View Full Version : Server plugins (SurfTimer specifically)

09-05-2020, 02:39 PM
Hey guys,

Brand new here, just got into surf and I'm setting up a LAN server for me and my buddies. Don't feel like I'm any competition (obviously) but you all may have a no-share policy.

Just wanted to check if ANY of the plugins, configs or maps on KSF's CSGO servers are available to use/browse? I see the fastdl server but I'm more interested in the plugins/plugin configs.

I assume you all want might want to keep these for yourself but I thought I'd ask. Didn't see much available from a google search.

I see a few plugins that list the author as Untouchable (admin here) so those specifically plus anything else you're willing to share. I see he hasn't been active for a bit.

Appreciate your time, happy to be a member here even if you all don't want to share configs :)

09-08-2020, 02:55 PM
Any plugin having unt0uch listed as the author is not available to the public. Anything open source can be found on the alliedmodders forum.

09-09-2020, 02:50 PM
That's pretty much what I was expecting, just wanted to ask in case :)

Appreciate you responding.

09-16-2020, 04:58 AM
I mean there is a few plugins that are public which we use.