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View Full Version : Greetings from "mate" land.

03-15-2018, 03:56 AM
Good morning from Argentina ladies and gentlemen,

I used to play surf for fun back in 1.6 (circa 2008, NoSteam servers....), but I was far far way from any hard maps (I mostly played surf_ninja, water-run and other easy maps)

Ten years later, I purchased the whole CS pack (thanks to steam for finally accepting AR$) to give surfing another try and I'm actually doing something (but still playing easy maps)

I heard about KSF's servers many times on an Argentinian server but never cared to hop onto them since my connection's crap (10 megabits/s Down | Barely 1 megabits/s Up)

So yeah, I'll just be lurking around the forums and taking a look at the recent WRs to be amazed of how fast can people move.

Have a nice day :contentsmile:

And remember to flow like a river and be fast as f**

Wrong board, I wanted to post this over at the CS:GO one. My bad

03-16-2018, 06:57 PM
Hey there!

Nice to have you back into surfing! Unfortunately the forums here are rarely used anymore due to our discord server, which is always active! So if you want to join in and have plenty of conversation or just to see what's up, just come on by!

