View Full Version : CSS - Soccer - Looking for players to play css soccer with our short playerbase

03-26-2019, 05:58 PM

I see this community is pretty large and we are a short group of people which like to player CSS soccer (yes it is fun!). However, I would like to grow our playerbase to have more games played everyday.

We do two type of games:

4v4 - 20 minutes games - 1 goalie, 1 defense and 2 wings

6v6 - 30 minutes games - 1 goalie, 2 defense, 2 wings and 1 center (does offense and defense)

We are playing basically like real soccer with positions.

If you are interested to play this with us (Mainly looking for US / CAN players), simply add me on steam and I will get you started :)

-New players are welcome, I will help you get started with basics
-Old players are welcome, I will refresh the basics with you !

Here's the link to my profile:

We do have few videos for tutorial: