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View Full Version : Tommy evading

05-15-2019, 12:26 PM
Above is the chat log leading to the incident. I originally silenced him as a joke and was going to unsilence him, but then he rejoined to call me a racial slur, so I silenced him again, and then he continued to evade

05-23-2019, 08:03 AM
I originally silenced him as a joke

I didn't take it as a joke...
You literally silenced me because i said "??????????" in chat... what is funny about that?
you were abusin your powers imo.

but then he rejoined to call me a racial slur
literally called you a nigger, theres nothin wrong with callin you a nigger. from what ive seen it isnt agasint the rules, and if it is im sorry.

he continued to evade
literally only thing i did was evade because you silenced me for no reason in the beginning. if you had never of abused your powers then there would of been no nigger calling. >leading to my evading.



player disrespect or racism isnt agasint the rules so idk

05-25-2019, 03:12 AM
Despite not being explicitly stated in the rules we don't accept racism of any kind. Consider this your last warning.

05-25-2019, 01:28 PM
Despite not being explicitly stated in the rules we don't accept racism of any kind. Consider this your last warning.

I am still a little confused because of this post.


However, warning taken. No more racism. :)

06-24-2019, 05:26 AM
- retard Masterbeta abuses his power "as a joke"

- victim reacts in impotence

- Masterbeta abuses his power again

conclusion: warning should be issued to the victim because he reacted in impotence and was not able to restrain himself

logic bro XD

this encapsulates very well the forthcoming great downfall of ksf xD

07-22-2019, 07:56 AM
tommy has impotence lol I feel bad for you bro