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02-23-2018, 02:45 PM
I think it is very obvious why rool needs to be removed from the Kamikaze Strike Force Clan.

He's a cancer to the Kamikaze Strike Force Clan.
Skill? No where to be found (lol!) - I thought you needed atleast some kind of skill to make it in KSF (being able to surf a ramp) :\
You might aswell update the KSF Application Requirements (again) so everyone can join and give out free VIP to all the rookies! (like rool lol!)

Over the past couple of weeks I've been hanging around in the Expert and Veteran servers, which are BTW meant for skilled surfers and VIP's, and guess who's there to be a plague to the people (skilled surfers/VIP's) who are playing on these servers? rool.
Not only is rool annoying (most of the time when he's in the Expert or Veteran server) but he also isn't supposed to have access to these servers. Why? It's simple. He isn't a skilled surfer or a VIP.

rool NO Skill
rool NO VIP
rool access to the Expert and Veteran server YES

He is just using his KSF Membership (which he got by making some bad videos under the name of KSF) to have free access to the servers named earlier in this thread.

I hope the members of the Kamikaze Strike Force Clan open up their mind and remove this animal from KSF.


02-24-2018, 02:33 AM

02-24-2018, 11:12 AM
I don't use my admin only "to have free access to the servers", I use it to help people on public, europe and australia servers, where people actually need it the most, you only hang out on expert, veteran or private servers where there usually is a VIP or an admin on and where it's not needed as much, people ask me to go extend/mute/gag/ban people on those servers all the time, I see you on those servers very rarely, which in my opinion isn't something that an admin should be doing. And you only associate yourself with high ranked players, which just further disconnects the community and makes everyone very elitist, no wonder so many people in the community dislike many high ranked players. You are definitely a worse admin than me, you abuse your admin powers to ban/gag/kick people you personally don't like. And yes, I may not be as skilled as you, but that does not mean that I am a bad admin or a bad addition to the KSF clan, I like to think that people who actually need admins and their power to extend, ban etc. value me and what I do, unlike many other admins. And I would just like to remind that this is a personal thing Nyannix has against me, which you can see by him calling me 'cancer','an animal' or making fun about the fact that I am from Latvia and there's nothing I can do about it.

The Joker
02-24-2018, 12:34 PM
why is ambutes able to vote ?

the guy isnt in ksf anymore

02-24-2018, 03:58 PM
Seems like 11 admins have the same personal problem as nyannix has with you

02-27-2018, 05:39 PM
People say do what you like
Then call me selfish for doing it
People say live your life
Then seem to constantly ruin it
People say you can't be crazy
If you feel like you're losing it
People say a lot of things
Different when it's on you
People say they'll be there when you need them
And then they turn their backs
People say to count on their presence
But then their words are crap
People say they ain't got time for you
But then they seem to do for other cats
People need to act
On what they chat
People say they care for your feelings
But then they break your heart
People think this life is a blessing
But then they make it hard
People think by changing the sentence
The message isn't gonna leave a scar
But it is hard
Tryna' to be positive cuz all I see is dark
People say to leave your demons behind you
People also say if you don't those demons will find you
Creep up inside you
And leave you feeling like I do
There's a long road ahead that could end depending on my route
So I gotta make the right moves
People say you're free
But I can't live the life that I choose
People say there's evil in every person:
That's quite true
People say a lot of sly shit to misguide you though

- MC Johnboi track: upfront MC

02-27-2018, 11:36 PM
I think it is very obvious why rool needs to be removed from the Kamikaze Strike Force Clan.

He's a cancer to the Kamikaze Strike Force Clan.
Skill? No where to be found (lol!) - I thought you needed atleast some kind of skill to make it in KSF (being able to surf a ramp) :\
You might aswell update the KSF Application Requirements (again) so everyone can join and give out free VIP to all the rookies! (like rool lol!)

Over the past couple of weeks I've been hanging around in the Expert and Veteran servers, which are BTW meant for skilled surfers and VIP's, and guess who's there to be a plague to the people (skilled surfers/VIP's) who are playing on these servers? rool.
Not only is rool annoying (most of the time when he's in the Expert or Veteran server) but he also isn't supposed to have access to these servers. Why? It's simple. He isn't a skilled surfer or a VIP.

rool NO Skill
rool NO VIP
rool access to the Expert and Veteran server YES

He is just using his KSF Membership (which he got by making some bad videos under the name of KSF) to have free access to the servers named earlier in this thread.

I hope the members of the Kamikaze Strike Force Clan open up their mind and remove this animal from KSF.


proof of rool being a "plague" plz

03-01-2018, 05:40 PM

03-05-2018, 01:29 PM
If you're kicking rool, kick every ksf member that hasn't contributed in any way towards the clan recently, oh wait, that's fucking 80% of the clan, I'm not noones side, just stating an obvious fact that noone on the clan is doing anything, kthxbye

03-05-2018, 02:14 PM
thank you for this post

03-06-2018, 04:43 AM
You are very welcome, my dear colleague

03-09-2018, 01:10 PM
terminate wild