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View Full Version : Troll ban request

05-15-2020, 10:04 PM
I've seen this guy 3 separate times come on the 100t servers and just troll in chat, saying obscenities and being racist af, also evading gags by leaving or changing name to someone in server/invalid characters.
This trash shouldn't be on the servers plz perm

[Rookie] notblank : he was a good boy
[Rookie] notblank : killed himself with only 20..
[Rookie] notblank : what a sad story
[Rookie] notblank : he was so young
[Rookie] imjuly08 : bueno capo bien ahi
*SPEC* [Daddy] Ġ1 ♦ Synth : cool story
[Rookie] notblank : jeeez man thats already 8y ago...
[Rookie] notblank : how time pasts
*SPEC* [Expert] THE BROMAN : xD
[Rookie] notblank : ITS NOT A STORY!!!
*SPEC* [Daddy] Ġ1 ♦ Synth : shut up pls
[Rookie] notblank : too dumb to use selfmute?
[Surf Timer] - marbDAR finished bonus [Bonus 1] in 00:05:15 (WR +00:00:08). Improving by 00:00:10
[Surf Timer] - marbDAR finished in the top 10! Rank: 4/113
[Rookie] imjuly08 : alguien espaņol?
[Rookie] notblank : omg I hate spanish ppl
*SPEC* [Daddy] Ġ1 ♦ Synth : un poco
[Rookie] notblank : do you know why spaintards are black?
[SM] Gagged notblank.
notblank connected.
notblank (STEAM_0:0:151836237) connected from Switzerland
[SM] Gagged notblank.
[Rookie] imjuly08 : i dont speak english
[KSF Clan] - Type !changes to view recent SurfTimer updates!
notblank connected.
notblank (STEAM_0:0:151836237) connected from Switzerland
[SM] Gagged notblank.
notblank connected.
notblank (STEAM_0:0:151836237) connected from Switzerland
[SM] Gagged notblank.
[Rookie] imjuly08 : nadie espaņol?
[Rookie] imjuly08 : mal ahi
kt3 connected.
kt3 (STEAM_0:0:151836237) connected from Switzerland
[Rookie] kt3 : arabs are black because arabs shared their grandmommies like joints
[SM] Gagged kt3.
*SPEC* [Expert] THE BROMAN : same one
[Surf Timer] - Australia - surf_sinsane2 (4/30) IP:
[KSF Clan] - To watch the latest World Records check out youtube.com/user/ksfrecords  - A channel run by one of our members.
[Surf Timer] - marbDAR finished bonus [Bonus 1] in 00:05:15 (WR +00:00:08)
Аlien connected.
Аlien (STEAM_0:0:151836237) connected from Switzerland
[Rookie] Аlien : spaintards are black because arabs shared their grandmommies like joints
[Rookie] Аlien : spaintards are black because arabs shared their grandmoommies like joints
[yesnt] 🌋Minister Volcano : how i did lol
[SM] More than one client matched the given pattern.
[yesnt] 🌋Minister Volcano : ( ͡o yes ͜ʖ no ͜o )
[Master] marbDAR : rredccolour: that dog has such a fat ass
[Rookie] imjuly08 : im very noob xd
[yesnt] 🌋Minister Volcano : xDD
[SM] No matching client was found.
[Rookie] Аlien : arabs made negroid facts in spanish dna