance to comment it, and which started BEFORE the Simex incident! (which you can read about on page 16). Maybe they were hesitant to admit the shit because what I had written was indeed horrible, so a bit of exaggeration was okay perhaps as it was still not proportional with what I had done (according to them), but the problem was that EVERYTHING WAS COMPLETELY DEPRIVED OF CONTEXT. It was a literal character assassination. Because of this hesitance, we had to go through 16 pages before they brought up the issue which I had tried to talk about from page 1. They tried to put me down behind my backs; YOU COULD SEE Sam calling Sony's comment at the bottom of page 15 writing "last". He knew what was coming, these guys, Yoshii, Juxtapo, etc., that liked Sony's comment also knew it. They had talked about what was coming inside their echo-chamber, and they believed "haha, we are those who know, LET'S DROP THE BOMB AND DESTROY HIM in front of the people"! But no, in reality they know nothing, they are even more deluded than the people. The reason why they were terribly wrong was that they were completely immersed in a ONE-SIDED telling inside their echo chamber - and that's why you have to listen to both sides, and I hope these guys understand that today. These guys talk in closed echo-chamber groups behind my back where they hoard information and where they paint whatever picture they want of me since they keep me excluded from commenting on them - and people I thought were fairly intelligent buy into them without the least reflection. But this time they had to come up with a stronger public defense, and so it ended on page 16 where I explained the whole story that indeed doesn't paint me as a perpetrator IF ANYTHING it paints KSF as a group of perpetrators and criminals.

Edit 3. May. (yes, the order is abnormal)
Yeah. It was in this conversation I saw the death threat thing LIVE (I came back to defend the shortcut movie against lies, "Deleted User"/Supervisor is me), but as told, we couldn't find it. But later my friend found this for me in the same conversation

https://imgur.com/a/KEZoVVg (https://imgur.com/a/KEZoVVg)

As you can see ... They desperately tried to deny a commonly accepted fact. They literally tried to deny reality. What the fuck are these subhumans?
They fooled people into believing that I had sent a death threat because I disagreed with someone in a discussion about surf. Yeah, that's exactly what happened, lmfao. What is this clan? Clan of human trash?

Edit 18. April.
I want to give a shoutout to Shifty for admitting something. It wasn't enough by any means, but he kinda stood out compared with his teammates (despite the cowardly way he entered the thread) which takes guts, and he couldn't have gone further than that without being met with social sanctions. He was a hero. Blink became a bit more mature at the end as well. I had a few issues with some of these old-schoolers as Blink back in the times, especially Jay, but when I think back, I respect them all because they never abused their power, but just trolled through the power of words. The abuse of power and admin privileges started to take over with new generations taking over in 2015/2016, and sadly the old generations failed to see it.

When Beetle made his first thread about banning racial slurs for understandable reasons due to it damaged the streaming community, then many people from the old generations stood against it because of "freedom of speech". But when I presented the same case for people having a slightly bad attitude or immature attitude (usually it was actually the admins who had the bad attitude because by doing that they could set up a trap and have an excuse to abuse their power if they were met with the same attitude back) that is absolutely noncompareable to racism just a half year before, they protected the admin abusers by arguing that the "bad attituders" were guilty of "admin disrespect" etc. So yeah, that's called hypocrisy. I did manage to get the admin disrespect rule removed by persistently contacting Evolv back then in 2016, but the impact was never strong enough as it was a cultural problem fore and foremost ofc.

It was sad to see how the old generations failed to teach the new generations. Due to that, KSF lost many players that moved to CS:GO, and the social community, people speaking at microphone, etc., on the in-game servers kinda died because the social guys with "attitude" were the ones who were most vulnerable to admin abuse. Today I celebrate the fall of KSF and look optimistically into the future as alternative platforms take over so we, including Buzuki, including anyone, once and for all can be free from abuse and corruption, and just do what we love, surf and compete against each other on fair and square terms - free from any neurotic and emotionally unstable kids seeking to control us (Draph, etc.), free from straight-out psychopaths (Sam, Sunday, etc.), free from other people scoring high on one/several of the traits comprising the Dark Triad, free from their herd animals, free from admins' friends getting unfair advantages, free from lies, rumors, hearing of parties-exclusion, defamation, and abuse.

Whilst I respect KSF is a private organization that in general can do whatever they want, they can't just spread defamation and rumors and assassinate people's characters through malevolent lies and hearing of parties-exclusions. I think they learned that lesson dragging them through 16 pages where they got completely destroyed. Not only with regards to that issue but with regards to several related issues that they chose to bring up themself (on page 13 in the third post I explain and give somewhat evidence for why KSF can't be considered a top competitive surf community because it is fundamentally corrupt). It was a boomerang. It was funny and tragic at the same time, mostly tragic.

02-15-2021, 02:08 AM
Never laughed this much in years

02-15-2021, 02:11 AM

02-15-2021, 02:14 AM
I wrote some lines about how he should kill himself (expressing the wish of his death, like an extended version of "kill yourself"

so you told a child to commit suicide lol?

02-15-2021, 04:34 AM
Do you have actual evidence of messages sent in the KSF discord or CSS servers which state you threatened Simex?

02-15-2021, 06:15 AM
Wow, can you guys believe jabra sent death threats to simex? Crazy stuff

02-15-2021, 06:41 AM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

02-15-2021, 09:56 AM
when you forget to add "in a video game" smh

02-15-2021, 11:15 AM
No, I don't have any screenshots. I wanted to ensure that so the involved people didn't delete the messages afterward. But since I'm banned I can't really join KSF Discord and take screenshots. But I wrote an "essay" privately a half year ago to someone explaining the situation where I implicitly stated they accused me of sending death threats. And searching through KSF Discord 2 days ago I found it once I could. It has emotionally bothered me in a half year why it was necessary to comment on this and dismiss it.

And yeah, sure taking lawsuit up is a bit amusing, but thinking about it, it is quite severe (which it has been for me) that it was taken for granted on a forum with 1k people active that I had sent death threats

02-15-2021, 02:08 PM
But since I'm banned I can't really join KSF Discord and take screenshots.

And searching through KSF Discord 2 days ago I found it once I could.


02-15-2021, 02:24 PM
It's weird that this emotionally bothers you but telling multiple people to kill themselves doesn't

02-15-2021, 03:20 PM
Blink, I know that is not evidence. If people go back and delete their messages I'm fine - I'm more than fine, then the lies are removed from the world. My goal is not a lawsuit.

It's weird that this emotionally bothers you but telling multiple people to kill themselves doesn't

2 persons, Sam and Simex. I told Syfo and Kiiru that they lacked backbone and integrity.

That's why I said it was a complex context. To short it down as great as I can ... It all started with I heard about whoknows_ksf settings were changed, consequentially, all former times were outdated on a pretty competitive map. I typed many messages about this issue on the Danish Discord. I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you". No one really took it seriously on the Danish Discord, so as last resort I went on KSF Discord and complaint about this, especially KSF lacking procedures to change settings on maps once they have already been released.

One of the problems was that Simex who had WR interests in the map was the same guy who asked the top10 holders whether it would be fine to change the settings. This entails an obvious conflict of interest, group pressure, and so on. Top10 holders have to be able to approve/disapprove anonymously and the guy responsible for collecting their approvals/disapprovals should be impartial.

Some of my "rivalries" commented on this where they personally attacked me instead of commenting on the issue, subsequently, an extremely disgusting and unpleasant mob mentality rose. Some good guys also tried to have a conversation about it, e.g., not_zombie. Eventually, that mob got me banned thanks to the racist, autism-hating Sam who also has a personal issue with me. So at that point, I felt emotionally crushed. You have to imagine having a mob against you of haters at one time, AND then afterward being banned without a valid reason, thus being subject to pure abuse of power, it's like getting trampled on ONCE you have already been trampled. You can laugh of this, but it had a strong emotional impact on me and is far worse than spamming "kill yourself" which was obviously done in extreme frustration and whilst I was emotionally crushed.

02-15-2021, 03:58 PM
I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this.

He replied, "fuck you" .

02-15-2021, 05:25 PM
why are you trying to justify telling people to kill themselves by you not feeling good?
I don't see an apology or an ounce of remorse

02-15-2021, 05:41 PM
Those are the circumstances that explain why I not just went mad but lost my mind. I have told you that Simex lied to me about something in the preceding events. Sam abused his power. I have apologized for Simex (because what I wrote was not proportional [I apologized twice actually]) and I withdrew it because he kept talking about the incident untruthfully as I wrote in the first post.

so you told a child to commit suicide lol?

edit: I think Simex was 17 y/o. It rings hollow criticizing me for abusive behavior toward kids. Who has admin abused young boys like Bocuma (back in 2016) and Levi? How old was Levi when Tele admin abused him? 13? Don't come here and apply standards that you never ever have applied to yourselves.

How much remorse do you guys demand from Deadeye? I searched "kill yourself" on KSF Discord few days ago and found a screenshot where Deadeye wrote that to Beetle. I only checked the first page of search results.

02-15-2021, 06:28 PM
We even had that incident on videotape. How many KSF members stood in line against abusement of kids when it was revealed on Youtube that one of your KSF members had abused a kid? How many? That's why I say that people like Syfo and Kiiru, and many KSF members, have no integrity because even though they know shit happens that is completely wrong, they are scared of involving themself because of social games. But every member has a moral share in what KSF do (as member). Don't come here. KSF is the only one who abuses kids and do nothing about it when it is revealed.

02-15-2021, 09:58 PM
why are you trying to justify telling people to kill themselves by you not feeling good?
I don't see an apology or an ounce of remorse

Did you even read his post?
Clearly he says that he do remorse his action of telling a young adult a tale on how he could kill himself, but then later retracted it, due to the continues lies against him. Stating someone should kill himself, is not the same as threathening to kill someone. Legally and morally it's very different. Not something anyone should joke about.

If someone kept saying you were "pedophile", which you denied. But the person kept saying the same thing after several mature attempts to stop his lies, and you then told him to go kill himself. It's very different from you threathening to actually kill him in person. It's obivously just a means to let the person know you are tired of his lies.

This is just so wierd. You all talk like you want to get rid of Jabra (from my discord observations). Yet it's like an almost weekly thing on discord to joke about him. I was personally kinda shocked, to see that after joining the Discord.
What reason is there to keep spreading rumours about a person who can't defend himself, because he is banned.
Idk what the guy did, but seriously get over it, bullying is obviously not nice.

Just look on the discord, "Jabra" is mentioned almost 500 times since he was banned, in almost only mocking/bullying scenarious, and then you all play "shocked" when he once in a while pop up to defend himself lawl.
In comparisson "ksf" is mentioned only 18 times as much, and Jabra's alternative names is not even accounted for.... Kinda insane how obsessed someone can be about a guy who was banned long ago lol.

02-16-2021, 05:47 AM
What video of abuse are you referring to? You keep bringing up incidents that people have long forgotten to justify your actions. That kind of behavior hasn't been tolerated on the servers or in the community discord for years now. You speak of the emotional distress you've suffered over false allegations, yet here you are accusing Sam of being racist and hating people with autism. You're a hypocrite and you only ever cause drama because of your over the top reactions and inability to hold a discussion without getting heated. You should move on from ksf. It's clearly not good for your mental health.

02-16-2021, 05:54 AM
Hello real person who is definitely not an alt account of Jabra, interesting you joined just this month, have only this post and write exactly like Jabra

02-16-2021, 05:59 AM
kill yourself
nah jk
oh wait actually kill yourself

^ no remorse here

from a quick look through jabra mentions it's mostly just people calling out jabra when he joins on a new discord account to post a paragraph, idk if messages have been deleted but I didn't see any lies spread about him in the first 10~ pages, just light hearted memes

02-16-2021, 09:05 AM
Simex lied to me about something which he even admitted himself.
So I was extremely mad (not only because of that though) at him so I wrote some lines about how he should kill himself

What did I admit to lying about?
Why are you threatening to take legal action? We are talking about a disc server where people already hate you for much more than just this situation.
Why did you never try and talk to me? After I supported the idea of a map change, I got 50+ messages from you, ending with you telling me you wish the worst for all who hates you, and then telling med how I (and since you wish the worst for the others, prob 20+ people) should kill myself.
You then blocked all communication between us.
Youve even made a fucking LIST of people you hate.
It's way too late for you buddy. No one wants you back on KSF, except your alt accounts. And it will never happen, I hope you know that.

02-16-2021, 12:10 PM
What video of abuse are you referring to? You keep bringing up incidents that people have long forgotten to justify your actions. That kind of behavior hasn't been tolerated on the servers or in the community discord for years now. You speak of the emotional distress you've suffered over false allegations, yet here you are accusing Sam of being racist and hating people with autism. You're a hypocrite and you only ever cause drama because of your over the top reactions and inability to hold a discussion without getting heated. You should move on from ksf. It's clearly not good for your mental health.

Levi getting banned without reason after Caff getting WRB on surf_fast. That was only 2 years ago you abused a 13 y/o child. How much remorse have we seen from you? Don't act like you have moral ground. There are people who leave your servers because of the disgusting toxic culture. I know at least 2 old-school surfers who used to play on KSF, but moved to Heaven because of the culture on KSF. Of the few friends I have on my new steam, I know at least one who refrains from buying VIP because KSF is so morally corrupt. You delete WRCP's without informing people of anything. Why was my WRCP deleted on calamity even?

Okay. No, I'm not using these incidents to justify my actions. I'm using the example of Levi to pinpoint your hypocrisy since I have seen none of you with a public statement of remorse. Can we soon see a public statement from regretting to abuse 13 y/o kids? In contrast, I apologized for my actions actually. I apologized twice. The first time through Paragon, the second time on the Danish Discord.

You are trying to accuse me of what about-ism, but it is you that started that bullshit by neglecting the defamation against me. Not only is it defamation, but it is also even worse because I'm given no chance to reply to it. Can we talk about that? If you are going to take up events that happened a half year ago, I'm also going to take up events in the past from you to pinpoint your hypocrisy.

I don't want to be on KSF. I have not wanted that for pretty much a year. I only came in the summer because I needed saveloc. Why have I returned on KSF Discord once in a while? To dismiss your retarded lies. Blink, how can I go through them when I'm fucking banned?

E.g. Sony saying that most of the sc's in my video are not mine, that's the same as implying 52 sc's are not mine and we even have 36 video clips of them. That's one example.
Also, Therapist was wrong with a lot of what said - but right about a lot of other things and which I highly respect.

Tyler not giving a truthful picture of what happened on Momentum Discord when Tyler was banned.

You talking about when I got furious at Simex and Sam.

You accusing people for being me who are not me. Same happened in this thread. I think even someone was banned because you wrongly though it was me, lmfao (but it take with a grant of salt, I'm not exactly sure, but people called Sony to ban him as far I remember). Disgusting. I don't hide behind identities without a great purpose. My Rixy account was created for interviewing people from KSF. I could never have carried out these interviews if I was Jabra so it served its purpose (I stretched it too far when I tried to give myself support in a discussion :cool: though, that was wrong).

There is more. If you gave me access to KSF Discord, I could go through all the bullshit. But you don't want to. You rather to attack someone who can't defend himself.

How fun is it to attack a man who impossibly can defend himself? Who the fuck trashtalks people, lie about people, and give them no chance to defend themself? How fun is that?

I'm getting heated sometimes? Sure I am. I am now. But I make my points yet and have always been capable of making my points. I even looked through my old posts where my English was worse and found myself putting forward some good arguments. Getting heated is not always appropriate. I did on Momentum Discord, I know it was wrong, I apologized for it sometimes too. They didn't ban me. Why? Because sometimes we had some fruitful discussions. Therefore I have deeply respect for Momentum and their Discord. It's not like KSF that tries to enforce a fake consensus.

02-16-2021, 12:13 PM
Simex, you lied about not being involved in the decision. And you admitted you were involved which you were.

02-16-2021, 12:31 PM
Simex, you lied about not being involved in the decision. And you admitted you were involved which you were.

Can we for once see some of these references of things that happend over half a year ago?
And pls respond to the other things I told you.
What even is the point of all this?
You say you don't want anything to do with ksf, yet you still come to the discord, servers or even here.
Look, no one wants anything to do with you on ksf, move on, never come back. It's pretty simple.
I'm sure this thread is being closed pretty soon aswell. Cause you are only getting the attention I think you are here for, which is dumb of us to give you.

02-16-2021, 12:34 PM
My message to Stevo was a reply to you as well, Blink as well etc. You did on the Danish Discord. I'm not there, so I can't take screenshots.

02-16-2021, 12:38 PM
My message to Stevo was a reply to you as well, Blink as well etc. You did on the Danish Discord. I'm not there, so I can't take screenshots.

Why never talk to me?
You would rather block all communication, and then attack people publicly?

02-16-2021, 12:46 PM
My message to Stevo was a reply to you as well, Blink as well etc. You did on the Danish Discord. I'm not there, so I can't take screenshots.

I found the only message I have about the maxvel on wk1 on the danish discord:

"Det var ikke min ide, jeg skrev kun besked for dem, men jeg synes også selv at mappet kunne være så meget bedre uden maxvel. Halvdelen af top10 er enige i at mappet kunne være bedre uden maxve, og den anden halvdel har vi ikke spurgt, da vi var næsten 100% sikre på at de ville have det på samme måde. Dette kan vi selvfølgelig ikke være sikre på dog."

I still stand by everything I said in that message. it wasnt a lie.
I wasnt the one who brought up the idea, Orson and Oli was. But I told I would bring it up in ksf for them, so I did.
I supported the idea of the change since it would most likely be much more popular.
And no, I didnt have intentions of wr on the map, but I did play it after the change, never getting wr on it.
Don't throw shit around with me lying, when I havent.

02-16-2021, 12:52 PM
First of all, I am the one who has been attacked publicly. I'm here to defend myself against that. I don't know if I blocked you, so I did? I don't use that Discord account any longer either. But yeah, sure I did not act maturely that day xd And what I told you was by no means proportional to that mini lie. I have said that before, and I can say it again.

Since I don't want my whole mission of this thread criticizing defamation to become lost in detail, I will repost my old post.


Levi getting banned without reason after Caff getting WRB on surf_fast. That was only 2 years ago you abused a 13 y/o child. How much remorse have we seen from you? Don't act like you have moral ground. There are people who leave your servers because of the disgusting toxic culture. I know at least 2 old-school surfers who used to play on KSF, but moved to Heaven because of the culture on KSF. Of the few friends I have on my new steam, I know at least one who refrains from buying VIP because KSF is so morally corrupt. You delete WRCP's without informing people of anything. Why was my WRCP deleted on calamity even?

Okay. No, I'm not using these incidents to justify my actions. I'm using the example of Levi to pinpoint your hypocrisy since I have seen none of you with a public statement of remorse. Can we soon see a public statement from regretting to abuse 13 y/o kids? In contrast, I apologized for my actions actually. I apologized twice. The first time through Paragon, the second time on the Danish Discord.

You are trying to accuse me of what about-ism, but it is you that started that bullshit by neglecting the defamation against me. Not only is it defamation, but it is also even worse because I'm given no chance to reply to it. Can we talk about that? If you are going to take up events that happened a half year ago, I'm also going to take up events in the past from you to pinpoint your hypocrisy.

I don't want to be on KSF. I have not wanted that for pretty much a year. I only came in the summer because I needed saveloc. Why have I returned on KSF Discord once in a while? To dismiss your retarded lies. Blink, how can I go through them when I'm fucking banned?

E.g. Sony saying that most of the sc's in my video are not mine, that's the same as implying 52 sc's are not mine and we even have 36 video clips of them. That's one example.
Also, Therapist was wrong with a lot of what said - but right about a lot of other things and which I highly respect.

Tyler not giving a truthful picture of what happened on Momentum Discord when Tyler was banned.

You talking about when I got furious at Simex and Sam.

You accusing people for being me who are not me. Same happened in this thread. I think even someone was banned because you wrongly though it was me, lmfao (but it take with a grant of salt, I'm not exactly sure, but people called Sony to ban him as far I remember). Disgusting. I don't hide behind identities without a great purpose. My Rixy account was created for interviewing people from KSF. I could never have carried out these interviews if I was Jabra so it served its purpose (I stretched it too far when I tried to give myself support in a discussion though, that was wrong).

There is more. If you gave me access to KSF Discord, I could go through all the bullshit. But you don't want to. You rather to attack someone who can't defend himself.

How fun is it to attack a man who impossibly can defend himself? Who the fuck trashtalks people, lie about people, and give them no chance to defend themself? How fun is that?

I'm getting heated sometimes? Sure I am. I am now. But I make my points yet and have always been capable of making my points. I even looked through my old posts where my English was worse and found myself putting forward some good arguments. Getting heated is not always appropriate. I did on Momentum Discord, I know it was wrong, I apologized for it sometimes too. They didn't ban me. Why? Because sometimes we had some fruitful discussions. Therefore I have deeply respect for Momentum and their Discord. It's not like KSF that tries to enforce a fake consensus.

02-16-2021, 01:02 PM
Jabra, you are in no position to talk about whats right or wrong before you clear yourself up.
I never lied to you, as you said. Thats spreading false information to make me look bad, which i believe is defamation in itself.
You told people to kill themselves and have sent hundreds of hateful messages to people "out of frustration".
You havent apologized. You said yourself you withdrew that one apology.
You cant justify your own actions, so don't fucking begin to pick on others actions before cleaning up your own.

02-16-2021, 01:10 PM
There you have it. Do you have any other examples of hypocrisy which somehow correlate with encouraging suicide? KSF has been trying to weed out the toxicity within the community for years. You're one of the only remnants of its former toxicity which occasionally returns to stir up drama instead of moving on with your life. This 'defamation' you keep mentioning, can you post some actual proof so we can move on from this?

On the note of hypocrisy from my last post, I meant it in terms of false allegations, which you tactfully left of out of your reply.

02-16-2021, 01:10 PM
I don't hide behind identities without a great purpose. My Rixy account was created for interviewing people from KSF. I could never have carried out these interviews if I was Jabra

So you can and do easily change your internet personality yet you claim it to be actual defamation because some people associate the name Jabra with death threats on the internet.

02-16-2021, 01:35 PM
Stevo, I have just mentioned dozen of examples, but everyone knows of some of these events

Since I can't go into KSF Discord, I can't screenshot them. What do you not understand? You are acting like you are morally superior because you have denied me the place of evidence? Who does that? Russia (the airplane), China (corona) etc.

KSF has not tried to weed out the toxicity for years. Just look at all the hate toward autism. Otter criticized that as well. You ban 5 letters and think you have suddenly removed all toxicity? You don't have any procedure to follow when you ban these 5 words. How the heck have you removed all toxicity when you look at the way you talk about me on KSF Discord, making fun of my innate syndromes? Do you think it's fun having childhood autism? When I did my experiment a half year ago only, playing as a new player, I was from the first move met with skepticism from one of your henchmen, Sunday, he falsely reported my records.
You could then say he was smart and detected something that was rotten (I was alt-accounting), but the same happened for gmmbearz when he started getting records. You attack new players, you attack minorities, and do nothing about it.

It's funny because I did once talk to Levi about an incident where he didn't say it was a joke, also Tele said that he used to hate Levi on Tournament Stream. There are still other examples of abusing kids, e.g., Bocuma, prob. a lot of people, but I don't know their age. You have never apologized for these events.

And you have kinda just ignored each example I put forward of lies against me.

And don't derail this thread. I'm here for dismissing that I should have sent death threats. You are filling my thread with what about-ism because you can't defend that.

02-16-2021, 01:40 PM
Jabra, you are in no position to talk about whats right or wrong before you clear yourself up.
I never lied to you, as you said. Thats spreading false information to make me look bad, which i believe is defamation in itself.
You told people to kill themselves and have sent hundreds of hateful messages to people "out of frustration".
You havent apologized. You said yourself you withdrew that one apology.
You cant justify your own actions, so don't fucking begin to pick on others actions before cleaning up your own.

02-16-2021, 01:45 PM
Since you are trying to derail the discussion. I will post this again. I have cleaned myself up. I have admitted my wrongdoing thousand of times toward you. Otherwise I have only trashtalked people, who trash-treated me, e.g., admin abuse, laughing at me after I was banned on Discord without reason etc.


I have seen many outrageous claims about my character on KSF Discord, all kinds of horrible lies, and even hatred against innate biological characteristics such as autism, which gets very close to resembling racism/eugenics since autism, at least childhood autism, is genetic.

I can tolerate much of this because I do in general believe people should be allowed to speak about everything, but ...

The worst I had seen yet was that I had sent death threats to a person called Simex. I want for once and all to put this defamation to the grave because this is very serious. Death threats are equivalent to violence and illegal in every single country on earth.

I have tried to dismiss this but whenever I join KSF Discord to reply to these awful things that are said about me, I get banned (ban deletes messages).

So this is a public statement where I for once and all stress that I have never threatened Simex. Simex lied to me about something which he even admitted himself.
So I was extremely mad (not only because of that though) at him so I wrote some lines about how he should kill himself (expressing the wish of his death, like an extended version of "kill yourself" which even KSF admins have done, e.g., Deadeye to Beetle) and, by the way, I did it privately, thus I could impossibly encourage violence. I apologized for my horrible utterances, but Simex kept talking about the incident in a way that didn't present the complete picture of what happened (the whole context is also very complex), thus he lied again so I withdraw my apology.

The big lie was that I sent death threats to him which has been carried forward to this day in the community and in KSF Discord.

For once and all, I have not. And if this post gets deleted, some people can anticipate a lawsuit for defamation because I will not accept the fact that I'm being exhibited as a violent criminal. I will not accept this why I also chose to carry my IRL name in this post.

My only demand is that this post stands - else I'm looking forward to seeing what legal means I can take into use.

02-16-2021, 02:00 PM
You withdrew your apology.
I have not lied to you, for the 3rd fucking time.
You havent justified your actions, only admitted to them.
Who exactly are you calling out for this defamation?
In no way are you using your ban as an excuse for not having "evidence".
You knew you would get banned, but proceeded to say horrible things.
It is only your fault that you are banned permanantly.
You are just saying that people have done stuff without any proof. So there is no way for us to know if you are lying, which you were in the case of me lying to you.
Dont fucking ignore my message again.

02-16-2021, 02:06 PM
[B]Since I can't go into KSF Discord,

So you can go into the KSF discord, and you can screenshot them. You've been banned many times throughout the years, most recently for playing on an alt account and also for harassing members of the community. Your discord ban is justified. You spread so much hate yet expect nobody to hate you back.

I haven't ignored any of your examples. You haven't provided any of the proof I've asked for, especially in relation to the death threats. From the way you're speaking, these allegations took place in the KSF discord. How would you know if you weren't there to see them? Maybe someone told you, then ask them to screenshot the evidence. It seems to me that you're the one who can't defend yourself. You keep giving examples of incidents that have no correlation with your actions.

02-16-2021, 02:11 PM
So where is the proof that I have sent death threats?

I knew I would get banned? For what?

I don't have proof of you lying about not being involved because I don't have access to the Danish Discord any longer. Even though if it actually was not a lie and that I had lied to Redvenom, Gmmbearz, Mausi and all my good friends, then it wouldn't have mattered a lot. So you lied about not being involved in a decision. Okay, I don't see that can hurt your reputation fundamentally. This can by no means be compared to be exhibited as a violent criminal.

This is what it is all about. I have not sent death threats for once and all. And yeah, act like "where is your evidence for that?". Well, if we actually imagine it is a lie. If we ultimately stretch it that far and give absolutely no credibility to my assertions, then why didn't Sam at least take it seriously when I told him about it? I told Sam about it in his PM; he replied "Happy Valentines" which made me laugh tbh, but at the other hand it was amaeturish. If I was informed about such defamation in my own community I would have immediately checked it and dealt with it profesionally instead of joking about it with a mocking manner.

02-16-2021, 02:20 PM
"E.g. Sony saying that most of the sc's in my video are not mine, that's the same as implying 52 sc's are not mine and we even have 36 video clips of them. That's one example.
Also, Therapist was wrong with a lot of what said - but right about a lot of other things and which I highly respect.

Tyler not giving a truthful picture of what happened on Momentum Discord when Tyler was banned.

You talking about when I got furious at Simex and Sam."

Stevo, you have to provide evidence that I have spread hate. I have never spread hate. That's pure bullshit. I have been banned without reason thousand of times. The first time was because Sacred deleted one of my wrcps without a valid reason which I even tested with hammer editor, so I complaint very persistently about it.

Stevo I could join Discord because I made a new account. I commented on the allegations - I was immediately banned. Why don't you take it seriously when you are informed about straight-out libel on your community? Why do you just ridicule it and ban people?

02-16-2021, 02:22 PM
(sorry I made a lot of edits in my recent post)

02-16-2021, 02:23 PM

02-16-2021, 02:23 PM
You do have access to the danish discord Jabra. You left it yourself, and my latest message to you was the invitation to the discord which you had asked for.
Stop going around it, stop spreading false information. And stop blaming people for doing something without any proof. Stop coming back to ksf. You hate us, and we hate you. Move the fuck on, and never come back.

02-16-2021, 02:28 PM
Thanks. You have pretty much ignored everything I have said. I feel like I'm done here. Simex that account is deleted.

02-16-2021, 02:29 PM
Also, this post have served its purpose.

02-16-2021, 02:31 PM
Thank fuck, see you in another 2 months when you find a new reason to come back I guess

02-16-2021, 02:34 PM
So the purpose was attention, lol fucking knew it. Cant wait till you come crying back in a few months again. Actually I can, pls dont.

02-16-2021, 04:11 PM
Now when I'm done with my main mission, proving that KSF doesn't deal with defamation, even though being informed - rahter promoting it if anything, though that can't be directly proved because they exclude their victims.

I wanna comment on you Stevo. You are claiming that I spread hate, whilst having no evidence. But this is from you:

"If I didn't care I'd ban everyone who rubbed me the wrong way and abuse all I want."

literally today you kicked a guy because he had 15 question marks in his name, and it's not like the guy spammed the chat or anything, he mostly responded to your ridiculous complaints. isn't that exactly what is personally rubbing you the wrong way? no one else was complaining about his name.

what do you mean no one complained, I complained and your response was this

*SPEC* [PRO] weiss : how are we still on this map
[κѕғ] stevo : some idiot setnext

*SPEC* [PRO] weiss : admin who cant follow the rules, sick admins on this server
[κѕғ] stevo : evolv and untouch don't do anything lmao
[κѕғ] stevo : weiss
*SPEC* [PRO] weiss : yew
[κѕғ] stevo : nobody has ever properly followed the rules
[κѕғ] stevo : it's ksf

*SPEC* [PRO] weiss : i can see that
[Mentat] MuadDib : yeah weiss
*SPEC* [PRO] weiss : doesnt make it less dumb

[κѕғ] stevo : doesn't mean it's gonna change either
[κѕғ] stevo : VOTEBAN
stevo voted to ban weiss
Votes required 2/19
*SPEC* [PRO] weiss : and doesnt make the people who abuse their powers any better
[κѕғ] stevo : can't beat em join em

you're basically admitting you're not following the rules and you can do whatever you want, you're also encouraging all the people on the server to act the same way. so the message I got was "buy vip and abuse it, everyone does it"




There is more. I wonder how much remorse you have from spreading hate.

02-16-2021, 05:02 PM
E.g. Sony saying that most of the sc's in my video are not mine, that's the same as implying 52 sc's are not mine and we even have 36 video clips of them. That's one example.
Also, Therapist was wrong with a lot of what said - but right about a lot of other things and which I highly respect.

I would like a public retraction of this statement, Jabra. That is NOT what I said.

Here is what I said:

"i do not think he came up with every single one of those routes."

Here is the proof:


So, I demand a retraction, and public apology for spreading these lies. Thank you.

02-16-2021, 05:09 PM
I would like a public retraction of this statement, Jabra. That is NOT what I said.

Here is what I said:

"i do not think he came up with every single one of those routes."

Here is the proof:


So, I demand a retraction, and public apology for spreading these lies. Thank you.

I don't wanna get lost in detail. Stevo asked you to post my movie, you denied it because you said "most of these didn't he even found".

It's obviously hard to discuss when I'm excluded from the place of evidence, you can cherry-pick as much as you want. You can also delete everything.

And that's one of the problems with you guys. You talk about conflicts and then exclude one of the parties from being heard which the conflict is revolving around and paint whatever picture you want of that person. You don't care about hearing both sides of things that happened. That's utterly disgusting and immoral. I'm not here to get involved in KSF. I'm here because you have involved me. Stop involving me.

02-16-2021, 05:14 PM
Damn Sony we're forcing him to be here :/

02-16-2021, 05:14 PM
And never really leave the community :/

02-16-2021, 05:14 PM
Even Sony if I am wrong about that I would never ever exclude you from being heard. But that's how you behave

"Stevo I could join Discord because I made a new account. I commented on the allegations - I was immediately banned. Why don't you take it seriously when you are informed about straight-out libel on your community? Why do you just ridicule it and ban people?"

I'm pretty sure it was you who banned me here, Soney.

And about Sam I wrote

"And yeah, act like "where is your evidence for that?". Well, if we actually imagine it is a lie. If we ultimately stretch it that far and give absolutely no credibility to my assertions, then why didn't Sam at least take it seriously when I told him about it? I told Sam about it in his PM; he replied "Happy Valentines" which made me laugh tbh, but at the other hand it was amaeturish. If I was informed about such defamation in my own community I would have immediately checked it and dealt with it profesionally instead of joking about it with a mocking manner."

And lastly, don't compare being accused of lying about how many routes that were mine in that video compared to be hanged out as a violent criminal

02-16-2021, 05:15 PM
Ever :/

02-16-2021, 05:17 PM
Leave me for once and all from your disgusting hate - and I would be miles away by now.

02-16-2021, 06:03 PM
Soney baloney

02-16-2021, 06:16 PM
I find it funny that the one claiming others to have a "hatred against innate biological characteristics such as autism" is the same person that is calling others retarded xd This man can't go 2 sentences without contradicting himself

02-16-2021, 06:30 PM
This guy is a genius. He pretty much ignored every single point I made and focused on some completely insignificant part of what this post is all about.

I have never mocked a retarded, but used it to describe a disqualified utterance - which literally thousands of people on the internet do everyday. You can discuss how appropriate it is, surely.

People have not just used autism in a negatively charged way, they have used it against me who has publicly revealed I have autism (because it seemed that it had been leaked so once I decided just to say it publicly on Momentum Discord). This is completely incomparable.

Edit: Looking back at this part. It was kinda weird that this guy pointed this out whilst one of his own leaders from KSF Clan used to call himself Retarded as a meme name on Reddit and still does. Actually that is the guy called Sam lmfao https://www.reddit.com/user/Retarded_irl/

02-16-2021, 06:35 PM
This guy is a genius. He pretty much ignored every single point I made and focused on some completely insignificant part of what this post is all about.

I couldn't care less about the rest of this thread as I'd be reiterating what everyone else has already said to you, keep telling kids to kill themselves xoxo

02-16-2021, 06:40 PM
Great, because then I should reiterate what I had already replied to them. Bye.

02-16-2021, 06:40 PM
Neither of the examples you posted involve spreading hate. Like I've stated many times throughout this thread, those actions aren't tolerated anymore from any vip or admin. Most people change, you haven't.

In terms of examples of you spreading hate, the surfer hate list you made is all the evidence I need. I could post screenshots of your interactions with simex, sam, and your various heated arguments in the discord and on the forums over the years, but at this point I don't think it's necessary.

02-16-2021, 06:52 PM
What should I change, lol? Give me an example. You have never ever apologized for your misdeeds. You just casually skip over them and say "that doesn't happen any longer".
You have never ever shown remorse for those times. Synki has never ever shown remorse. Skandy has never ever shown remorse. I can go on.

I didn't spread my list. My list was leaked from the Danish Discord, lmfao. So that's an example of one of your KSF members spreading hate. Oliver or Simex I assume?

edit: I wrote more about the hate list later in the thread. Today I figured out that I even myself said back when I wrote it that the hate list was for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously, but that context was not included by the guy that spread it, whoever it was, prob., Oliver, Simex, or Proga. The reason why the hate list became a thing was because Paragon pinned it on the Danish Discord, and really nor Paragon or me thought it was a problem because as I have said, I had marked it for fun. I was writing about everything between heaven and earth on the Danish Discord, so yes, if you do that, you are eventually gonna slip controversial stuff out. Despite of that, I was still aware enough to mark it for fun.

Talking about lengthy lists, I have on the other hand also written the lengthiest love list in the surf community. https://youtu.be/HSEtjdCfk4A?t=765
No, no, let's not talk about that, doesn't fit into the narrative. And let's not talk about the way that KSF never credit the mappers on Youtube that indirectly create all their Youtube content. Only I do because I'm such a toxic person.

So once again, everything has been deprived of context with regards to that case. Just like we know KSF. Defamation and lies as usual.

It does involve spreading hate to abuse one's power. In each of these heated arguments I'm presenting totally valid points. That's not spreading hate. That's arguing passionately for something. What triggered those heated discussions on KSF forums? That was admin abuse. So no I didn't spread hate, I complain about an issue, I cared about an issue, I argued in order to tackle an issue. That is not spreading hate.

You are literally the only people who have spread hate. Especially about me. We have a whole section of you spreading hate (ofc. not every of these threads are valid), much of this hate have you never shown remorse for and never been punished for.

Why do you continue with this. You keep finding new shit to talk about because you can't defend yourself and whatever shit you find I can use against yourself.

02-16-2021, 07:10 PM
I have shown remorse. Can you prove otherwise? No, I guess not.
Nobody leaked your hate list, you posted it. Can you prove otherwise?
This is why evidence is necessary. You still haven't provided any. You've already made countless alt accounts to join the ksf discord. What's to stop you from doing it again?

Does caring about an issue necessitate actual hate speech? https://gyazo.com/0500f953b355212c89f8ea3c9e1689a5
The screenshot above is an example of hate speech regardless of whether you were insulted first.

In the context of the 'admin abuse' you posted above, it doesn't. You mentioned cherry-picking in your earlier post, that's what you're doing now. You've only provided screenshots of events that happened years ago, and as I said, KSF has changed. This entire thread was made because of something that never happened. I'm continuing this because you continue to contradict yourself.

02-16-2021, 07:50 PM
edit 21. february when I asked mr.gmmbearz

well i cant remember him saying sorry to me
maybe he did though

Edit 24. February when I asked Weiss : https://imgur.com/a/jjaPuOt

Edit 19. april: To anyone who actually think I'm a racist, check this https://imgur.com/a/bI5bvhI and check the first post on page 9 as well

You didn't apologize to me. That's already a prove so why would I trust you? Obviously, you have never shown remorse. I talked with Gmmbearz about one of these incidents that he was involved in. He didn't tell me about any apology and we are good friends. You are definitely lying. Should we ask Weiss?

Surely, that's not appropriate. But you completely ignore the time this was written in. Just looking at the first thread where Beetle complained about racism that KSF members were involved in.



It's also funny you use that example. Because who introduced "muslims" in that debate? That was one of your KSF members. How many KSF members liked that comment? Well, look here.


Again. It is you KSF members who spread hate. I merely adopted what seemed appropriate in the discussion.

Don't say that I was somewhat responsible for this culture.

You say that I have never provided evidence for anything. I have answered this before. It's not even the necessary point of this thread. Why do I have to repeat myself?

Where is your evidence for that?". Well, if we actually imagine it is a lie. If we ultimately stretch it that far and give absolutely no credibility to my assertions, then why didn't Sam at least take it seriously when I told him about it? I told Sam about it in his PM; he replied "Happy Valentines" which made me laugh tbh, but at the other hand it was amaeturish. If I was informed about such defamation in my own community I would have immediately checked it and dealt with it profesionally instead of joking about it with a mocking manner.

Is Sam now going to deny that I wrote to him? Lmfao. I have deleted my conversation with him. I have this at least.


Stevo I could join Discord because I made a new account. I commented on the allegations - I was immediately banned. Why don't you take it seriously when you are informed about straight-out libel on your community? Why do you just ridicule it and ban people?

Are you going to deny that as well? There were many eyewitnesses that day. https://imgur.com/a/A5xtP6J

Nobody leaked my hate list? Are you absolutely insane? Why should I even prove that? You accuse me of spreading it, that's your task lmfao.

So once again. You bring hate speech up. I put it back in your face. Just continue with this, Stevo.

Discord gives IP ban.

02-16-2021, 08:07 PM
Apologize to you for what exactly? I'm friends with bearz too. Perhaps he neglected to mention it because you didn't ask. I've talked to weiss a number of times since then. I believe I did apologize, but it's been years. You still can't provide evidence which states otherwise.

Beetle did complain about racism and harassment, and as a direct result of that KSF has changed for the better. Just because that behavior was commonplace back then doesn't mean you had to take part in it. I'm not denying that ksf members have spread hate in the past, I'm saying that you have and continue to do so. Repeating myself again, ksf has changed. Those people were removed from ksf because of their actions.

Evidence is necessary because you're threatening legal action. Of course you have none, so that would never happen.

You've made countless alts which have been banned before. An IP ban isn't an excuse. Just join the discord without interacting with anyone and search for your proof. Nothing is stopping you.

02-16-2021, 08:18 PM
Admin abusing me on numerous occasions. Even if that is true, Stevo, it's kinda word against words. But I have at least now got you to admit what you have done is wrong - thank you :) Good job. That you had admin abused. Admin abusing necessarily entails spreading hate, and you are amusingly accusing me of spreading hate.
You talk about the "historic past" that KSF went away from, but yet you use that historic past to pinpoint my examples of hate - hate that was encouraged by colleagues from your own clan. That's pretty amusing.

I wrote already on the second page that my goal was not legal actions. I don't wanna repeat myself again and again.

I can't join the Discord when I'm banned. I can't just create a new account because they work as IP bans.

02-16-2021, 08:20 PM
I stressed my final point. It is not about providing evidence just. You can deny this. Obviously evidence matters. But I warned you about this and did nothing about it. I warned Sam, I wrote on KSF Discord. I was ridiculed and banned as usually. Thus I can conclude that KSF don't take libel seriously.

02-16-2021, 08:26 PM
If you're referring to me banning you 5 years ago, it was to stop you from abusing your own admin abilities.

I've done a lot of things on ksf in the past that I regret. I was young and less mature.

I don't know how you haven't realised, but I've been using past examples to 'pintpoint examples of hate' to show how little you've changed, and how much ksf and its community members have.

02-16-2021, 08:41 PM
Alright fine.

And I will also admit what I did back then was immature. There was admin abuse, I had a point, but the way I tackled it was wrong and also abusive.

But it was by no means comparable with the unconditional admin abuse for the sheer gratification of lust that some KSF members participated in.

e: And to the reader, I was kicked from the clan and permanently banned from KSF, and socially excluded. But the real admin abusers were never punished.

You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then :) But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up.
https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread.php?5515-Tommy-evading&p=21863#post21863 This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all

02-17-2021, 03:10 AM
Note I have edited the post above numerous times. I guess I'm done. I don't think there is more to it. I apologize, Simex. Bye.

02-17-2021, 08:37 AM
I feel obliged to side with Mr Viera here, even though he is obviously bat shit crazy but 10 vs 1 doesn't feel right. WE ARE TAKING YALL NERDS TO COURT LAWYER UP BITCHES

02-17-2021, 09:03 AM
Hello real person who is definitely not an alt account of Jabra, interesting you joined just this month, have only this post and write exactly like Jabra

Do you find it unbelievable that Jabra has friends? And admin/mod should surely be able to differ Jabra and my IP from each other, since I'm not behind proxy or VPN.
Otherwise you can pm me, and I'll give you my username on the discord, and I can reveal my real identity. Which would be hard to fake, since I'm quite a known gaming personality, with my own community with over 40.0000 members, an mod on another 200.000+

Jabra told me he posted on KSF, so I just went to check it out. And I hard a hard time not to get a bit fired up. I'm on ksf discord and other surf discords too. As a surfer from the era back when xdream was alive. I just think it's fun watching how the surf community is thriving. Even though I'm completely lacking in skills compared to this era's surfers.
I also had some business interest in KSF. As a person who own a payment solution, which could give KSF the option to accept donations and vip payments, in the payment methods: csgo skins, stripe, alipay, crypto, multibanco, ideal, sofort and more, instead of only offering PayPal. But well seems like KSF isn't that serious of a project, after all.

I don't like racist people who would mock someone for their genetics. I don't get why Jabra is even excusing, people with the morals to trash someone for his genetics, wouldn't bother me if they stopped breathing. But I also don't get why he would make this thread in the first place. I would personally just had filed a police report against Simex. It's illegal for him here in Denmark to say someone has given him death threats, without the courts word for it. You all seem very uncivil like animals in my perspective, somewhat arguing defamation is alright against Jabra due to his back story. I thought the ban was his punishment. But seems like defaming him for life, is his punishment.

Idk what Jabra has done in entirety. Their isn't any evidence anywhere public. He sure sounds like an annoyance to you. But with so little evidence public, it kinda makes you all laughable. In the discord you even often use him as a scapegoat for a variation of shit, like when the server had down-time for a bit a few days ago.

I just don't get why you ban a person and then keep trashing him on the internet, and then get shocked when he pop up to defend himself. You all seem quite eager to make a huge debate out of it. I guess it's somehow an enjoyment to you. You actually do want him to come back for once in a while to challenge your intellect, or something. When I perm ban people in my community, I also ensure they aren't mentioned again, as things then shortly settle down. I can then live in peace from the person.

The only reply you had needed was for his thread was: "Hello Jabra, yes we will stop spreading lies about you threating to murder people, we didn't think it bothered you, bye bye" - the end.
But suddenly something so simple was made into a big huge ass debate, with lots of whataboutism crap.

02-17-2021, 11:05 AM
Wtf I hate ksf now

02-18-2021, 01:25 PM
I really wish Xilanem and Jabra would stop sending me death threats :(

02-18-2021, 01:31 PM
Down with sam


02-18-2021, 01:50 PM
There is plenty of evidence agaisnt jabra.
I don't think anyone has really spoken to jabra in ksf for over half a year, he is the one seeking the attention and the debate.
If you would like, could we speak in private? You seem surprisingly invested in this, and seems to only have Jabras side of the story.
My discord is emil#5868.

02-18-2021, 01:52 PM
There is plenty of evidence agaisnt jabra.
I don't think anyone has really spoken to jabra in ksf for over half a year, he is the one seeking the attention and the debate.
If you would like, could we speak in private? You seem surprisingly invested in this, and seems to only have Jabras side of the story.
My discord is emil#5868.

can u stream please

02-18-2021, 01:54 PM
No can do. I can only stream every second week cause divorced parents = only 1 good pc :/

02-18-2021, 02:02 PM
Hearing your stories? He has access to KSF Discord. Don't you think he had heard enough of your stories already? Did you even know why I was banned in the summer? How many were even introduced to my point I wanted to make?

It all started with I heard about whoknows_ksf settings were changed, consequentially, all former times were outdated on a pretty competitive map. I typed many messages about this issue on the Danish Discord. I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you". No one really took it seriously on the Danish Discord, so as last resort I went on KSF Discord and complaint about this, especially KSF lacking procedures to change settings on maps once they have already been released.

One of the problems was that Simex who had WR interests in the map was the same guy who asked the top10 holders whether it would be fine to change the settings. This entails an obvious conflict of interest, group pressure, and so on. Top10 holders have to be able to approve/disapprove anonymously and the guy responsible for collecting their approvals/disapprovals should be impartial.

You say you have evidence. I just had a long conversation with Stevo where he had a chance of presenting my hate. It came out as I was the one who presented KSF's hate, lmfao. He didn't present any proper examples. I don't want you to fucking PM my friends and once again try to exclude me and tell a biased version of stories. You can write here. You have never presented me with any evidence. Yes, I sent hate to you - hate initiated by Sam especially. So that's again pointing back to not just a KSF member - but a KSF manager. Even if you have, who the heck are you to put yourself in a position to judge my hate, lmfao.
I have never done anything as disgusting as abusing my power for the sheer gratification of lust or bullied people or anything like that. I have said many stupid things in frustration probably.


You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up.
https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread...1863#post21863 This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all

I don't want you to ignore this, so I reposted it.

02-18-2021, 02:21 PM
I didnt ignore it, but you keep lying about me, and apperently to your friends aswell. I'd rather hear what they have heard from you. Your friend seem to think the best for you would be to contact the police. That actually scares me. If you spread false information to people, so they think its fine to call the fucking police on me, that scares me. Thats why I would like to talk to your friend there.

02-18-2021, 02:57 PM
There is plenty of evidence agaisnt jabra.
I don't think anyone has really spoken to jabra in ksf for over half a year, he is the one seeking the attention and the debate.
If you would like, could we speak in private? You seem surprisingly invested in this, and seems to only have Jabras side of the story.
My discord is emil#5868.

So you don't expect a person who is used as a scapegoat and on weekly basis getting trashed on your discord, and prolly on the in-game chat / voice cheat as well. Not to defend himself? If you had common knownledge you would also know people with austism is overly sensitive. Making it even more troublesome for someone like him to just ignore it.

I don't get the point of talking in private, just prooves my point, that you like to speak ill of someone who is unable to defend himself.
I honestly don't care though, because I don't think he can have done anything which justifies he should be defamed for lifetime. Ye sure ban him, the ksf community is a private entity, which no one is entitled to, except for the owner. I just don't get what you get from continues defaming him. Other than an annoying guy coming back every once in a while to piss you all of on new.

KSF honestly seems like a gang of bullies which serves whoever owns it. I get it. Like said I own a community aswell, and could use it to defame whoever I would with my high sheep following aswell, and also did that 5-8 years back when I was younger, whenever someone tried to d-dos or whatever. Which I'm not proud of today, because it's just uncivil.
Last year I did fake cheat propaganda with my team to defame Valorant through twitter when it was released, which lots of media picked up on. Was a fun prank (2 of our team members is working at riot, so we had somewhat of a approval though) but well it prooves the power you have in a commnunity, when you are a bunch of high influencial people in a gang. Using such power to make life worse for a single person you don't like is an absolute waste and immature.

Well idk if he lied to me. I asked him if he knew something about the surf games getting made, out of interrest. He then told me about his post on KSF, as it seemed like some kind of misunderstanding had happened, where people thought he directly had threathened to kill you. He then told me he didn't but had been really furoius at you and given you a load of crap, but that he never threathened to kill you. I then looked at discord and could see that people had an interpretation that you have told them he directly threathened to kill you.
Which is a really serious accusation, honestly. To comfort him, I said oh calm down this Emil guy's surf look like bullshit anyway. Jabra than corrected me, and was like what video did you watch? Emil is really good. That pretty much sums up our conversation.

If Jabra one day were to apply for a job, and the company searched him up, found his linked gaming alias, and figured people went around and said he was threathening to murder people here and there, that would put Jabra in a really bad situation. That's why you use the legal system for such matters, and we have criminal laws against defaming.

I don't think it's so surprising I'm "invested". I have been lurking around for a lot, and heared Jabra's stories over the years and some of the KSF members stories provided on discord as well. Given that I was a surfer back in 2005-2008. Just good child memories to re-live, watching some of you guys surf vids and etc.
I just got pretty mad, when I realized people ridiculed him for his genetic disability as an autism. Stuff like that hurts me right at the heart. When he then said people accused him as threathening to kill people, I could stop myself from answering this thread.

02-18-2021, 03:31 PM
Dude, this is exactly why I wanted to speak to you. Cause now you are the one spreading false information.
Its not my server, I am just a member. I can't control what the other members or admins think, say or do. I can only act for my self in what I think is right.
I dont like speaking ill of someone who can't defend themself.
Jabra chose to permanently block me, and never speak to me again.
I only spoke of Jabra if I was asked about him, or if he joined the discord with an alt account.
Now, what defaming have I done exactly?
Who is saying that I have said, that Jabra sent me death threats?
And why do you instantly believe it without any proof?
This all happend 7-8 months ago, and I dont remember ever saying he threatened to kill me.
If you think I have ever said that, pls prove it so I can apoligize or smth.
Look, if I ever said that, it wasnt what I meant.
He didn't threaten to kill me. He just told me in detail how to kill my self along with 50+ other hate messages. All because I supported a map change.
Jabra has lied about what I did and in that way spread false information which has now resulted in threats of contacting the police.
I never had intentions of WR on surf_whoknows
It was never my idea to remove the maxvel on the map, it was Orson and Oli's idea, which I supported and brought to ksf.
I never lied about my part in bringing the idea to ksf, which Jabra said I did. I have also proved this, and can do it again if you would like.
I really don't care what Jabra thinks of ksf, bcs I know how he is as a person.
He likes making a big list of people he hate, and share it with his danish friends.
He likes to trashtalk people directly, and have told people to kill themselves.
He threatens people with lawsuits online without any proof, and without contacting the person in private first.
He lies and spreads false information online to make me look bad, and then tells his friends about it.
He calls it fraud when people don't agree with him.

I just don't want anything to do with Jabra because of this, and I don't care what problems he has with other people.
I just want him away from ksf, and thats about it.

If I am not being mentioned in a bad way anymore in this thread, I will happily leave it so you can get on with your actual point, with the people you have the actual problems with.

02-18-2021, 04:00 PM
He talks about KSF in general.

Supported? You were heavily involved and you told me you continuously contacted Sam about it in his PM. You were the guy who asked the top10-holders etc. You acted like you were not involved at all (not that you just hadn't made up the idea, but also that you were not involved really) and you made a second message where you elaborated upon your involvement. I do remember it, but I don't have access to the Discord.

I didn't write 50 lines about it either. I do remember it. I started acting nice and saying "it was okay you were involved" and so on. But it escalated somewhat after Sam admin abused me and because you didn't reply in 12 hours, maybe you were working, maybe you didn't have time (obv. it's not an excuse). The guy to blame and the guy who started all this is Sam (but I'm still to blame for the hate I sent you). He also banned Morning without a warning or anything. I don't think you did anything really wrong, Simex. I even wrote a second message on the Danish Discord where I acknowledged that you had asked top10 holders about their permission instead of just trying to enforce it single-handedly.

I don't hate you, Simex. My friend did actually tell me that your surf looked unsmooth to make me comfy, but I couldn't get myself to admit that because you are prob. one of the smoothest surfers ever.

I didn't say that you said those accusations. I can't talk on my friend's behalf, but I guess he assumed that naturally because if you didn't then some friend must have twisted your words.

My hate list was posted in a Discord with 10 people. I didn't lie about them or anything. And I didn't spread it. That was I guess you or Oliver. I was ranting 24/7 on the Danish Discord about everything literally, religion, politics, philosophy, surf, how I wanted to approach a muslim girl in Fakta, lmfao, and joked about everything. We all enjoyed it, and the Danish Discord pretty much died without me as far as I have heard from Jones. I never tried to exclude someone from being heard. And Paragon saved that list, not me. I wrote it though. Sometimes I crossed the line probably and I have worked at being cooler, but I never lied about anyone, never bullied anyone, I have always tried to defend the little man if anything. But just search "from ...:" on that discord and you will find that I wrote over 1000 messages in 2 months. Tbh. if I ever need to write an essay again for educational purposes I will just go there, because that Discord channel could provide me with essays for the rest of my life :)

I hope we can start to talk about the real abuse which I pointed out above.

He threatens people with lawsuits online without any proof, and without contacting the person in private first.

No, I have several times pointed out in this thread that I had tried to contact people, Simex.

Where is your evidence for that?". Well, if we actually imagine it is a lie. If we ultimately stretch it that far and give absolutely no credibility to my assertions, then why didn't Sam at least take it seriously when I told him about it? I told Sam about it in his PM; he replied "Happy Valentines" which made me laugh tbh, but at the other hand it was amaeturish. If I was informed about such defamation in my own community I would have immediately checked it and dealt with it profesionally instead of joking about it with a mocking manner.

Is Sam now going to deny that I wrote to him? Lmfao. I have deleted my conversation with him. I have this at least.


Stevo I could join Discord because I made a new account. I commented on the allegations - I was immediately banned. Why don't you take it seriously when you are informed about straight-out libel on your community? Why do you just ridicule it and ban people?

Are you going to deny that as well? There were many eyewitnesses that day. https://imgur.com/a/A5xtP6J

That's the whole issue, Simex.

Sam - and I believe Sony at first who banned me from KSF Discord (I'm not sure whether it was him). People immediately called him, bullied me and I was banned. I was trying to be sincere that day. I even used my IRL name - as I do now to express my sincerity.

Like I said.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are.

This is the problem. Otherwise it was funny to see you trying to make me look like someone who initiates hate - without providing any evidence

I provided evidence for KSF's hate. Lots of evidence. KSF is utterly corrupt and has been for a long time.

02-18-2021, 04:22 PM
Dude, this is exactly why I wanted to speak to you. Cause now you are the one spreading false information.
Its not my server, I am just a member. I can't control what the other members or admins think, say or do. I can only act for my self in what I think is right.
I dont like speaking ill of someone who can't defend themself.
Jabra chose to permanently block me, and never speak to me again.
I only spoke of Jabra if I was asked about him, or if he joined the discord with an alt account.
Now, what defaming have I done exactly?
Who is saying that I have said, that Jabra sent me death threats?
And why do you instantly believe it without any proof?
This all happend 7-8 months ago, and I dont remember ever saying he threatened to kill me.
If you think I have ever said that, pls prove it so I can apoligize or smth.
Look, if I ever said that, it wasnt what I meant.
He didn't threaten to kill me. He just told me in detail how to kill my self along with 50+ other hate messages. All because I supported a map change.
Jabra has lied about what I did and in that way spread false information which has now resulted in threats of contacting the police.
I never had intentions of WR on surf_whoknows
It was never my idea to remove the maxvel on the map, it was Orson and Oli's idea, which I supported and brought to ksf.
I never lied about my part in bringing the idea to ksf, which Jabra said I did. I have also proved this, and can do it again if you would like.
I really don't care what Jabra thinks of ksf, bcs I know how he is as a person.
He likes making a big list of people he hate, and share it with his danish friends.
He likes to trashtalk people directly, and have told people to kill themselves.
He threatens people with lawsuits online without any proof, and without contacting the person in private first.
He lies and spreads false information online to make me look bad, and then tells his friends about it.
He calls it fraud when people don't agree with him.

I just don't want anything to do with Jabra because of this, and I don't care what problems he has with other people.
I just want him away from ksf, and thats about it.

If I am not being mentioned in a bad way anymore in this thread, I will happily leave it so you can get on with your actual point, with the people you have the actual problems with.

Ye I know it's not your server, I just took you for being a ksf member.

Then I guess people are just misinterpreting what you told them happened back then. So that's good to hear, and clears up Jabra's point.
I didn't threathen with police report, was atleast not meaned that way. I just said it was a criminal offense, and I would personally report it, if I had the evidence. Like wise I would report anyone who threathened to kill me. I just find stuff like that very serious.

From what you say, it aligns pretty well with what Jabra has told, because it's just lots of disagreements though. But ye my point was not that you should align with his perspective and come to an agreement or anything.

I just wanted to make it clear that defaming Jabra by accusing him for threathening to kill someone is not fun (because it is in fact something people say) but very serious. Whether who and what reason caused such accusation. And I wanted to share my opinion that defaming someone constantly won't keep them away, as they'll be back to defend themself, whenever their tolerance is used up.
I didn't eventually take you for being one of thos defaming him in a public manner, because I don't recall you mentioning Jabra on Discord, it tends to be other people, idk what you do in private conversations, and I don't care. I'm not in a position where I can debate right or wrong. I just wanted to share my opinion.

But as you say you can only act and speak for yourself, and if someone misinterpret your intentions or stories, to something way worse, it's your job to ensure to correct them, for your own sake so it won't have consequences.

Like if I said to somene: This guy tried to steal my car once.
And that someone then begin to say: Hey I was told by *name* told me that *name* steals everyone's cars!
Then I would immediately tell that person to shut up, because before I know of it, everyone would think I said so, and it would be illegal for me to say so, and I don't like people deliberately misinterpreting my stories either.
Suddenly I would have been made the scapegoat to take the legal or social consequences, because someone else wanted to hurt the person. Whilst I just wanted to tell a story and move on.

02-18-2021, 05:04 PM
"Acting like I wasn't involved at all". No, I didn't, and also I never lied about it. This is all you making assumptions, and then publicly saying I lied. Wtf man?
Stop with the "I don't have access".
You can easily join ksf discord as you have done many times before with an alt account and search through whatever tf you want.
Also, you do also have access to the danish discord. You were the one that left it. I can send you the invite once again if that is what it takes to make you stop using that as an excuse.
There is over 50 lines in my dm from you. All of it is hate towards me.
Stop blaming the hate you sent towards me on other people, or your emotions. That doesnt just justify anything. I know you have apoligized for it, but then just stop blaming it on others.
Im finding it hard to believe, that your friend just "assumed" that I had said, you had sent death threats, and you still didnt say anything about it.
I never released the hate list thing, so stop saying that could be me.

And for the final fucking time. I don't care what problems you have with sam, sony, admins, owners, members or whole fucking ksf. I enjoy the community, and I know I can't trust you from all the lies youve spread about me in here. So don't send anymore of that to me pls. Im just here to clear myself from your lies, so i dont see anymore people saying you should contact the police on me. I hope you don't expect me to defend ksf for anything, since I really don't care what you think. Ksf is growing towards the better. No, it is far from perfect, but it is not my duty or job to clear up what other people did.
When I said you hadnt contacted a person before threatening with lawsuit online, I meant only myself.

02-18-2021, 05:10 PM
You say you have evidence. I just had a long conversation with Stevo where he had a chance of presenting my hate. It came out as I was the one who presented KSF's hate,

I didn't post any examples because you're delusional if you think you haven't. My point about hate was never about anyone else. It was about you, and yet again you tried to use examples of other people to justify it. Every discussion with you ultimately ends up with you insulting people in one way or another.

02-18-2021, 05:15 PM
How did you misinterprete, that I had said, that Jabra sent me death threats?
I never said you threatened with police report. I said, you think Jabra should do it.
"I didn't eventually take you for being one of thos defaming him in a public manner". Wtf, yes you did. This is what you said in your latest reply to me:
"I just don't get what you get from continues defaming him."
You legit asked me what the point was of me defaming him...

"it's your job to ensure to correct them, for your own sake so it won't have consequences". Yes, that is exactly what im doing, but that was not was Jabra did against me in here. That was spreading false information about me.

You also said this:
"I then looked at discord and could see that people had an interpretation that you have told them he directly threathened to kill you."
Who? and where?

02-18-2021, 05:16 PM
edit 5. march. This was also added to my first post and another post as well. It was figured out that Simex had indeed lied which happened on page 12.
It turned out that Simex also lied about not lying about it (Simex is ofc. also a KSF member).

He wrote:
Det var ikke min ide, jeg skrev kun besked for dem, men jeg synes også selv at mappet kunne være så meget bedre uden maxvel. Halvdelen af top10 er enige i at mappet kunne være bedre uden maxve, og den anden halvdel har vi ikke spurgt, da vi var næsten 100% sikre på at de ville have det på samme måde. Dette kan vi selvfølgelig ikke være sikre på dog.

Google translated
It was not my idea, I only wrote message for them, but I also think that the folder could be so much better without maxvel. Half of the top10 agree that the folder could be better without maxve, and the other half we did not ask as we were almost 100% sure they would have it the same way. Of course, we can not be sure of this though

He didn't only write for them. He continuously contacted Sam to keep the idea alive who continuously refused him. He clearly wrote for himself as well. I guess it was also only him who asked the top10 holders and not a "we", but I don't know about that. He also wrote a second message to elaborate on his involvement which he did tactically ignored when I mentioned it, but by doing that he amusingly also knew what message I was referring to because he could see my point.

He couldn't reply to this.

I did tell him, Simex, and I can send a screenshot in PM maybe. But it wasn't the point of his message.
And we have never wished to exclude you from being heard or anything. It doesn't matter what exactly was said. It's a minor thing. And I have never wished to exclude you from being heard to deny that - or wished to lie about it - or anything.

I think this shows why open debate and free speech is so important so we can correct each other and figure out what is up and down. I have pointed out a lot of issues about KSF and you can learn from this - or you can act like nothing is wrong about KSF like a communist regime. Once a time I started a debate on KSF Discord about the rank system, and we had a fruitful discussion and eventually me and another guy called "re" (I think one of the best surfers on CS:GO, apologize if I'm wrong) ended up not agreeing on the rank system model (that i proposed, and I don't agree with any longer myself), but that the map pool should be structured or something like that (we don't have time delve into that), and we came to agree together that our discussion had been useful and we had both learned something - and I added him as a friend. I did also once start a debate on Momentum which eventually had the result that Gocknak did so the code forced players to go through each zone in the right order.

Let's talk about what is the real issues. These that I wrote here. Excuse me my strong expressions


You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up.
https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread...1863#post21863 This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all

02-18-2021, 05:20 PM
I'm IP banned.

02-18-2021, 05:32 PM
You just ignored everything I said Jabra.
Only answer I got was that youre IP banned.

You once again just sent the same copy paste thing about ksf, and put exactly what I just told you not to put in there, there. Jabra, Im only here to talk about you and me, since you keep spreading lies about me, and I cant contact you anywhere else. This is the problem of doing this online with everyone to see.
Now please reply.


"Acting like I wasn't involved at all". No, I didn't, and also I never lied about it. This is all you making assumptions, and then publicly saying I lied. Wtf man?

There is over 50 lines in my dm from you. All of it is hate towards me.
Stop blaming the hate you sent towards me on other people, or your emotions. That doesnt just justify anything. I know you have apoligized for it, but then just stop blaming it on others.
Im finding it hard to believe, that your friend just "assumed" that I had said, you had sent death threats, and you still didnt say anything about it.
I never released the hate list thing, so stop saying that could be me.

And for the final fucking time. I don't care what problems you have with sam, sony, admins, owners, members or whole fucking ksf. I enjoy the community, and I know I can't trust you from all the lies youve spread about me in here. So don't send anymore of that to me pls. Im just here to clear myself from your lies, so i dont see anymore people saying you should contact the police on me. I hope you don't expect me to defend ksf for anything, since I really don't care what you think. Ksf is growing towards the better. No, it is far from perfect, but it is not my duty or job to clear up what other people did.
When I said you hadnt contacted a person before threatening with lawsuit online, I meant only myself.

02-18-2021, 05:43 PM
It's hard to comment at every single point. Stevo said I was spreading hate. I had shown him this was wrong. Indeed I had written some hateful things, but I hadn't spread hate. Hate was in all those instances he used actually spread by KSF members, amusingly, and then people acting hatefully in despair which you can see here as well when KSF and Sacred engage themself in victim-blaming - and then he replied (because of Masterbeta though) with the n-word. You have to include that context when you say people spread hate. I don't think Tommy is spreading hate here https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread.php?5515-Tommy-evading. He was reacting to hate. Still wasn't right what he said.
I don't excuse myself, Simex. I have said numerous times apologized. I don't know how fucking many times now that I regret what I wrote to you. I even apologized again if you didn't see it. I even said sweet things about you privately to my friend. I don't know what more I can do. I have not excluded you from anything. You say you didn't lie. But you can't prove that either since you easily could delete messages, and I don't have access to the Danish Discord. If you didn't lie, then I had misinterpreted it, and luckily we somewhat has free speech and we can talk about it here right? And no I don't put the burden of proof on you, I have the burden of proof, true.

I hope it is now your time to reply to this.


You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
Also, Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up.
https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread...1863#post21863 This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all

02-18-2021, 05:51 PM
That message has nothing to do with me, and youre still ignoring what I just told you.
Delete the fucking lies in that text. 3rd time Im saying this. I didnt share any list. And you dont have any proof of anything, so dont act like its objectivly the truth.
Its not my buisness to reply to any of that, since it really got nothing to do with what I did.
This is getting ridiculous, and the thread will most likely go down in the coming days.
I already said 2 times that I saw your apologi, but you still ignore it, and ask me if I even saw it??
Jabra, you really need to read what people are telling you, before just responding with the same crap.

02-18-2021, 05:56 PM
Edit 20. February: Simex did lie. He said he had only sent messages for Orison etc., but he continuously spammed Sam about it (I guess 3-5 times). So he didn't just send messages for them (maybe the first time). But afterward he sent messages by his own active will clearly. No, it isn't a big lie lol, but it is not the issue either.

I didn't say you spread it. I wrote "That was I guess you or Oliver". So now you are lying? Am I now to accuse you of lying and spamming this thread with tons of messages about you lying about me? I'm tired of these tactics. I want to talk about the real fucking issues, bullying, mocking autists etc. Yeah, I might skip shit sometimes, because I'm busy. And KSF still facilitated the spread of my list.
It is your business in some way. You are a member of KSF and have somewhat share in what KSF does. But no, I don't think you should deal with it. Rather top managers. So I will repeat it again. This time I'm being less tough in the end.


You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. But it was after I sent this "hate" that I was banned. I know that's the most racist thing you will ever read now.

It all started with I heard about whoknows_ksf settings were changed, consequentially, all former times were outdated on a pretty competitive map. I typed many messages about this issue on the Danish Discord. I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you". No one really took it seriously on the Danish Discord, so as last resort I went on KSF Discord and complaint about this, especially KSF lacking procedures to change settings on maps once they have already been released.

One of the problems was that Simex who had WR interests in the map was the same guy who asked the top10 holders whether it would be fine to change the settings. This entails an obvious conflict of interest, group pressure, and so on. Top10 holders have to be able to approve/disapprove anonymously and the guy responsible for collecting their approvals/disapprovals should be impartial.

After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up.
https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread...1863#post21863 This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly? I remember mr.gmmbearz being frustrated over not being heard and as he started to take more and more records and he once complained about something and was actually taking serious he was like "FINALLY THEY WANNA HEAR SOMETHING". Is this really how it should be that first once you are good you ar being heard?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him, seriously?

02-18-2021, 06:00 PM
What is your interpretation of spreading hate? You told multiple people to kill themselves. You have over the top reactions when anybody challenges you on a topic. I agree you have a lot of haters in the community, it's undeniable. If I could, I'd stop it, but you've built up a notorious reputation within the community because of your behaviour throughout the years. Even before this defamation incident, you'd pop up every few months and only further fuel the fire. If you can't understand why what you've said and done has garnered so much negativity towards you in the community, then I don't know what else to say to you.

02-18-2021, 06:01 PM
Sure. Bye and thanks for the evidence, and I'm sorry for my evidence.

02-18-2021, 06:05 PM
Also you lied. "Multiple people". Multiple means: "having or involving several parts, elements, or members. ". I told two people.
I hope we can stop it here. I think I have said enough.

02-18-2021, 06:10 PM
I didn't lie. Multiple is defined differently in different places, but the majority of English speakers know it to mean 'more than one'. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/multiple

02-18-2021, 06:13 PM
Oxford Dictionary has higher authority https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/multiple_1?q=multiple
Bye. And if we should make a descriptive analysis of it's usage, I don't think you could find a lot of support, lmfao.

02-18-2021, 06:18 PM
I didnt lie lol, you did. I told you it could not be me, and you resend the message as it could either be me or oliver, when you know it couldnt be me, thats a lie.
This fucking guy....

02-18-2021, 06:20 PM
I wrote: I guess. Also. Bye.

02-18-2021, 06:46 PM
Oxford Dictionary has higher authority https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/multiple_1?q=multiple
Bye. And if we should make a descriptive analysis of it's usage, I don't think you could find a lot of support, lmfao.

Why does Oxford hold higher authority? Merriam Webster's first edition was released in 1828. Oxford University Press didn't release the L to N volume of their dictionary until eighty years later in 1908!

02-18-2021, 07:00 PM
Even translates it into "many" on Google Translate ("mange" på dansk). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_English_Corpus I think it is based on this corpus, and just look at the context. Am I going to look through this corpus for you and show how the word isn't used like that in thousand of examples perhaps? I don't know if I bother to do that too. Just bye. I think enough has been said.

02-18-2021, 07:08 PM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_English_Corpus I think it is based on this corpus, and just look at the context. Am I going to look through this corpus for you and show how the word isn't used like that in thousand of examples perhaps? I don't know if I bother to do that too. Just bye. I think enough has been said.

I'm not denying what the definitions are in the sources provided. I'm just wondering why your source holds higher authority over the one Stevo provided. Because his source disproves your petty argument against Stevo?

02-18-2021, 07:14 PM
Do you want me to ask a researcher too? I know a bit about language and I know language researchers are more and more supportive of descriptive analysis of the language which is what Oxford uses and has the best ground for since they use the largest corpus in the world. Also, you have to consider the context. Please go away now. I'm not trying to argue this. This is what it is all about, Juxtapo. You have ignored this post for over 4 pages, I have responded to all your bullshit. It is about time you deal with it, but you have not dealt with one single point below, so I will keep posting it.

You haven't provided me any good examples of hate, but rather examples of reacting to hate where hate was evidently spread by KSF members. The way I handled my admin role back then was perhaps hate, but this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people which have tons of documentation of.

I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. I'm being nice though to explain you what I did, the most racist thing you will ever read.

It all started with I heard about whoknows_ksf settings were changed, consequentially, all former times were outdated on a pretty competitive map. I typed many messages about this issue on the Danish Discord. I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you". No one really took it seriously on the Danish Discord, so as last resort I went on KSF Discord and complaint about this, especially KSF lacking procedures to change settings on maps once they have already been released.

One of the problems was that Simex who had WR interests in the map was the same guy who asked the top10 holders whether it would be fine to change the settings. This entails an obvious conflict of interest, group pressure, and so on. Top10 holders have to be able to approve/disapprove anonymously and the guy responsible for collecting their approvals/disapprovals should be impartial.

After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex ultimately). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.

Also, KSF facilitating the spread of my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.

Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as a "new player". That is hate.

Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. But nah, he is also a liar, not like the only guy who isn't a sheep on KSF Discord. When even your manager participates in hate speech and racism, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture.

Quoting my friend Xilanem

I don't like racist people who would mock someone for their genetics. I don't get why Jabra is even excusing, people with the morals to trash someone for his genetics, wouldn't bother me if they stopped breathing.

I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself without any reason - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof.

https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread.php?5515-Tommy-evading This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

I remember mr.gmmbearz being frustrated over not being heard, but as he started to take more and more records and he once complained about something and was actually taking serious he was like "FINALLY THEY WANNA HEAR SOMETHING". Is this really how it should be that first once you are good you are being heard?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him. Nice

02-18-2021, 07:23 PM
Please go away now.

Yes sir

02-18-2021, 07:30 PM


02-18-2021, 09:12 PM

02-19-2021, 01:23 PM
dont mind me just farming louie likes


You haven't provided me any good examples of hate. I have for you now, the way I tackled my admin role back then But this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people. I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.
Also, I guess Simex or Oliver spreading my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.
Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as "new player". That is hate.
Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. When even your manager participates in hate speech, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture. I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof - especially when you brought it up.
https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread...1863#post21863 This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him like those fucking morally corrupt disgusting beings you are. Get out of my life now and put your disgusting hate aside for once and all

02-19-2021, 01:42 PM
Please use my newest version.

You have ignored this post for over 4 pages, I have responded to all your bullshit. It is about time you deal with it, but you have not dealt with one single point below, so I will keep posting it.

You haven't provided me any good examples of hate, but rather examples of reacting to hate where hate was evidently spread by KSF members. The way I handled my admin role back then was perhaps hate, but this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people which have tons of documentation ofI made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. I'm being nice though to explain you what I did, the most racist thing you will ever read.

It all started with I heard about whoknows_ksf settings were changed, consequentially, all former times were outdated on a pretty competitive map. I typed many messages about this issue on the Danish Discord. I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you". No one really took it seriously on the Danish Discord, so as last resort I went on KSF Discord and complaint about this, especially KSF lacking procedures to change settings on maps once they have already been released.

One of the problems was that Simex who had WR interests in the map was the same guy who asked the top10 holders whether it would be fine to change the settings. This entails an obvious conflict of interest, group pressure, and so on. Top10 holders have to be able to approve/disapprove anonymously and the guy responsible for collecting their approvals/disapprovals should be impartial.
After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex ultimately). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.

Also, KSF facilitating the spread of my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.

Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as a "new player". That is hate.

Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. But nah, he is also a liar, not like the only guy who isn't a sheep on KSF Discord. When even your manager participates in hate speech and racism, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture.

Quoting my friend Xilanem
I don't like racist people who would mock someone for their genetics. I don't get why Jabra is even excusing, people with the morals to trash someone for his genetics, wouldn't bother me if they stopped breathing.
I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself without any reason - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof.

https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread...-Tommy-evading This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

I remember mr.gmmbearz being frustrated over not being heard, but as he started to take more and more records and he once complained about something and was actually taking serious he was like "FINALLY THEY WANNA HEAR SOMETHING". Is this really how it should be that first once you are good you are being heard?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him. Nice

02-19-2021, 03:48 PM
You have ignored this post for over 4 pages, I have responded to all your bullshit. It is about time you deal with it, but you have not dealt with one single point below, so I will keep posting it.

Simex and I addressed and countered every point in there aside from the libel stuff. So you can just update it to that

02-19-2021, 03:58 PM
haha no you didn't, at all, so once again you lied xD There is also a lot of other shit you ignored on the first pages xD

02-19-2021, 03:58 PM
it's a waste of time here

02-19-2021, 04:01 PM
basically talking to sheeps

02-19-2021, 04:04 PM
please go study, stevo. i heard you were banned in order to focus on your studies. bb?

02-19-2021, 08:08 PM
Louieismyname <3

02-20-2021, 02:46 PM
And no, Simex, I'm not done with you yet.

He wrote:
Det var ikke min ide, jeg skrev kun besked for dem, men jeg synes også selv at mappet kunne være så meget bedre uden maxvel. Halvdelen af top10 er enige i at mappet kunne være bedre uden maxve, og den anden halvdel har vi ikke spurgt, da vi var næsten 100% sikre på at de ville have det på samme måde. Dette kan vi selvfølgelig ikke være sikre på dog.

Google translated
It was not my idea, I only wrote message for them, but I also think that the folder could be so much better without maxvel. Half of the top10 agree that the folder could be better without maxve, and the other half we did not ask as we were almost 100% sure they would have it the same way. Of course, we can not be sure of this though

He didn't only write for them, maybe the first time. He continuously contacted Sam to keep the idea alive who continuously refused him. He clearly wrote for himself as well. I guess it was also only him who asked the top10 holders and not a "we", but I don't know about that. He also wrote a second message to elaborate on his involvement which he has tactically ignored when I mentioned it, but by doing that he amusingly also knew what message I was referring to because he could see my point.

Also I won't let you, proud KSF members, miss this one (jeg håber du er stolt, Syfo)


You haven't provided me any good examples of hate, but rather examples of reacting to hate where hate was evidently spread by KSF members. The way I handled my admin role back then was perhaps hate, but this hate was also initially encouraged by other KSF members by admin abusing people which have tons of documentation of.

I made many good points back then. I introduced the concept of following a procedure. The concept of legal basis. I introduced the concept of an admin that protects people from admin abuse. I wasn't just being abusive by any means. If some of these concepts were applied back then, we would never have stood in this situation. In fact, the two first concepts are so fundamental that it is impossible to not have admin abuse on KSF (since they are not applied). Instead, you have banned 5 letters and act like you are morally superior. It's a fucking joke.

So I can't really see how I spread hate. What I did to Simex was hate, yeah. Sam abused his power which he still hasn't provided any argument for. Abusing one's power is hate. And no, I'm not to provide evidence for that, then you don't understand the concept of burden of proof. I'm being nice though to explain you what I did, the most racist thing you will ever read.

It all started with I heard about whoknows_ksf settings were changed, consequentially, all former times were outdated on a pretty competitive map. I typed many messages about this issue on the Danish Discord. I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you". No one really took it seriously on the Danish Discord, so as last resort I went on KSF Discord and complaint about this, especially KSF lacking procedures to change settings on maps once they have already been released.

One of the problems was that Simex who had WR interests in the map was the same guy who asked the top10 holders whether it would be fine to change the settings. This entails an obvious conflict of interest, group pressure, and so on. Top10 holders have to be able to approve/disapprove anonymously and the guy responsible for collecting their approvals/disapprovals should be impartial.
After that incident, I went insane. So that's again an example of KSF members initiating hate (which hit Simex ultimately). This is the conflict where you have totally excluded me from being heard which is utterly disgusting.

Also, KSF facilitating the spread of my list that was confidential on KSF Discord. Once again spreading hate - you got that one back, sorry bro.

Sunday falsely reporting newcomers' records - ask Gmmbearz. I experienced it myself when I played under my alt account as a "new player". That is hate.

Sam trashtalks my autism - that is hate. Ask Otter, he has also criticized this which I think was cool. But nah, he is also a liar, not like the only guy who isn't a sheep on KSF Discord. When even your manager participates in hate speech and racism, how do you think that sets the example for the "non-toxic culture of KSF"? It is basic organization theory that managers set the example for an organization's culture.

Quoting my friend Xilanem
I don't like racist people who would mock someone for their genetics. I don't get why Jabra is even excusing, people with the morals to trash someone for his genetics, wouldn't bother me if they stopped breathing.
I have been banned at KSF at numerous occasions for defending myself without any reason - that's hate. And no, don't say I don't have evidence, don't goddamn reverse the burden of proof.

https://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread.php?5515-Tommy-evading This is in 2019 less than 2 years ago where Masterbeta admin abuses, and then his victim acts in frustration and say something stupid, but it's only the victim's fault apparently, KSF members say nothing to Mastabeta who initiated the fight. You blatantly admin abused (or supported) a victim, apparent for everyone, for less than 2 years ago (just imagine all the shit that happens in the discrete) without the least fucking expression of empathy for the victim - and you guys are trying to convince me you changed? That's another one of your top managers being involved in abuse, Sacred. Again a good guy to set a great example for the non-toxic culture on KSF and who have shown a lot of remorse privately probably; maybe it is also about time to do so publicly?

I remember mr.gmmbearz being frustrated over not being heard, but as he started to take more and more records and he once complained about something and was actually taking serious he was like "FINALLY THEY WANNA HEAR SOMETHING". Is this really how it should be that first once you are good you are being heard?

All this shit is recently so I still don't understand why you act like you have the moral high ground? You don't fucking. Get out.

I still haven't seen a reply to why KSF doesn't take libel seriously when they were warned about it BEFORE THIS THREAD? Isn't it hate to ban and exclude someone from the possibility for dissociating himself from sending threats? Regardless of whether those accuses were sent, your first mission as a professional organization should be to examine them after my inquiry. But you rather exclude that guy and silence him and bully him. Nice

02-20-2021, 03:53 PM

02-20-2021, 04:54 PM
This guy still going lol? How many times has he said he was done?
Jabra, youre a waste of time, and I really don't care anymore. Im done here :)

02-20-2021, 04:55 PM

02-21-2021, 11:25 AM

02-23-2021, 11:55 AM

02-23-2021, 01:56 PM
we are not done yet, but congratulation on your achievement Louieismyname has reached 100 Thanks Given!, Louieismyname :)

02-23-2021, 02:13 PM
this some juicy new ksf drama? noice

02-24-2021, 12:07 AM
more to come soon

02-24-2021, 11:05 AM
So I got help from a friend in yesterday who didn't have much time sadly. It did ofc. turn out what I said was true.
It was written that I had sent a death threat and it was taken for granted.


Why did you have to deny it? Why didn't you bother to search it up yourself? Yeah, it was my job in some way, but I was banned by you.
In the hindsight it seems ridicilous for people that I hadn't screenshotted this.
Well, the reason I didn't screenshot it was ofc. that I was banned (works as IP ban too), but neither did I expect that people would actually deny this.
But well, it's KSF, just learn to expect the worst.

Why didn't anyone testify it? Does KSF find it funny that a person they dislike is exhibited as a violent criminal?
I can see there are KSF members here, e.g. Mako, and a lot of KSF members follow the conversations on KSF Discord. I know it was said in another conversation too by a KSF member, but the message was deleted by the user.
Prob. in private conversations as well (but obviously I can't know). No one testifies anything? How come? Everyone hates me ofc.! No, but many people from KSF clan and their friends hate me, yeah.
I mean surely KSF is a non-toxic community where people can talk openly about problems without any group pressure or social exclusion if they speak against "consensus"?
It isn't like whenever someone challenges their views, they are trying to exlcude that person from a community?

Simex lied about his involvement (as seen on page 12, also added to my first post), he lied about what happened when he told people about the event (didn't present the full picture by any means), and he lied that he didn't lie. He didn't apologize, but I did, great guy.

I can also reveal now that Stevo's apologies leave a remarkable impression on his victims.

https://imgur.com/a/jjaPuOt (Weiss)

Stevo told me, he apologized to you
for admin abuse
Is it true?

[onsdag 17.45]
it was like 4 years ago
I remember I made a thread about it, and everyone just laughed it off
don't remember an apology

[onsdag 17.45]
thanks man

mr.gmmbearz directly [16.44]
well i cant remember him saying sorry to me
maybe he did though

So who doesn't lie in this clan?

KSF, you didn't reply to why my Calamity wrcp was deleted. I didn't utilize the "extended spawn zone" (didn't know about it until Syfo showd me), but I assume you have some technical evidence that proves I lagged it? I know I was happy for the wrcp and therefore I went on Source TV to check it and at least I couldn't see any with my eyes.

And why don't you have terms and conditions when paying for VIP? I know you have admin abused plenty of VIPS without it had any basis in terms and conditions. I don't even think it's legal - or maybe that's the trick to call it "donation" so you can slip away legally?

Are KSF scammers? I think Bocuma had VIP in 2016 when he was abused as a 14/15 year old. I brought up child abuse and I was probably right.
KSF seems to be a clan full of child abusers. Mr.gmmbearz was also below 15 when he was abused. And looking at Stevo, it is not my impression that they ever wanna apologize.

It's also funny to see how Bocuma, a guy with a very high IQ (e.g. casually learns whatever language he sets him for [maybe exxagerating] in the age of 16), went to the Momentum Project in 2016 helping them out pretty much after he was admin abused. (Btw, I don't speak on Bocuma's behalf)
You surely know how to attract brain to KSF. Not to forget Crash Fort.

Well the thing is. This community is full of liars. It holds no credibility. Records are useless without credibility. They delete records, probably also cheat records.

They seem to accept rngfix cases whenever it accommodates KSF members (e.g. omnific s16 ramp2, dynamics_fixed, etc.). Valid records from new surfers (outside KSF) get attacked. Do I have evidence for this? Yes, I do. I have heard it from gmmbearz, and I experienced it myself when I was alting (which I also wanted to reveal) and before any have had the slightest clue that I was Jabra. Can I prove my experience? Somewhat. I had to buy vip to "re-report" the false reports made by Sunday.
Here is my documentation that I had to buy VIP:


With regards to calamity, fuck it. Delete my few remaining or hunt them please and replace them with new "records". I don't want so-called records on a community that does not have credibility enough to store records. I don't consider my records or any records valid in the KSF community.
I would be happy if all my data was deleted from KSF.

I heard people suggest that I support Momentum. I don't support anything. And I don't have time for surf any longer. I just strongly oppose this corrupt KSF community full of child abusers and scammers.
They don't care about the burden of proof - and if they do, they reverse the concept (page 7). They don't care about terms and conditions.
They lie about whatever they want which seems evident from this conversation. They deny whatever they want. I have also been told confidential information that it is probable that a very top surfer
from KSF clan is currently involved in movement recording (but not verifieable). And do you know what? I don't care about it because I anyway consider all records on KSF invalid.

To conclude: KSF are liars, scamers and useless. But have fun if you still feel convinced that this community is somewhat credible. After all, you can still use it for completing maps (but not to prove that you have completed a map) and testing routes.

02-24-2021, 11:41 AM

02-25-2021, 07:22 PM
Thanks for providing the screenshot, that does indeed imply that you sent a death threat. However I don't think that it was taken for granted or even that it was taken seriously by anyone. I could very well imagine you saying something like that in a heated argument without meaning it knowing your temperament + autism so I don't think you have to be worried about being perceived as a violent criminal. Dunno if others share this perspective with me, this doesn't make it right though.

KSF has always been clear about donations being optional help for hosting the servers, VIP being an added bonus that can be taken away for a number of reasons. You are not buying anything. What do you even mean with admin abusing VIPs?

Also bullying underage people online is not child abuse LOL, maybe look up the term and further explain this if you still think it's appropriate here

02-25-2021, 09:24 PM
Pretty sure I saw it was written more than once too ...

Yeah, now you move into the question of context and why that is so important to understand why people react as they do. This was the whole fucking problem that my KYS words were completely deprived of context. Please, when you talk about conflicts and one of the parties is excluded then fucking cover it in its completeness - or ask all the involved parties for inputs instead of assuming shit out of thin air. That shit was disgusting. Every man on earth can be made look like an idiot if you take his words out of context and when only one side of a story is heard. And no, as I have told thousands of times, I was not just in a heated argument. Your KSF member fellow had initially said "fuck you" to me, Simex (another one of your KSF member fellows) had lied to me (I was not even debating them). People had bullied me on KSF Discord because I was "being too serious" (though some of the same people have probably around 200 days of in-game time on KSF so it's always amusing when they use the "it's just a game" phrase) and right after I was banned without a valid reason at all. This is how it started. No, I don't tell people to KYS, not even in heated debates. I don't predicate persons, only phrases (e.g. "that's idiotic what you said") though that is still not appropriate and I don't try to do that and I have worked at it (I try to follow the Christian idea that you should not even think bad about people); it also depends on how people react in the preceding obviously.

When you buy VIP (or donate to get VIP which does not make any difference), you buy VIP for a month according to your site (you even get it automatically and there is a distinct site for non-vip donations). If you are banned x time as VIP, then you are VIP in a month less the x time - and you don't get the service you are promised: VIP for 1 month. I don't think that's legal if your ban does not have a basis in terms and conditions. This is also just basic moral that when you ban people you do it based on the rules, the shit I have been talking about since I was 18 y/o. Since I only had VIP in 2 days back in July, I have reported KSF to the police, but the Danish Police won't care because it's so little money and probably can't find the owners, etc. You may laugh at this, but whoever steals my money and whether it is 5 dollars or 100 dollars, I don't accept it - at least if they haven't forgiven me. I might ask a lawyer. And no, your rules on your server are useless because they don't stand at the point where you pay for VIP.

I only came here because I wanted to deal with things from my past that I hadn't yet dealt with yet properly (also in other areas of my life). One of these issues was this one which had bothered me strongly. I didn't want to be perceived as a violent criminal (or something which is close to that). And you understood that, thanks. I don't know why Sam and probably Sony tried to cover it up and why you had to deny it and why you tried to laugh it off and we had to type so many pages about it. Seriously. It could in the worst case hurt me in the professional life since I have also been open about my IRL name, my look, even met surfers IRL, etc. So yeah. Nothing to ridicule. I only started to debate other things because it was introduced by your KSF fellows. But enough has been said.

02-26-2021, 08:54 AM
Nobody perceives you as a violent criminal, but everyone perceives you as someone who is lacking social skills and who is obsessed with ksf.
Please for your own sake just let it go and go on with your life.

Being banned is your own fault for being a nuisance to the community. You never spread fun or joy, you only create drama out of nothing and thats why you are banned.

Please dont respond have a good rest of your life

02-26-2021, 04:57 PM
You or any KSF member are not in a position to speak on behalf of everyone. The Discord conversations clearly tried to make me look like something between a violent criminal and a lunatic because they only told one side of a story. Maybe for those who knew me, more the latter, for those who don't - which are many - because a new generation of surfers arrived, more the first. It's cool if you think that's funny - or just something I have to brush off my shoulder by "going on with my life" because I haven't been open about IRL identity or met surfers IRL or anything, yeah, or I'm not a guy who cares about falsely being perceived as a violent criminal. I guess no one cares about that?

I don't know what kind of people try to tone down lies and defamation against people. You tell I'm obsessed with KSF. No, I am not, you are obsessed with me and lie about me, you lie about anything which is evident from this conversation. Even when I show evidence you try to tone it down "that's just ...". And stop telling me I stir drama when you lie about me. There is so much evidence on this. But you ignore everything and try to recap it all so you can act like a boss, but you are not, and you are not dictate whether I should respond or not. That's classic KSF mentality. You can respond to me, but please say something relevant instead of toning down lies and defamation, I don't expect you that you are capable of this, so maybe you should just leave the conversation here. I don't have more to say at least.

02-26-2021, 05:32 PM

02-26-2021, 05:49 PM
bro im trying to help you. you care so much about what some 30 people on the internet think about you but you're not making it better with this thread.

just move on? why do you give a shit lol. you have 0 power here, no speaking of lawyers and shit is ever gonna accomplish anything here.

you got no case and i honestly dont know what you want from us except maybe attention?

02-26-2021, 06:00 PM
Why do you keep going? Not even when I fucking provide evidence you recognize anything is wrong. What the fuck this is even. I don't know who you are? Shifty? Helping me? Help yourself, lol. You say I don't have a case. Are you also a lawyer? Who the fuck do you think you are?
I don't care about having power here. Am I applying for KSF membership? What the fuck are you talking about? Please just leave this conversation. You say I have never brought joy to the community. Yet it is a conversation on every Youtube comment section once one of my sc's are implemented. I have met 6 surfers irl, 5 danes (Zymbia, Kap, Mausi, Syfo, Breez from Furious), the other one being the old leader of Nightmare in Switzerland. I have had dozen of friends, and even Syfo told me he couldn't have done it without me. And can we just fucking stop it here and stop your lies? 30 people? There are over 1k people active on KSF, and only through something like less than 10 Facebook friendslists, every man on earth is kinda connected. Why you try to keep toning it down. Attention? That's one thing among others. Surely I wanted this thread to gain attention because it was taken for granted that I had done horrible things which were completely deprived of context. I got to tell my story, thanks (you can thank Sam and Sony for that it happened here instead of lowkey on Discord). Just like you want attention to communicate whatever you trying to say now, just without any relevance and by lying because you are an idiot. Bye, hopefully.

Edit: If anything, lack of power is an argument for my case because being subject to defamation without any power just makes it 100 times worse. Just shows KSF members' devilish mentality. It's like arguing that only rich people should have a fair trial because they have power. I don't understand KSF's culture really. They are absolute cowards.

02-26-2021, 09:42 PM
lol at you thinking anyone cares about you. with 30 people i meant those on ksf that can even remember who you are.

you misunderstand me, i just want to find out what you want from ksf, so that we can resolve this and you stop harassing us

02-26-2021, 09:57 PM
Just stop it, please, search on "Jabra" on KSF Discord. These search results do not even account for my records etc. from the Discord bots because I used alternative names. You try brush off defamation with "nobody cares about that person anyway". It's disgusting.

Harassing you? I don't know how many times you guys have harassed, even with countless lies etc. Just in this debate. It's getting ridiculous. You even harassed me when you entered this conversation saying stuff as I had never brought joy to the community, yet I'm prob. one of the guys who have met most surfers irl. No, I haven't misunderstood you. I'm tired of lies about me, but you can lowkey lie about me if you want, but don't fuck paint me as a perpetrator - that's just fucking crossing the line - and that's why I'm here to let you know that is crossing the line and to tell what happened so people don't get that impression (I don't care about what the sheeps from KSF say, but I don't want to leave that impression on people, e.g., who can think for themself; that hurts me tbh.)

02-27-2021, 09:41 AM
pretty sure everyone here that can think for themselves has figured out that talking to you is just a waste of time.

02-27-2021, 09:44 AM
Took you a long time to write. Go to Pornhub if you need stimulation in your life. I'm done here and I did find Juxtapo's "full stop mark" appropriate because at that point I had shown my evidence and there was no point of further discussion other than you apologizing but I don't expect that. Bye.

02-27-2021, 09:51 AM
thank you

02-28-2021, 03:05 AM
Syfo told me he couldn't have done it without me.

I requested my old good friend Syfo to look at this. He replied, "fuck you".

idk idk

02-28-2021, 04:09 AM
I have met 6 surfers irl, 5 danes (Zymbia, Kap, Mausi, Syfo, Breez from Furious)

Wild, don't you know what happened back then smashed an IRL friendship? Now you know. What happened back then was severe, but I was fine to part with the surf community and it was my intention too before uni, but then my movie was shared on KSF Discord (I didn't, just sent it to Mausi and Kap and Gmmbearz who sent me demos) and I came back to defend my right to call some of these routes mine that were under attack (some of them because of actual mistakes). It happened in the midst of the spin debate, and I was asked by a nice guy about my opinion about it. I asked about whether what I called "wiggle wiggle", zigzag strafing should be illegal too which is exactly what redc did on elyisum; Simex joined and I was told to get the fuck out etc. (because of the incident back in the spring) and then someone in that conversation brought up the death threat which shocked me. I was banned at Simex's request which was okay because I only came to defend the movie and that discussion had just ended, but the death threat thing struck me. I kinda tried to push it behind me but it felt horrible how I was falsely portrayed as a perpetrator, it was straight-out defamation. I have once before complained about defamation when someone called me racist, but I think I exaggerated because I had written something that could be misinterpreted - and who isn't called racist these days? It was also fine as I had a chance to comment on it so it could be resolved immediately, but at this point, I was forbidden to comment on it. It was, yeah, disgusting. That screenshot I used as evidence was not even from that conversation, so I know the "death threat" has been spread widely, maybe it has even been commonly accepted which is disgusting.

Edit: I hope that was a lesson. It's sick to portray someone falsely as a perpetrator, but then to deny that person his/her possibility to reject it is completely insane. Some people were very busy talking about evidence which I didn't expect but you have to learn to expect the worst when dealing with KSF that they are willing to deny anything and lie about anything. My point of this thread was not to provide evidence; I said legal means would become actual at that point this thread was deleted (which it hasn't been as you can see) because first at that point I would have been denied every possibility to comment on the false allegations that portray me as a perpetrator. If that happens, I'm going to collect all the evidence I can and use all legal means possible. I have already plenty.

Bye? I hope you can leave me alone now.

03-01-2021, 09:23 AM
bump so this shitshow doesn't die

03-01-2021, 10:31 AM
By the way, so this was the guy, but first some admin, that tried to cover up for the death threats rumors about me.
Just like Weiss said

it was like 4 years ago
I remember I made a thread about it, and everyone just laughed it off
don't remember an apology

This seems to be their strategy whenever they can't deal with abuse or defend themself - to laugh it off or be sarcastic. Their culture still hasn't changed after 3-4 years and they gladly facilitate death threat rumors is the conclusion

03-01-2021, 01:33 PM
lmao it worked

03-01-2021, 01:42 PM
By the way, so this was the guy, but first Sony, that tried to cover up for the death threats rumors about me.

Can you please stop accusing me of things I have not done. I have not once deleted anyone's messages that have pertained to this situation or have tried to cover it up whatsoever.

I want a retraction of this statement and an apology from you.

Thank you.

03-01-2021, 01:48 PM


Damn Sony we're forcing him to be here :/

03-01-2021, 01:57 PM

03-01-2021, 02:00 PM
yep. bye

This seems to be their strategy whenever they can't deal with abuse or defend themself - to laugh it off or be sarcastic.

03-01-2021, 02:36 PM
bye <3

03-01-2021, 02:37 PM

03-01-2021, 07:36 PM
According to all known laws
of aviation,

there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway

because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.

Barry! Breakfast is ready!


Hang on a second.


- Barry?
- Adam?

- Oan you believe this is happening?
- I can't. I'll pick you up.

Looking sharp.

Use the stairs. Your father
paid good money for those.

Sorry. I'm excited.

Here's the graduate.
We're very proud of you, son.

A perfect report card, all B's.

Very proud.

Ma! I got a thing going here.

- You got lint on your fuzz.
- Ow! That's me!

- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
- Bye!

Barry, I told you,
stop flying in the house!

- Hey, Adam.
- Hey, Barry.

- Is that fuzz gel?
- A little. Special day, graduation.

Never thought I'd make it.

Three days grade school,
three days high school.

Those were awkward.

Three days college. I'm glad I took
a day and hitchhiked around the hive.

You did come back different.

- Hi, Barry.
- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.

- Hear about Frankie?
- Yeah.

- You going to the funeral?
- No, I'm not going.

Everybody knows,
sting someone, you die.

Don't waste it on a squirrel.
Such a hothead.

I guess he could have
just gotten out of the way.

I love this incorporating
an amusement park into our day.

That's why we don't need vacations.

Boy, quite a bit of pomp...
under the circumstances.

- Well, Adam, today we are men.
- We are!

- Bee-men.
- Amen!


Students, faculty, distinguished bees,

please welcome Dean Buzzwell.

Welcome, New Hive Oity
graduating class of...


That concludes our ceremonies.

And begins your career
at Honex Industries!

Will we pick ourjob today?

I heard it's just orientation.

Heads up! Here we go.

Keep your hands and antennas
inside the tram at all times.

- Wonder what it'll be like?
- A little scary.

Welcome to Honex,
a division of Honesco

and a part of the Hexagon Group.

This is it!



We know that you, as a bee,
have worked your whole life

to get to the point where you
can work for your whole life.

Honey begins when our valiant Pollen
Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.

Our top-secret formula

is automatically color-corrected,
scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured

into this soothing sweet syrup

with its distinctive
golden glow you know as...


- That girl was hot.
- She's my cousin!

- She is?
- Yes, we're all cousins.

- Right. You're right.
- At Honex, we constantly strive

to improve every aspect
of bee existence.

These bees are stress-testing
a new helmet technology.

- What do you think he makes?
- Not enough.

Here we have our latest advancement,
the Krelman.

- What does that do?
- Oatches that little strand of honey

that hangs after you pour it.
Saves us millions.

Oan anyone work on the Krelman?

Of course. Most bee jobs are
small ones. But bees know

that every small job,
if it's done well, means a lot.

But choose carefully

because you'll stay in the job
you pick for the rest of your life.

The same job the rest of your life?
I didn't know that.

What's the difference?

You'll be happy to know that bees,
as a species, haven't had one day off

in 27 million years.

So you'll just work us to death?

We'll sure try.

Wow! That blew my mind!

"What's the difference?"
How can you say that?

One job forever?
That's an insane choice to have to make.

I'm relieved. Now we only have
to make one decision in life.

But, Adam, how could they
never have told us that?

Why would you question anything?
We're bees.

We're the most perfectly
functioning society on Earth.

You ever think maybe things
work a little too well here?

Like what? Give me one example.

I don't know. But you know
what I'm talking about.

Please clear the gate.
Royal Nectar Force on approach.

Wait a second. Oheck it out.

- Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
- Wow.

I've never seen them this close.

They know what it's like
outside the hive.

Yeah, but some don't come back.

- Hey, Jocks!
- Hi, Jocks!

You guys did great!

You're monsters!
You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!

- I wonder where they were.
- I don't know.

Their day's not planned.

Outside the hive, flying who knows
where, doing who knows what.

You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen
Jock. You have to be bred for that.


Look. That's more pollen
than you and I will see in a lifetime.

It's just a status symbol.
Bees make too much of it.

Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it
and the ladies see you wearing it.

Those ladies?
Aren't they our cousins too?

Distant. Distant.

Look at these two.

- Oouple of Hive Harrys.
- Let's have fun with them.

It must be dangerous
being a Pollen Jock.

Yeah. Once a bear pinned me
against a mushroom!

He had a paw on my throat,
and with the other, he was slapping me!

- Oh, my!
- I never thought I'd knock him out.

What were you doing during this?

Trying to alert the authorities.

I can autograph that.

A little gusty out there today,
wasn't it, comrades?

Yeah. Gusty.

We're hitting a sunflower patch
six miles from here tomorrow.

- Six miles, huh?
- Barry!

A puddle jump for us,
but maybe you're not up for it.

- Maybe I am.
- You are not!

We're going 0900 at J-Gate.

What do you think, buzzy-boy?
Are you bee enough?

I might be. It all depends
on what 0900 means.

Hey, Honex!

Dad, you surprised me.

You decide what you're interested in?

- Well, there's a lot of choices.
- But you only get one.

Do you ever get bored
doing the same job every day?

Son, let me tell you about stirring.

You grab that stick, and you just
move it around, and you stir it around.

You get yourself into a rhythm.
It's a beautiful thing.

You know, Dad,
the more I think about it,

maybe the honey field
just isn't right for me.

You were thinking of what,
making balloon animals?

That's a bad job
for a guy with a stinger.

Janet, your son's not sure
he wants to go into honey!

- Barry, you are so funny sometimes.
- I'm not trying to be funny.

You're not funny! You're going
into honey. Our son, the stirrer!

- You're gonna be a stirrer?
- No one's listening to me!

Wait till you see the sticks I have.

I could say anything right now.
I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!

Let's open some honey and celebrate!

Maybe I'll pierce my thorax.
Shave my antennae.

Shack up with a grasshopper. Get
a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!

I'm so proud.

- We're starting work today!
- Today's the day.

Oome on! All the good jobs
will be gone.

Yeah, right.

Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,
stirrer, front desk, hair removal...

- Is it still available?
- Hang on. Two left!

One of them's yours! Oongratulations!
Step to the side.

- What'd you get?
- Picking crud out. Stellar!


Oouple of newbies?

Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!

Make your choice.

- You want to go first?
- No, you go.

Oh, my. What's available?

Restroom attendant's open,
not for the reason you think.

- Any chance of getting the Krelman?
- Sure, you're on.

I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.

Wax monkey's always open.

The Krelman opened up again.

What happened?

A bee died. Makes an opening. See?
He's dead. Another dead one.

Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.

Dead from the neck up.
Dead from the neck down. That's life!

Oh, this is so hard!

Heating, cooling,
stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,

humming, inspector number seven,
lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,

mite wrangler. Barry, what
do you think I should... Barry?


All right, we've got the sunflower patch
in quadrant nine...

What happened to you?
Where are you?

- I'm going out.
- Out? Out where?

- Out there.
- Oh, no!

I have to, before I go
to work for the rest of my life.

You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?

Another call coming in.

If anyone's feeling brave,
there's a Korean deli on 83rd

that gets their roses today.

Hey, guys.

- Look at that.
- Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?

Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.

It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.

Really? Feeling lucky, are you?

Sign here, here. Just initial that.

- Thank you.
- OK.

You got a rain advisory today,

and as you all know,
bees cannot fly in rain.

So be careful. As always,
watch your brooms,

hockey sticks, dogs,
birds, bears and bats.

Also, I got a couple of reports
of root beer being poured on us.

Murphy's in a home because of it,
babbling like a cicada!

- That's awful.
- And a reminder for you rookies,

bee law number one,
absolutely no talking to humans!

All right, launch positions!

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz,
buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!

Black and yellow!


You ready for this, hot shot?

Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.

Wind, check.

- Antennae, check.
- Nectar pack, check.

- Wings, check.
- Stinger, check.

Scared out of my shorts, check.

OK, ladies,

let's move it out!

Pound those petunias,
you striped stem-suckers!

All of you, drain those flowers!

Wow! I'm out!

I can't believe I'm out!

So blue.

I feel so fast and free!

Box kite!



This is Blue Leader.
We have roses visual.

Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.


30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around.

Stand to the side, kid.
It's got a bit of a kick.

That is one nectar collector!

- Ever see pollination up close?
- No, sir.

I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it
over here. Maybe a dash over there,

a pinch on that one.
See that? It's a little bit of magic.

That's amazing. Why do we do that?

That's pollen power. More pollen, more
flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.


I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow.
Oould be daisies. Don't we need those?

Oopy that visual.

Wait. One of these flowers
seems to be on the move.

Say again? You're reporting
a moving flower?


That was on the line!

This is the coolest. What is it?

I don't know, but I'm loving this color.

It smells good.
Not like a flower, but I like it.

Yeah, fuzzy.


Oareful, guys. It's a little grabby.

My sweet lord of bees!

Oandy-brain, get off there!


- Guys!
- This could be bad.


Very close.

Gonna hurt.

Mama's little boy.

You are way out of position, rookie!

Ooming in at you like a missile!

Help me!

I don't think these are flowers.

- Should we tell him?
- I think he knows.

What is this?!

Match point!

You can start packing up, honey,
because you're about to eat it!



There's a bee in the car!

- Do something!
- I'm driving!

- Hi, bee.
- He's back here!

He's going to sting me!

Nobody move. If you don't move,
he won't sting you. Freeze!

He blinked!

Spray him, Granny!

What are you doing?!

Wow... the tension level
out here is unbelievable.

I gotta get home.

Oan't fly in rain.

Oan't fly in rain.

Oan't fly in rain.

Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!

Ken, could you close
the window please?

Ken, could you close
the window please?

Oheck out my new resume.
I made it into a fold-out brochure.

You see? Folds out.

Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this.

What was that?

Maybe this time. This time. This time.
This time! This time! This...


That is diabolical.

It's fantastic. It's got all my special
skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.

What's number one? Star Wars?

Nah, I don't go for that...

...kind of stuff.

No wonder we shouldn't talk to them.
They're out of their minds.

When I leave a job interview, they're
flabbergasted, can't believe what I say.

There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.

I don't remember the sun
having a big 75 on it.

I predicted global warming.

I could feel it getting hotter.
At first I thought it was just me.

Wait! Stop! Bee!

Stand back. These are winter boots.


Don't kill him!

You know I'm allergic to them!
This thing could kill me!

Why does his life have
less value than yours?

Why does his life have any less value
than mine? Is that your statement?

I'm just saying all life has value. You
don't know what he's capable of feeling.

My brochure!

There you go, little guy.

I'm not scared of him.
It's an allergic thing.

Put that on your resume brochure.

My whole face could puff up.

Make it one of your special skills.

Knocking someone out
is also a special skill.

Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.

- Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night?
- Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.

- You could put carob chips on there.
- Bye.

- Supposed to be less calories.
- Bye.

I gotta say something.

She saved my life.
I gotta say something.

All right, here it goes.


What would I say?

I could really get in trouble.

It's a bee law.
You're not supposed to talk to a human.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I've got to.

Oh, I can't do it. Oome on!

No. Yes. No.

Do it. I can't.

How should I start it?
"You like jazz?" No, that's no good.

Here she comes! Speak, you fool!


I'm sorry.

- You're talking.
- Yes, I know.

You're talking!

I'm so sorry.

No, it's OK. It's fine.
I know I'm dreaming.

But I don't recall going to bed.

Well, I'm sure this
is very disconcerting.

This is a bit of a surprise to me.
I mean, you're a bee!

I am. And I'm not supposed
to be doing this,

but they were all trying to kill me.

And if it wasn't for you...

I had to thank you.
It's just how I was raised.

That was a little weird.

- I'm talking with a bee.
- Yeah.

I'm talking to a bee.
And the bee is talking to me!

I just want to say I'm grateful.
I'll leave now.

- Wait! How did you learn to do that?
- What?

The talking thing.

Same way you did, I guess.
"Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up.

- That's very funny.
- Yeah.

Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh,
we'd cry with what we have to deal with.


Oan I...

...get you something?
- Like what?

I don't know. I mean...
I don't know. Ooffee?

I don't want to put you out.

It's no trouble. It takes two minutes.

- It's just coffee.
- I hate to impose.

- Don't be ridiculous!
- Actually, I would love a cup.

Hey, you want rum cake?

- I shouldn't.
- Have some.

- No, I can't.
- Oome on!

I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.

- Where?
- These stripes don't help.

You look great!

I don't know if you know
anything about fashion.

Are you all right?


He's making the tie in the cab
as they're flying up Madison.

He finally gets there.

He runs up the steps into the church.
The wedding is on.

And he says, "Watermelon?
I thought you said Guatemalan.

Why would I marry a watermelon?"

Is that a bee joke?

That's the kind of stuff we do.

Yeah, different.

So, what are you gonna do, Barry?

About work? I don't know.

I want to do my part for the hive,
but I can't do it the way they want.

I know how you feel.

- You do?
- Sure.

My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or
a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.

- Really?
- My only interest is flowers.

Our new queen was just elected
with that same campaign slogan.

Anyway, if you look...

There's my hive right there. See it?

You're in Sheep Meadow!

Yes! I'm right off the Turtle Pond!

No way! I know that area.
I lost a toe ring there once.

- Why do girls put rings on their toes?
- Why not?

- It's like putting a hat on your knee.
- Maybe I'll try that.

- You all right, ma'am?
- Oh, yeah. Fine.

Just having two cups of coffee!

Anyway, this has been great.
Thanks for the coffee.

Yeah, it's no trouble.

Sorry I couldn't finish it. If I did,
I'd be up the rest of my life.

Are you...?

Oan I take a piece of this with me?

Sure! Here, have a crumb.

- Thanks!
- Yeah.

All right. Well, then...
I guess I'll see you around.

Or not.

OK, Barry.

And thank you
so much again... for before.

Oh, that? That was nothing.

Well, not nothing, but... Anyway...

This can't possibly work.

He's all set to go.
We may as well try it.

OK, Dave, pull the chute.

- Sounds amazing.
- It was amazing!

It was the scariest,
happiest moment of my life.

Humans! I can't believe
you were with humans!

Giant, scary humans!
What were they like?

Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.

They eat crazy giant things.
They drive crazy.

- Do they try and kill you, like on TV?
- Some of them. But some of them don't.

- How'd you get back?
- Poodle.

03-02-2021, 12:57 AM
By the way, to the reader who didn't know, Sony did cover up for death threat rumors about me as he is a somewhat head admin (thus somewhat responsible for its content) on the Discord where he has kept me banned from denying the false allegations, excluded me from the evidence without luck, and hasn't done anything to crack down on the wide-spread rumors which he probably/maybe knew of, but neither after being informed by me, despite he could search them up on his Discord and find them in a few seconds (just like all his other colleagues) - and still has not cracked down on the rumors after evidence was provided. So yes, Sony is that kind of guy who embraces death threat rumors that falsely portray a person as a perpetrator.

But as can be predicted in the following comments:

This seems to be their strategy whenever they can't deal with abuse or defend themself - to laugh it off or be sarcastic.

03-02-2021, 09:23 AM

03-02-2021, 10:00 AM
By the way, to the reader who didn't know, Sony did cover up for death threat rumors about me as he is a somewhat head admin (thus somewhat responsible for its content) on the Discord where he has kept me banned from denying the false allegations, excluded me from the evidence without luck, and hasn't done anything to crack down on the wide-spread rumors which he probably/maybe knew of, but neither after being informed by me, despite he could search them up on his Discord and find them in a few seconds (just like all his other colleagues) - and still has not cracked down on the rumors after evidence was provided. So yes, Sony is that kind of guy who embraces death threat rumors that falsely portray a person as a perpetrator.

But as can be predicted in the following comments:

Jabra, can you please stop dragging my name through the mud.

As I recently said, I have not once deleted anyone's messages that have pertained to this situation or have tried to cover it up whatsoever.

I do not believe I have ever banned your accounts as well. You can create an account, look up all the previous messages you desire, and I will not ban you. Simple as that.

Let's get back to the crux of this situation. I agree that you didn't specifically say that you were going to kill Simex. I believe you did something far worse.

You told someone that's underage to kill themselves. Not only did you do this, you told him to kill himself in detail.

Here is the translated version of what you said. "Lie down in your mud cave, rot up and die like the creep you are."

You not only wanted him to kill himself, you wanted him to do it in one of the most disgusting ways imaginable. You wanted him to kill himself slowly. You wanted him to slowly succumb to the effects of dehydration, starvation, and hypothermia. Not only that, you then wanted him to rot in that cave, where his family would never be able to recover his remains for a decent burial. This is what you implied with your message, and it's disgusting.

You can make any excuse that you would like, such as saying you were extremely mad; however, you will never be excused from saying such a thing.

You will always carry this burden with you for the rest of your life, and I feel sorry for you, Jabra.

I hope one day you will apologize to Simex, again. I also hope that you will internally reconcile and admit to yourself that what you said was horribly wrong, and to strive to become a better person.

03-02-2021, 12:20 PM
Underage? He was 17 I think. Sony, it was disgusting, that's why I apologized again - I did that on page 7 :) But you fail to take the context into account completely. Also, none of these things I said was personal, they even targeted 2 of his friends as well (who had indeed bullied me). I didn't use any confidential information or alike. It was just another Jabra rant which he had seen thousands of on the Danish Discord. Still horrible.

I can try to describe in better detail what happened. I ranted on the Danish Discord about the thing that I disliked that KSF didn't have procedures to change map settings after they have been released (which we don't have to discuss). I tagged everyone in the Danish Discord in my first message. I urged the Danish KSF members (which consisted of Syfo, Kiiru, Simex, and Exu) to raise this issue. I did this repeatedly, and I also tagged Syfo personally, and that was when I was told: "fuck you". To be honest, I don't know why this issue meant so much to me. But I kept ranting desperately and there was just no response really other than Simex trying to cover up that he had played a significant role in removing max vel on the map. And I was like "oooh no" don't make me go to KSF Discord. I think I also msg'ed Simex before I went to KSF Discord. I do remember I typed nice messages to him in the beginning - and then it escalated (as you will hear).

Well, there was no response anywhere, so as an absolute last resort you come to the KSF Discord and complain. You have all the arguments ready, the substance (which people have made a meme somehow), I posted them, and then a disgusting mob atmosphere rises that totally ignored my concerns but just trashtalks you relentlessly, like 20 people versus 1 (if we also include the reaction emojis). Like verbally group gangrape (xd). I did everything on the Danish Discord for THAT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN, and it happened ...

It's actually what is defined as bullying - just through the internet which makes it ofc. a bit better than if it was 20 persons irl that trashtalked you in a room. Well, as I tried to reply to people and discuss the matter, I remember not_zombie being one of them, then Sam joined out of nowhere and typed "if you (me) type one more message, you are banned". I was in this moment already writing and preparing a reply to a person to discuss the matter. I do also think meanwhile in that pause other people had continued the harassment after Sam's warning, but they didn't get banned, so it didn't make a lot of sense, so I chose to finish my reply and post it - then I was banned.

Well. You have to imagine how difficult it was for me at this point. I had tried anything to prevent KSF Discord, but as last resort, I "had" to, and then you are just met with the most disgusting verbal abuse 20 versus 1. Many people don't know how that feels because they are so concerned with aligning themselves with other people that they have never tried to be in such situations. It's pure bullying. Well, I do accept that, but then being banned and punished for being bullied in a 20 versus 1 situation, just felt horrible. It is far worse than what Simex experienced.

I don't think you understand how it feels to be socially excluded. But I do accept that, also because I do sometimes behave weirdly which can easily be picked on by guys like Sunday, etc.

But to be banned for already being socially excluded made me just break down completely.

But this doesn't even take everything into context.

A few days before I spent a night to finding edgebug cases for KSF which was added to a KSF's public document where they deal with map fixes. I did it because I didn't know what to do at a night, and then I just decided to think about edgebug cases. I added them to KSF's document anonymously. I called myself "Sunday". Just for fun. I believe it was at that point as I entered KSF Discord to search for the Google Doc that I stumbled upon the max vel remove on surf_whoknows. Yeah.

Well as you can see. I was verbally gangraped 20 versus 1 (maybe funny way to express it xd), I did everything for that shouldn't happen, it happened. The only reason that I happened to stumble upon the case was because that I chose to help KSF. So I broke down after that ban in its literal sense.

You can also see me desperately making that appeal about my help in my first messages to Sam. https://imgur.com/a/jbSwT8q
But he just mocks me.

So naturally, I went insanely mad. Sam used this to his advantage and posted messages of me raging on the KSF Discord where everyone laughed at me completely losing my face and having a literal emotional breakdown - which I guess is funny for some people. It felt horrible. But I had a plan to come back to reply. But the ban worked as an IP ban and not even proxy worked. It just made it even worse because Sam and his gang could control the stories as they wanted and depict whatever picture they wanted of the incident. But then I turned into the Danish Discord to seek comfort ... but ... there I saw my friend Kiiru laughing at the incident as well as he had seen the pictures that Sam shared - and I wrote indignantly about whether he even understood what happened, he replied to me and said that I was completely ridiculous. I remember having a complete emotional breakdown here.

I stumbled upon the case just because I chose to help KSF, I desperately tried to capture the Danish KSF members' attention about this issue so I didn't have to be involved. I coulnd't make it. The problem was that I was always ranting, and they couldn't distinguish my serious rants and less serious rants. So as last resort I went to KSF where I was trashtalked and verbally abused 20v1, banned without valid reason, made a public fool out of because I lost my face. I turned to the Danish Discord to seek comfort, and then even in my personal space to find my danish friend making a fool out of me.

Yeah, then I wrote to Simex.

This is the importance of context because what I wrote to Simex was written in powerlessness after being completely made a public fool out of, losing my face, perhaps in front of hundred of people, etc.

This is far worse than doing horrible things to people in powerful positions as KSF members have done for so many years, even toward children below 15. What I said was said in powerlessness, as a pathetic socially excluded weak man that day. Being in a powerful position and abusing people is far worse and something that KSF members have participated in since ever, and never apologizes for, but rather laughs at it.

And Simex was to a moderate extent familiar with the context, he heard that I had raged to several people, saw my rants on the Danish Discord etc.

If you are getting beaten up by 20 people and the victim screams "kill yourself!" repeatedly, then it somehow isn't brutal, right? The problem in this instance was that Simex was not involved in what happened on the KSF Discord, or sharing pictures of me losing my face, etc. He lied somewhat about his role in removing max vel, but it was by no means a big thing. But he had lied.


To be honest, if anyone can't understand how terrible this felt, then fuck them. Being yelled at by someone after going through that is more sad than scary.


This is the context and why it is completely absurd to call these death threats and in fact, they are not death threats. The whole context just makes it even worse that I was portrayed as a perpetrator. I was anything, but a perpetrator that day, I was a victim. It was a terrible day and I felt it was necessary to cut an IRL friendship even. So cmon, dude?

The fact that I was portrayed as a perpetrator after that event was unbearable in all ways. But I had to accept it. But then death threat rumors arrived and I found out I was ACTUALLY portrayed as a perpetrator, not just informally, but in a legal sense nearly. Just made it even fucking worse. I tried to cope with it. I couldn't in the long run. That's why I'm here for telling the stories, that I'm not a fucking perpetrator. And I don't accept these rumors, and no one should. I just cared about some issues.


The DIscord ban works as IP ban. You together with all your other KSF members completely neglected the rumors, and you didn't even want to search it up, despite you are head admin for that platform it was spread. Maybe that's not exactly covering up, but strongly neglecting a case, though in communion with your colleagues. But I get your point that it was more horrible than just "kill yourself" ofc., but the context is even more horrible, losing an IRL friend etc. So yeah, now we talk about what happened, we cover both sides. This is what KSF has tried to deny me and just depict me straight out as a perpetrator, not fair ...

03-02-2021, 01:11 PM
if only I'd read this much for uni

03-02-2021, 04:44 PM
this actually clears things up, thank you for sharing jabra.

If it makes things any better for you, the internet is extremely fickle and most people had already completely forgot about what happened.

You seem to be concerned about the effect it had on the relationships with your friends and to be honest there is nothing we can do for you. You will have to patch up things with them yourself and add value to their lives with your friendship, and if they dont want to theres sadly not much you can do but to let them go and find new ones.

I have to agree that hivemind is strong in ksf discord and some people can be assholes and that sam sometimes takes decisions on who he excludes from the community emotionally, as in who he dislikes in the moment rather than what you (jabra) perceive as justice. But you have to understand that he is under a lot of pressure aswell and he is still young and becoming more mature with time.

Ksf usually is a rather forgiving place, after a bit of time and enough evidence that earlier problems (crazy ranting in your case) are not an issue anymore (i.E. synki, nyastle).

03-02-2021, 10:18 PM
thanks for admitting something man. but I don't acknowledge that you are in a position to forgive me (except Simex), but rather the opposite (which I think this thread has demonstrated as well with countless harassment and neglecting), and I don't need/want to come back, and I would not even consider it in my entire life before I could get an apology.

It was the most horrible character assassination I have ever experienced (which started even before the Simex incident as you hear), but you are ofc. also right that the internet quickly forgets such things. And you are also right that he is under a lot of pressure. In the hindsight, I do also think I demanded too much perfection from Sacred sometimes, like dealing with map fixes 100p consistently, using procedures, use rules, etc., but it is hard to have the energy for perfection when you have a professional or study life besides just like Sam. I guess you could also try more division of labor. But maybe no one wants.

edit: I talked about the strafe spawn zone ban discussion where Morning was banned etc. to put some of these issues into perspective, but I decided to omit it because I don't want to make so lenghty messages every time.

second edit: I believe when Momentum Mod Discord chooses to ban people, they debate it before in a group. There are many people who want to support you as you are the most competitive surf community. I don't think it would be that hard to divide labor more, but I guess Sam's salary would fall then? I don't know. I just relate to what you wrote. With all those mappers working their ass off, tons of educated people, etc., it just seems unimaginable. Your KSF clan has high prestige, and you can exchange the KSF membership for people contributing with things as well.

I don't know man, at least was both sides finally covered.

third edit: I was told by Gmmbearz about Caff and Exu, that Exu had told him something horrible using confidential information, apparently so horrible that he couldn't even tell what, after losing a WR. And when I heard about it, I was like, have they ever heard the story from Exu's side? Because really since my incident, I knew you can't know for sure know what comes out of KSF since they don't seem to be interested in both sides. Maybe they were in this case, and I assume he actually just lost that WR and was a very bad loser that day, sadly. Reminds me of Morning, he has surfed since 2005 and has a clear ideology about how surf should be which was totally run over. He gets very frustrated understandably but also put forward arguments, maybe too frustrated, and he could have been thrown down in the shitpost section temporarily perhaps or got a warning or alike. But to ban the losers and those who stand in minority positions, that's disgusting. But yeah, I'm always cautious when I hear about such conflicts from the KSF community now. It's like the rule of the mob on KSF, and you shouldn't trust anything

last edit 5. march: as you can see, reader, a lot of apologies were thrown in this thread, for blink telling me to kill myself, for the countless sarcasm and bully atmosphere (e.g. Louimyname, Oliver, Sam, etc.), for Stevo accusing me of spreading hate, Simex doing the same (who also lied about not lying about the incident and who lied about what happened and who lied about that I threat people with legal cases in plural, a lot of dumb shit) , for denying something which evidently happened and which many people knew of and which they could find themself under a minute, for denying me access to this, for the character assination on KSF discord by Sam (and look at them insisting that Sam should apologize), Shifty saying that I have never brought joy to the community, and a lot of shit. I haven't even gone through the thread to list it all up - that's just what I can remember. so as you can see, and as I have said repeatedly, this community is absolutely morally corrupt, and I just hope they will leave me alone forever now and stop spreading rumors and lies about me.

03-18-2021, 03:18 AM
But then I turned into the Danish Discord to seek comfort ... but ... there I saw my friend Kiiru laughing at the incident as well as he had seen the pictures that Sam shared - and I wrote indignantly about whether he even understood what happened, he replied to me and said that I was completely ridiculous.

Just my point of view. You got upset because I didn't give you right in your claims. I still think it's completely ridiculous that you tried to drag me into this entire circus you have created.

03-22-2021, 02:26 PM
Didn't drag you into anything. You dragged yourself into this by laughing at me being banned without reason as explained elaborately, and after informing you about what happened (roughly though), you did nothing about it as a KSF member (and there went plenty of time before I got mad from that point). Yeah, I did, INCLUDING, get mad at you because of your passiveness after informing you about what happened. Understandably, when you 1. just have laughed at me (as explained) without apologizing after informing you about what happened and after the most disgusting and dehumanizing treatment I have ever experienced 2. is a member of KSF and don't take any responsibility for sheer admin abuse carried out by that group you are a member of and whose actions you have shares in (rather you just laugh at it), 3. have never ever done it in the plenty of years where admin abuse case after admin abuse have been evident and where you have been more or less active as well.

You didn't disagree with anything concisely. I don't get mad at people for disagreeing, haha. You just refused to look at what happened because you are afraid of conflict and never take a stance because you have no integrity - except in these situations where you stand in 20vs1 and can score cheap points from your other backbone-lacking mates as right now. If you know what I did wrong on KSF Discord that day that preceded my ban, then explain me. Helping KSF with 50 edgebug cases? So yes, passiveness was 1 factor, but not the deciding factor, otherwise, I should have been mad at Exu as well which I was never, so that disproves it already.

03-22-2021, 05:42 PM
Can I drag myself in to state that you are wasting your time?

This is not a personal opinion either. You are without a shadow of a doubt wasting your time.

03-22-2021, 06:02 PM
Nah, I would have played zombie otherwise. But if I should rank that between answering you and playing zombie, yeah, I'm wasting my time.

03-22-2021, 06:09 PM
Cool. Do everyone a favour and go play zombie.

03-22-2021, 06:10 PM

03-23-2021, 03:36 PM
Nah, I would have played zombie otherwise. But if I should rank that between answering you and playing zombie, yeah, I'm wasting my time.

Why would you say that? That's so disgusting and defamatory. I think I'm gonna have to sue you.

05-15-2022, 11:38 AM

06-01-2022, 02:45 PM
Interesting read to say the least

11-23-2022, 04:37 PM
I'm not mad at anyone here in this thread. Not mad at Louieismyname, regardless if I get a dislike, not mad if someone else dislikes it either. Not passively mad either, secretly mad or something like that. Not mad from my bottom of heart. Bottom of heart sorry about what I said to Emil. Not mad at Sam, not at Kiiru, not at Stevo - no, and I have always wondered why no one made you a WRB compilation - I think I wrote that to Paragon too a year ago - but I haven't either made you one. And no one else in this thread. And no one else from the surf community. All people who have stood up for the competitive surf community are heroes. I watched Repster's video about you. Back then I would have smiled, not today. Well, I wish Momentum becomes the number one surf platform, but KSF right under. No, no, no, don't say I'm writing this because I wanna "come back", a few people thought the purpose of the original thread was that. But I was never banned from KSF ... that was way back in 2016 in a few months. I will still not play surf because I have other things on my mind, and I'm getting old too. I don't have any Discord. I don't want one. And I'm not logged on Youtube. I will not see the reactions to this post either because I feel it's cringe.

I love you all sincerly from the bottom of my heart and in the name of surf.

12-08-2022, 02:54 AM
interesting information

01-16-2023, 01:53 AM
Not mad at me anymore? Thanks, good to know. Hope you're doing alright, Michael.