View Full Version : lit unban request

03-08-2019, 11:29 PM
I was already banned for this so idk why I log on to ksf with another ban. I served a 24 hour ban without making a forum post because I wasn't able to sign up due to there not being a pick avatar slot. Anyway, I didn't mind the first ban, I exploited a map (unknowingly - I was just following the bot replay on Journeys b3) but now I log on I am rebanned. There is 12 hours left or so on the ban so it would be nice to get unbanned or at least an explanation.
Thanks :)

edit - I was not online during the second ban which is why I am asking for clarification on why a second ban on 1 offense.

03-11-2019, 12:52 PM
By the time this gets read by admins, your ban will most likely be expired.

03-12-2019, 11:18 AM
I've read it in time and unbanned him a bit earlier, was a few days ago.. I don't think this thread really matters/helps