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View Full Version : [Help] Randomly given wrcp?

02-05-2019, 02:22 AM
I was on the allsurf server a moment ago on surf_lt_unicorn_official and out of nowhere the chat got spammed with the following:

SurfTimer | lethargic beat a stage record! Stage: [Map Start] Time: 00:12:81 (WR N/A) Rank: 1/60
SurfTimer | You have received 250 points for beating the WRCP
SurfTimer | lethargic beat a stage record! Stage: [CP 1] Time: 00:16:28 (WR N/A) Rank: 1/37
SurfTimer | You have received 250 points for beating the WRCP
SurfTimer | lethargic beat a stage record! Stage: [Stage 1] Time: 00:12:45 (WR +00:02:17) Rank: 1/60
SurfTimer | lethargic beat a stage record! Stage: [Stage 1] Time: 00:12:03 (WR -00:00:42) Rank: 1/60
SurfTimer | lethargic beat a stage record! Stage: [Stage 2] Time: 00:14:98 (WR +00:04:17) Rank: 1/37
SurfTimer | lethargic beat a stage record! Stage: [Stage 3] Time: 00:18:28 (WR +00:11:35) Rank: 1/20
SurfTimer | You have received 250 points for beating the WRCP

I have no idea how this happened and was hoping someone could fix this.


02-05-2019, 06:04 AM
It was on surf_drifting_go, I reported the times

02-05-2019, 03:01 PM
Was during server backup I guess, tends to happen

03-04-2019, 09:24 AM
Not sure how this happened but they came back? I didn't have the wrcp for a while but now they're in my profile again