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View Full Version : Sacred unjustly deleting my wrcp

04-20-2019, 12:33 PM
Liberation s7 boost: https://imgur.com/a/nFZBn3X

On liberation s7 I used a method to surf first ramp where I cross the ramp very quickly, but the boost is not unit-close to the ramp, so if I should have double entered the boost, I would have to do a very akward in-out move which I did not. The boost accelerates you with like 1000 unit/s (I may be wrong as I tested on an AUS server with high ping, someone could perhaps decompile it). When I used my method compared to Rapist's I gained like 70 unit/s after ramp1, and my method has basic no akwardness, so I should in a very high degree have been able to gain much of these extra 1000 units/s. Remember too, that in my method I dont stop my z speed down to ramp 1, I keep it by spinning in contrast to Rapist, I believe actually this is mainly where my extra speed comes from and not even the method I'm using.

This is the demo with my wrcp where you can see that my cross is way to smooth to have double entered that boost and is way to slow too (as explained above):

tick: 67600

edit: I could not find any significant speed changes in cl_pdump either.

Seems like this is a buddy deed by Sacred because I'm not friends with Sacred or Rapist, whom I took the wrcp from. That is obviously not conditions we wanna see in competitive surfing.

04-21-2019, 08:16 AM
Hi -

I don't think this is true - I think if you were to test by using ent_fire on that boost in particular you would find that your method gives you less speed (when there is no boost there).

Also - I previously had this wrcp using that boost (-.3 to current wrcp) but Raiin figured out it was a glitch boost and we deleted it (sacred/habitat/raiin and my !changedrecords can confirm), so either way... we could just restore my old time too... but I do think it's a in/out boost.

04-21-2019, 10:26 AM
I have just looked and seems like you are wrong. Your record was changed with more than second, somehow twice ... Pretty sure it had something to do with the old telehop. It would also definitely be impossible to pull of -.3 on that just because 70 extra u/s xd I Don't know what ent_fire is, but if you can stop the boost's speed, then I believe you would have so bad speed that the method won't work properly.

04-21-2019, 10:31 AM
Wait, I'm sorry. I'm misunderstanding something. I can see your time got changed from the old time or 0,003 which is basically the same tick.
edit: I guess we need Raiin. Seems very dubious you can double enter a boost that accelerates with so much speed without getting any significant speed change ...

Can Sacred not just extend the boost, and then let us see the obvious outcome of this stupid situation.

04-21-2019, 01:19 PM
My time was changed from 16.6x to 17.6x iirc - a second was added on to it. WRCP is now 16.9 so it was .3 better.

I don't know what you are talking about when you say telehop, that wrcp has never been telehopped.

04-21-2019, 02:33 PM
I corrected myself too. I will try to get the trigger extended and try to see if there is any difference.

Ye, but then you got a new time again and that time was .9 just as your time now. Your time was somehow fixed twice ...

04-21-2019, 10:24 PM
I have actually just tried it all. I felt like a had very little tendency to make it a bit slower with wide boost, but then I tried on ordinary liberation afterwards with the same method, and I pretty much got the same results. Every time I was doing the ramp fairly good with my method on liberation as well on "liberation_d" I got 1850 ... I don't believe there is any difference. I don't want anyone to believe me as I haven't uploaded the files yet. But I will probably do.

Whatever I just found out that I did not toggle showtriggers, does not prove anything then ... Get a pro to look at this then, tired of this bullshit, or just give Rapist and me back our old times, which is just at the same tick, who knows who get the record then, it could be slower than his current, faster than his current, but not faster than mine or faster than both ...

You can look at the files here anyway: https://megaupload.nz/Ydw8i1h4nd/Counter-strike_Source_zip At the lowest speed after ramp1, that should be my xy velocity ofc. My best attempts are often the last attempts in the videos.

This is surf_liberation_d ... I had some problem compiling it (I dont know so much about mapping), so I gave the ramp another texture https://www98.zippyshare.com/v/tn9kX41z/file.html

Lastly, I wanna say that the burden of proof incumbent upon the accuser and not opposite, therefore I just want this wrcp back lol, and if not receiving proves, I'm going to movement record it and get perm banned if that is necessary.

04-22-2019, 01:41 AM
Since we removed therapists old time for the same method/strategy that you have done, we can just agree upon excluding that method to keep it fair. I can and will not restore times that have been removed years ago. Just as therapist mentioned, habitat or raiin can confirm this as well, and while you couldn't have known this when you did the WRCP, you do know it now. I know you'll probably go on another rant about how bad of an admin I am, feel free to do so, but I will not restore your time and I'll remove it when this is done again.

By the way, it does not appear to be a classic "double boost", but since even strafing and turning inside boosts can lead to stronger/different boosts, I assume something similar happens here.

04-22-2019, 02:01 PM
Ye, ye, have your assumption. And btw, strafing on boosts have always been allowed for boosts and also vertical boosts, e.g. surf_and_destroy_fix, so that would not even be an argument, haha.

Regarding inconsistency, could you make a no-jump zone on the lamp on s6 surf_liberation2 just as on liberation s7 lamp?

O wait my nazi comrade, I forgot your buddy Rapist has s6 wrcp XD

Regarding inconsistency, could we start disallowing sliding objects in general just as it is not allowed in the concrete situation of liberation2 s6?

O wait, your buddy Rapist has liberation2 s6 wrcp, I just forgot that, though I had just typed it, stoooopid me XD

Regarding inconsistency, could we start allow RNGfixbug on the front of the ramp in general just as it is allowed on dynamics_fixed, but somehow not on s7 liberation?

Ah, Rapist your buddy XD

Alright cya.

04-23-2019, 01:19 AM
Er.. As I said earlier - with lib s7 I had the wrcp even with the boost and it was a far better time than yours lol. Making it a slide makes no sense because it would make it rng (dependent on inconsistent angle and landing from 1st ramp) + affect wr + there are plenty of examples of rngfix slides being disallowed when they affect CP/record (lolrevlis s6 as an example).

With lib2 s6 I couldn't care less if that wrcp is made a slide or removed but I would note that slided times were removed even prior to me having that wrcp (systm slid it months before) because the point of removing the looped boost was not to make it a slide wrcp.

Unsure why you are acting like this is about me specifically and moreover I am bamboozled at your inability to beat my cps without using rngfix routes given that you are an objectively better surfer than me(?)