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06-21-2017, 05:00 PM
(sry for my english) Guys, I read the Beetle thread. What Beetle is promoting is another discussion. I was defending free harassment and free provocation back in times. Synki and some other admins (e.g. Skandy) were banning people because they were posting trolls and memes regarding to them, with other words: because they got offended. I was standing up for racists and retards and trolls like spar, and people banned me a half year for doing so. Now they are suddenly acting like they are anti-SJW, when in reality the quite opposite was the case back in times. Explain me please.

06-21-2017, 05:30 PM
It suddenly seems like there's a major consensus about not regulating speech other than spamming in the contrast to what was the case when I was defending Spar, mr. gmmbearz, Bocuma etc., when every1 hated me, called me Hitler and perm banned me in the end.

06-21-2017, 07:15 PM
Those weren't the reasons you got perma-banned. It was mainly do to the way in which you went about it. It was destructive and pissed a lot of people off. You tried to force the change and banned people with friends in high places and got banned in return. Change in the case of KSF is a slow process and not something that can get forced, especially when everyone in the server is accustomed to a certain atmosphere that's been developing for so many years since ksf came to be.

I agree with Beetle and the topic, but I also know that even if I attempted to do something I'd only make enemies and end up in a similar position to you. Gotta fight the battles you know you can win. And given that evolv himself said that he doesn't really give a shit in regards to racism, don't expect anything to change either. When hate speech is genuine and not used as a troll or in general talk, I step in regardless of who. With most of the people in ksf who use racist terms i see it more of a shitty habitual use rather than genuine hatred of a race or w/e, which is why I don't bother.

I'm not trying to make myself out to be superior either, I've done my fair share of abusing for whatever the reason and I'm aware of that.

06-21-2017, 09:06 PM
Those weren't the reasons you got perma-banned. It was mainly do to the way in which you went about it. It was destructive and pissed a lot of people off. You tried to force the change and banned people with friends in high places and got banned in return. Change in the case of KSF is a slow process and not something that can get forced, especially when everyone in the server is accustomed to a certain atmosphere that's been developing for so many years since ksf came to be.

I agree with Beetle and the topic, but I also know that even if I attempted to do something I'd only make enemies and end up in a similar position to you. Gotta fight the battles you know you can win. And given that evolv himself said that he doesn't really give a shit in regards to racism, don't expect anything to change either. When hate speech is genuine and not used as a troll or in general talk, I step in regardless of who. With most of the people in ksf who use racist terms i see it more of a shitty habitual use rather than genuine hatred of a race or w/e, which is why I don't bother.

I'm not trying to make myself out to be superior either, I've done my fair share of abusing for whatever the reason and I'm aware of that.
(sorry for many edits)
Stevo, I definetly agree that my attitude was too revolutionary. You need at least recognition before you can do changes, and the thing is no one ever liked me that much on KSF, I never speaked with so many, and I was never the social guy. I should have done more negotiating. The only respect I had was relating to my surf, like Synki.

Regarding to hypocricy: But still if look at many of the arguments you were using to shut me down, and the arguments you were using to criticize Beetle, then the arguments turned 180 degrees, Blink is now using the same arguments as I did when he argued against me, I'ts stupid as hell. And this is the very point of the thread to question

But you should know that I was actually handling a lot of admin abuse, and even though if you think I didn't (and yes, it was admittedly proven one time that I
actually unjustly banned Synki, because I didn't how to check hidden messages in the chat and therefor misinterpreted the course of actions)then the amount of "unfavorableness" I might have caused the server and the punishment of this is in no way proportional with all that unfavorableness Synki, Skandy and some other admins have caused AND their related punishment.

And you kicked me from KSF instead of just temporarily removing my ban abilities.

(And when I came back unbanned, the admins went nuts, they abused me and banned me for 24 hours???? When I banned you, we were typically talking small fucking irrelevant 5-20 minutes.)

And no, I was not biased. This is not true, Spar was literally the only one I had on my friendlist. In the situation itself, I added the other victims, who werent my friends, and whom you can ask whether this is true: mr.gmmbearz, bocuma, cyber and Ice (cant find the rest people because i either deleted them on my friendlist or they deleted me).

Maybe they later turned out to be my friends, but It would be biased tho to discriminate these, just because they were my friends, lol. I was always objective.

06-22-2017, 02:27 AM
nvm deleting post, not even worth trying to say anything

06-22-2017, 04:56 AM
Regarding to hypocricy: But still if look at many of the arguments you were using to shut me down, and the arguments you were using to criticize Beetle, then the arguments turned 180 degrees, Blink is now using the same arguments as I did when he argued against me, I'ts stupid as hell.

Can you pull up the posts or elaborate on this? I don't think I've ever been against free speech or offended by shit people say so I don't know what you're talking about here.

06-22-2017, 07:21 AM
Using just the one example of gmmbearz the difference is that he was:
- spamming binds and/or global chat commands
- actively annoying a large majority of the server
- not easily avoided because he would intentionally try to start 'troll' conversations with people that he specifically knew had no interest talking to him
- using the fact that you would rule in favor of the people complaining without confirming facts in order to bait admins and then get them banned

and synki:
- had a somewhat offensive name (but nothing that is particularly beyond the pale of what is normal in the server chat or the internet in general - remember that Habitat's chat title was literally hardcoded to FAG for several years)
- was offending very few people because most people on any game really don't care about random generic insults
- is easily avoided because he rarely really talks to people he doesn't know

Most importantly however; don't even try to victimize yourself as if you were banned for the movement you were trying to generate.

You were de-adminned because you would take cases such as gmmbearz one - where admins would make a justified ban (read: one that would be supported by the majority of players online) - and then ban the admin in question for doing their job because you and the player that was banned didn't agree with it. Unlike Beetle's post on the forum which began an open discussion where both sides could be heard and the one supported by the majority could win, you attempted to eliminate the possibility of having a discussion at all in order to force your point of view (which had minimal support to begin with) across.

If writing a set of rules that you share with no one but yourself, and having no discussion with any other leadership at all about what needs to be changed is your idea of a revolution, then power to you. However according to a normal person's point of view (see: the overwhelming majority of people that voted to kick you) you were no revolutionary - just a shitty admin.

After being de-adminned you still did not create any kind of discussion about whether or not your proposed changes would be beneficial to KSF - you instead took to spamming the forums, not responding to counterarguments except to call people hypocrites, indignant in the face of the fact that 90% of the players responding were against your ideas and somehow unable to fathom that KSF would not cater towards the minority at the expense of everyone else. At this point evolv simply took pity on you and decided to put you out of your misery by banning you rather than let you waste any more of your seemingly endless free time on an issue that was quite clearly moving further and further against you.

Frankly I still cannot understand (1) Why you are unbanned to begin with, (2) How you cannot fathom that if you had no support for this argument before you will certainly not have any now, (3) What you are even think you are going to achieve at this point and (4) How little else you must have going on in your life if resurrecting this argument and being ridiculed for it again is what you wish to spend what I assume to be your free time on.

06-22-2017, 08:50 AM
Didn't get a chance to post this in the last topic, nor did I notice anyone mentioning it, but quote for sacred: "If you compare this to some other stuff people regularily post as binds (e.g. "Don't mind me, just taking my SacReds for a walk *insert swastikas here*") or what other people have as names, which YOU simply don't care about because they are not rank 1 and don't attack you personally, this is not worse or worthier to mention."

Firstly, in defense of beetle, I would like to say that it's different when a player ranked number one has racist/dumb stuff in his name or posts/does childish things and when a random player which doesn't represent the server at all does it, I'm 100% sure I've seen 'nigger179' or what ever it was in a video which was uploaded to youtube, also who always !silences people who he never even talked to - for example I've seen many occasions when he gag'ed a person only because he was from a country he doesn't like, ?! Is that maturity at it's finest?

Further on, from a persons perspective - which one does more harmful publicity , a person whose videos are uploaded for everyone to see and literally is on top in !st , or a person who casually plays the servers to relax/hangout.

All in all, I'd like to suggest to make changes to your member rules, as this is after all the leading surf community and the people that represent the 'clan' should be at least somewhat mature.

synkis not a member so who exactly is bothering you?

06-22-2017, 10:00 AM
these ppl are worse than muslims

06-22-2017, 02:33 PM
Using just the one example of gmmbearz the difference is that he was:
- spamming binds and/or global chat commands
- actively annoying a large majority of the server
- not easily avoided because he would intentionally try to start 'troll' conversations with people that he specifically knew had no interest talking to him
- using the fact that you would rule in favor of the people complaining without confirming facts in order to bait admins and then get them banned

Yes, he has been spamming, but the specific cases I took care of (except the case where spammed in hidden chats), this wasn't the issue. And yes, often he was trolling, but there were examples of admins themselves initiating the conflicts intentionally to ban mr.gmmbearz.
Apparently you only deffend troll when it's exerted against an arbitrarily limited number of people, that's not a consistent view, btw, you have to relate to the specific cases, the cases I was witness to, mr.gmbearzz was mostly in conflict with one admin, sometimes 2, so I can't really regonize your postulates about annoying the majority of server.
I was not ruling in favor of the people complaining, because I was checking the chat logs. So no.

and synki:
- had a somewhat offensive name (but nothing that is particularly beyond the pale of what is normal in the server chat or the internet in general - remember that Habitat's chat title was literally hardcoded to FAG for several years)
- was offending very few people because most people on any game really don't care about random generic insults
- is easily avoided because he rarely really talks to people he doesn't know

It's funny how you justify Synki's behavior by beutifying the language: "generic insults". And suddenly people really dont care about players behave annoying against them in contrast to what was the case with mr.gm.bearzz. Mr.gmmbearz wasnt even insulting any1.
The amount of people he's offending is not relevant, and as I said there were cases where mr.gmmbearz only had a conflict with 1 admin whilst he got banned.
So again: the hypocrisy is strong.

Most importantly however; don't even try to victimize yourself as if you were banned for the movement you were trying to generate.

You were de-adminned because you would take cases such as gmmbearz one - where admins would make a justified ban (read: one that would be supported by the majority of players online) - and then ban the admin in question for doing their job because you and the player that was banned didn't agree with it. Unlike Beetle's post on the forum which began an open discussion where both sides could be heard and the one supported by the majority could win, you attempted to eliminate the possibility of having a discussion at all in order to force your point of view (which had minimal support to begin with) across.

If writing a set of rules that you share with no one but yourself, and having no discussion with any other leadership at all about what needs to be changed is your idea of a revolution, then power to you. However according to a normal person's point of view (see: the overwhelming majority of people that voted to kick you) you were no revolutionary - just a shitty admin.

You have a perverted moral. The majority isnt an excuse to justify actions. A gang muslims could justify to rape a girl with same logic.
The rules are. The fact is we a have a certain rule set on our server, if admins have the right to make arbitrary rules outside the rule set, then there is no point of a certain rule set. Therefor admins cant have rights to make arbitrary rules outside the rule set, because that would contradict the idea about making a certain rule sets. If you have dont have a right to x, it implies a consequence if you claim x, because rights are always enforced. It's pure logics.

BUT I ADMIT, as you criticize me for. They way I determined the consequences, was completly singlehandedly carried out by myself. This is not good morals, I agree.

It's not necessarily cool to be revolutionary, so I'm fine with that, lol.

After being de-adminned you still did not create any kind of discussion about whether or not your proposed changes would be beneficial to KSF - you instead took to spamming the forums, not responding to counterarguments except to call people hypocrites, indignant in the face of the fact that 90% of the players responding were against your ideas and somehow unable to fathom that KSF would not cater towards the minority at the expense of everyone else. At this point evolv simply took pity on you and decided to put you out of your misery by banning you rather than let you waste any more of your seemingly endless free time on an issue that was quite clearly moving further and further against you.

Frankly I still cannot understand (1) Why you are unbanned to begin with, (2) How you cannot fathom that if you had no support for this argument before you will certainly not have any now, (3) What you are even think you are going to achieve at this point and (4) How little else you must have going on in your life if resurrecting this argument and being ridiculed for it again is what you wish to spend what I assume to be your free time on.

That's not true at all, I'm not against dialogue. I have in this thread already admitted my faults, none of you ever admitted your faults. My point is to display the hypocrisy of some KSF members, which you, yourself Rapist, already done singlehandedly regarding to Synki.

And sorry Blink, I will find the examples soon in night.

06-22-2017, 02:37 PM
synki you act like a muslim yourself. muslims dont care about people's rights exactly like you. (my other post is on the first page)

06-22-2017, 03:04 PM
synki you act like a muslim yourself. muslims dont care about people's rights exactly like you. (my other post is on the first page)


06-22-2017, 03:43 PM
thx cornfirming it urself, sacred

06-22-2017, 04:51 PM

06-23-2017, 01:28 AM
Almost everyone hated gmmbearz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

06-23-2017, 01:57 AM
257 ˡᵒˡ ᶦᵗˢ ˢᵒ ˢᵐᵃˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿᵗ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ˢᵉᵉ ᶦᵗ

06-23-2017, 03:34 AM
this thread is a total throwback to the good ole report threads by jabra with all of the muslim analogies

06-23-2017, 03:59 AM
Not going to respond much further about the other cases because I didn't investigate any of them and don't know full details and of course you have documented nothing.

I will say that I very much doubt there were any cases of admins initiating the contact with gmmbearz especially until after he had numerous warnings/bans.

You should be smart enough to realise that gmmbearz has gone from getting banned multiple times a day to rarely/not at all since you were de-adminned - because he was intentionally going out of his way to do things that he knew would get him banned while you were an admin because I imagine he found it funny to make you come in and ban another admin for no reason.

That you still defend his cases in particular just shows how unfit you are to institute the changes you propose, when he is by anyone else's definition a textbook example of what you can do (short of cheating) in order to get (justifiably) banned.

You have a perverted moral. The majority isnt an excuse to justify actions. A gang muslims could justify to rape a girl with same logic.
The rules are. The fact is we a have a certain rule set on our server, if admins have the right to make arbitrary rules outside the rule set, then there is no point of a certain rule set. Therefor admins cant have rights to make arbitrary rules outside the rule set, because that would contradict the idea about making a certain rule sets. If you have dont have a right to x, it implies a consequence if you claim x, because rights are always enforced. It's pure logics.

BUT I ADMIT, as you criticize me for. They way I determined the consequences, was completly singlehandedly carried out by myself. This is not good morals, I agree.

It's not necessarily cool to be revolutionary, so I'm fine with that, lol.

For all the law books you claim to have derived your rules from, I am unconvinced that actually know how democracy works. Again; if the author's last name is Hitler or Stalin, chances are the books you're reading are a little bit out of date.

Nonetheless - A brief overview of the system we have in place in most of the modern world is that since it would be impossible to have every member of the public vote on every single issue - each area elects their own member of parliament to represent their interests and vote on their behalf. These MP's for the most part guide the way the country is run as well as many laws. So in effect it quite literally does apply a 'majority rules' system and everything is in fact decided with the majority of society's best interests in mind.

If a group of people (of any ethnicity or religion, in fact) were to gang up and rape someone then actually it would still be against the law and they would get punished because the vast majority of society is against such acts. The same principle applies on KSF, where if one shitty admin and mr.gmmbearz gang up on another admin for doing their job, the rest of the law enforcement (other admins) will quickly step up and jail the criminals in order to protect the rest of our little society.

That's not true at all, I'm not against dialogue. I have in this thread already admitted my faults, none of you ever admitted your faults. My point is to display the hypocrisy of some KSF members, which you, yourself Rapist, already done singlehandedly regarding to Synki.

And sorry Blink, I will find the examples soon in night.

If you weren't against dialogue you would have attempted to institute your changes by actually communicating them to the public and letting others vote on what they thought best for KSF rather than enforcing it on your own without thought to others input. You would also not be trying to tell us that 'it doesn't matter what the majority thinks' - because I'm pretty sure that saying your own view is correct regardless of what everyone else thinks is in fact a very clear way of stating that you are, in fact, against open dialogue.

Have you heard of ISIS? It's an organization I'm aware of that has roughly the same views as you regarding 'revolutionaries' and 'changing society for the better'. You might be able to get some pointers or find some like-minded souls there - the muslim thing might be a bit of a deal breaker though. I am at least certainly starting to see that your issue here has less to do with KSF and more to do with democracy and society in general. Is this a trial run before you embark on your course as a revolutionary in real life perhaps?

06-23-2017, 04:26 AM
And sorry Blink, I will find the examples soon in night.

Are you still working on this?

These 2 cases being completely different I'm eager to see what you come up with and hoping you're not mentioning my name in this thread for no reason.

06-23-2017, 04:01 PM
Not going to respond much further about the other cases because I didn't investigate any of them and don't know full details and of course you have documented nothing.

I will say that I very much doubt there were any cases of admins initiating the contact with gmmbearz especially until after he had numerous warnings/bans.
I have minor documentation of what I have said, whilst you can absolutely nothing document.
This is one example. Mr.gmmbearz didn't even speak to Synki, but Synki kicked him, mr.gmmbearz rejoined and Synki started speaking to him, and mr.gmmbearz replied -> ban.
Rapha and Synki approaching mr.gmmbearz

And there're ofc a lot of examples with myself.

You should be smart enough to realise that gmmbearz has gone from getting banned multiple times a day to rarely/not at all since you were de-adminned - because he was intentionally going out of his way to do things that he knew would get him banned while you were an admin because I imagine he found it funny to make you come in and ban another admin for no reason.

That you still defend his cases in particular just shows how unfit you are to institute the changes you propose, when he is by anyone else's definition a textbook example of what you can do (short of cheating) in order to get (justifiably) banned.

Neither do I see Cow get banned any longer, there can be many other reasons. And the fact that mr.gmmbearz can trigger admins to make them ban him, already proves that they are not mature enough to be admins, but are silly SJW's.
EDIT: Rather I think the reason was that the admins knew they could get away with anything as long as I opposed it, because whatever I would oppose, people would oppose me opposing it.

For all the law books you claim to have derived your rules from, I am unconvinced that actually know how democracy works. Again; if the author's last name is Hitler or Stalin, chances are the books you're reading are a little bit out of date.

Nonetheless - A brief overview of the system we have in place in most of the modern world is that since it would be impossible to have every member of the public vote on every single issue - each area elects their own member of parliament to represent their interests and vote on their behalf. These MP's for the most part guide the way the country is run as well as many laws. So in effect it quite literally does apply a 'majority rules' system and everything is in fact decided with the majority of society's best interests in mind.

If a group of people (of any ethnicity or religion, in fact) were to gang up and rape someone then actually it would still be against the law and they would get punished because the vast majority of society is against such acts. The same principle applies on KSF, where if one shitty admin and mr.gmmbearz gang up on another admin for doing their job, the rest of the law enforcement (other admins) will quickly step up and jail the criminals in order to protect the rest of our little society.

But you forget we have constitutional rights as well which are the most essential for our democracy.

If you weren't against dialogue you would have attempted to institute your changes by actually communicating them to the public and letting others vote on what they thought best for KSF rather than enforcing it on your own without thought to others input. You would also not be trying to tell us that 'it doesn't matter what the majority thinks' - because I'm pretty sure that saying your own view is correct regardless of what everyone else thinks is in fact a very clear way of stating that you are, in fact, against open dialogue.

Have you heard of ISIS? It's an organization I'm aware of that has roughly the same views as you regarding 'revolutionaries' and 'changing society for the better'. You might be able to get some pointers or find some like-minded souls there - the muslim thing might be a bit of a deal breaker though. I am at least certainly starting to see that your issue here has less to do with KSF and more to do with democracy and society in general. Is this a trial run before you embark on your course as a revolutionary in real life perhaps?

I dont think it doesnt matter what the majority believe. My point is that majority is not an argument for morals, but it's necessarily for the sake of pragmatism.
At the same way the regime of China is not respecting basic human rights, then even though there're individuals getting opressed, it wouldnt make sense to make enforce changes because of their culture, but this doesn't justify the people getting opressed.

I'm not saying that rights in that sense are being violated on KSF. Ofc. not, KSF is not a society. It's just an analogy and a way to explain it.

Regarding to the pragmatic of my project and my self-appointed way to determine the consequences were dumb.
But regarding to the morals I defended and my postulates about the major hypocrisy and inconsistency among some KSF members, I'm still right. And I have already proved that.
Btw, relax, KSF is private property ...

06-23-2017, 10:47 PM
I have minor documentation of what I have said, whilst you can absolutely nothing document.
The responsibility to document everything in a manner that others can easily look over is all on you, because you're the one bringing the complaints and taking on the responsibility of it. No one else wants to waste hours of their day going through this stuff.

Neither do I see Cow get banned any longer, there can be many other reasons. And the fact that mr.gmmbearz can trigger admins to make them ban him, already proves that they are not mature enough to be admins, but are silly SJW's.
EDIT: Rather I think the reason was that the admins knew they could get away with anything as long as I opposed it, because whatever I would oppose, people would oppose me opposing it.

You honestly think the admins all got together and collectively decided to abuse others because of you - before you even did anything - and after the admins themselves voted you into KSF?

just lol.

Also gmmbearz triggering admins doesn't prove they're immature - not when the bans are viewed as justified by anyone on the server except you and gmmbearz (as has been shown time and time again).

But you forget we have constitutional rights as well which are the most essential for our democracy.

The constitution wasn't delivered to us by God anyway, who do you think wrote it and how/why do you think it was written?

I dont think it doesnt matter what the majority believe. My point is that majority is not an argument for morals, but it's necessarily for the sake of pragmatism.
At the same way the regime of China is not respecting basic human rights, then even though there're individuals getting opressed, it wouldnt make sense to make enforce changes because of their culture, but this doesn't justify the people getting opressed.

I'm not saying that rights in that sense are being violated on KSF. Ofc. not, KSF is not a society. It's just an analogy and a way to explain it.

Regarding to the pragmatic of my project and my self-appointed way to determine the consequences were dumb.
But regarding to the morals I defended and my postulates about the major hypocrisy and inconsistency among some KSF members, I'm still right. And I have already proved that.
Btw, relax, KSF is private property ...

Ok go take on some governments then, as you've noted KSF is private property and no one has any special protected rights beyond the way that we want to run it so you might have better luck there.

06-25-2017, 06:23 PM
The responsibility to document everything in a manner that others can easily look over is all on you, because you're the one bringing the complaints and taking on the responsibility of it. No one else wants to waste hours of their day going through this stuff.
You're mostly right, I should have documented my complaint, and I apologize I didn't, and this definitely gives the 'right' for opponents to sow doubt about my claims, BUT it doesnt give the 'right' to make even more undocumented claims, and not at all with that condition not being able to document it afterwards in contrast to me (except with blink). Yes, it's my responsibility to reason my claim in my complaints, but this doesn't give free wheels to assert undocumented claims against me.
And ofc. are you ignoring the documentation I have xDD

You honestly think the admins all got together and collectively decided to abuse others because of you - before you even did anything - and after the admins themselves voted you into KSF?

I didn't assert they decided anything collectively I said they were AWARE that they COULD abuse and get away with it, because I would oppose it, and people would oppose me no matter what. This was ofc. after they figured out that every one was against me, no matter what the situation what, because all the retarded people in this case dont look at the content, but at the persons - and I was in some way retarded enough to continue even though this was the situation, but it doesnt change value of my complaints.

Also gmmbearz triggering admins doesn't prove they're immature - not when the bans are viewed as justified by anyone on the server except you and gmmbearz (as has been shown time and time again).
I think we should at least have an anonymous vote to confirm that the majority was against, all the powerful admins were against, but you dont know about all these who were afraid to raise their voices and to help a person with low charisma. Levii was on of them, thank you, I guess since he upvoted my comments.

The constitution wasn't delivered to us by God anyway, who do you think wrote it and how/why do you think it was written?
Well, you nearly got a point here, but rather it confirms the problem about using "majority" as an argument. Majority has to be defined within a geographic area or population area and is therefor arbitrary ... The opnion of the majority in AMERICA (with France etc. ofc) prob. brought the americans to the power and made them win the revolution on the areas ruled by Britain .. but since Britain had the formal sovereignty of these areas, the majority in another sense was actually against the American Revolution. At the same way a rape can be against the majority of the society, but not against the majority of the rape act (if it's a gang rape - what would even be the case if it was 1on1 ... 50 percent against 50 percent xD)

Ok go take on some governments then, as you've noted KSF is private property and no one has any special protected rights beyond the way that we want to run it so you might have better luck there.
Nop, no one has any rights, but morals can still be discussed. And yes, the majority had the right to kick me because that's how the owner Evolv determined it (the majority leads), but im not arguing rights, im arguing the morals within that decesion etc.


06-26-2017, 06:38 AM

Making claims you can't back up about someone doesn't make you a cuck. It does make you look unprofessional, your argument look weak and also makes you a prime candidate for a defamation lawsuit.

06-28-2017, 12:23 PM
Firstly I wanna say that you arent the best example, and there were better examples.


"The kind of community I try to foster is the one you've been surfing in for several years, one would think you know the rules by now. I can't really comment on people getting banned for memes since I'm not the one doing the banning, you can open up a complaint thread if you feel a ban was unjustified."
- In this context you're not really supporting the idea about banning people for posting memes, you recommend Beetle to open up a complaint thread if he felt a ban was ujustified (where the unjustness is clearly understood in the context that a player was banned for posting memes).

"If you think I'm going to start censoring the people on the server just because you feel harassed, you are out of your fucking mind. There are systems on the server to make sure you don't hear as much as a peep from synki, if those are not enough I suggest you disconnect from the server or simply step away from the computer. I don't defend racism, I defend players who abide by the rules. I personally feel that we've managed just fine all these years without banning racism since I'm not some SJW cuck, but if there's a rule change I'll be happy to throw in a 60 minute ban for each and every 'nigger' and 'jew' on sight."

- Clearly you're not supporting the admins to carry out a ban just because someone feels harassed.

"Can you pull up the posts or elaborate on this? I don't think I've ever been against free speech or offended by shit people say so I don't know what you're talking about here."

Your agenda is drawn



Mr.gmmbearz possibly trolled and asked "wanna hear my opinion?" and gets banned

- but in the thread you dont stand with me, but with the opposite side.


"I find it perfectly justified to punish a player that constantly pisses multiple other players off on the servers. He knows what he's doing and he's good at it, he's a massive troll"

- You're clearly not defending the right to harass. You're exaggerating also, mr.gmmbearz have many friends on ksf servers, and all his trolls are pretty harmless and non-edgy.

06-28-2017, 01:14 PM
"If you think I'm going to start censoring the people on the server just because you feel harassed, you are out of your fucking mind. There are systems on the server to make sure you don't hear as much as a peep from synki, if those are not enough I suggest you disconnect from the server or simply step away from the computer. I don't defend racism, I defend players who abide by the rules. I personally feel that we've managed just fine all these years without banning racism since I'm not some SJW cuck, but if there's a rule change I'll be happy to throw in a 60 minute ban for each and every 'nigger' and 'jew' on sight."

- Clearly you're not supporting the admins to carry out a ban just because someone feels harassed.

"I find it perfectly justified to punish a player that constantly pisses multiple other players off on the servers. He knows what he's doing and he's good at it, he's a massive troll"

- You're clearly not defending the right to harass. You're exaggerating also, mr.gmmbearz have many friends on ksf servers, and all his trolls are pretty harmless and non-edgy.

As I said before, these cases are not related. My statements do not contradict each other by any means since they aren't in the same context and I still stand by both of them.

Gmmbearz was harassing a large number of players (mostly admins?) to get a ban out of them so you could have something to complain about, this is a big no no.

Beetle was essentially asking us to punish Synki for racism / ban racism on KSF, which would change the community to the core.

Firstly I wanna say that you arent the best example, and there were better examples.
I'm a really shitty example tbh

06-28-2017, 02:11 PM
But the cases can be related.
"just because you feel harassed", you're not saying "just because you feel harassed by racism", your point is in general (because that's implicit when you dont specify it) and is therefor contradicting your earlier statement.

You have in general expressed harassment is not an excuse to censor/regulate, whilst you claim that the motive for harassment is somehow relevant, if the motive for instance is that a player harass with an eye for getting banned so an admin can open up a complaint.

So harassment is an excuse if the motive is against your narrative, this contradicts your general statement.

06-28-2017, 03:02 PM
But the cases can be related.
"just because you feel harassed", you're not saying "just because you feel harassed by racism", your point is in general (because that's implicit when you dont specify it) and is therefor contradicting your earlier statement.
By racism is implied in context of the thread.

You have in general expressed harassment is not an excuse to censor/regulate, whilst you claim that the motive for harassment is somehow relevant, if the motive for instance is that a player harass with an eye for getting banned so an admin can open up a complaint.
Motive is relevant.

So harassment is an excuse if the motive is against your narrative, this contradicts your general statement.
In this case the motive was to disrupt the administration of KSF via an impressionable new member such as yourself.

I wasn't the one banning Gmmbearz either so it's not as if he got banned because his motive was against my narrative. I agreed with the ban because it was good for the server.

06-28-2017, 03:12 PM
Fair enough, it just seems more logical for me that the point is that "feel harassed" is meant in general, because why the fuck would matter what you are harassed by; that would have been a more consistent standpoint, but alright.

"Can you pull up the posts or elaborate on this? I don't think I've ever been against free speech or offended by shit people say so I don't know what you're talking about here."

But now you at least know you have been against free spech.

In this case the motive was to disrupt the administration of KSF via an impressionable new member such as yourself.

The impressionable admins where obv. the admins to carry out a ban because someone says "wanna hear my opinion".

06-28-2017, 03:26 PM
Fair enough, it just seems more logical for me that the point is that "feel harassed" is meant in general, because why the fuck would matter what you are harassed by; that would have been a more consistent standpoint, but alright.
It matters what you feel harassed by because racism is allowed on the server and you are on the internet, can't take it? leave

But now you at least know you have been against free spech.

Free speech gives you the right to express your opinion without censorship.
How have I been against that?

06-28-2017, 03:27 PM
The fact is you acted like you were anti-SJW in the thread, whilst you support banning people because they are harassing other persons. This is a classic SJW-standpoint.

06-28-2017, 03:27 PM
can u get a life autist subhuman?

06-28-2017, 03:40 PM
The fact is you acted like you were anti-SJW in the thread, whilst you support banning people because they are harassing other persons. This is a classic SJW-standpoint.

I'm maintaining order in the server as an admin, that's not at all SJW. Maybe you should check up on your terminology

06-28-2017, 04:22 PM
Btw, relax, KSF is private property ...

if ksf is private property then what fucking grounds do you think you have for being a total fucking idiot and expecting anyone to take you seriously

im sorry but youre being such an idiot that i had to literally create an account to say something because jesus h fucking christ on a bike

06-28-2017, 05:15 PM

06-28-2017, 05:20 PM
You're not maintaining the order of the server when you support regulation of harassment and people saying crap like 90 procent of the KSF community's players do. It's dumb as fuck and contraproductive and have always lead to admin abuse and arbitrary excercise of power. You're a SJW because you are finding excuses to justify banning trolls.

k, psycho, waste of time, when you dont contribute with anything relevant.

06-28-2017, 05:31 PM
can u get a life autist subhuman?

muslim, can u bomb urself

06-28-2017, 05:38 PM
You're not maintaining the order of the server when you support regulation of harassment and people saying crap like 90 procent of the KSF community's players do. It's dumb as fuck and contraproductive and have always lead to admin abuse and arbitrary excercise of power. You're a SJW because you are finding excuses to justify banning trolls.

k, psycho, waste of time, when you dont contribute with anything relevant.

Gmmbearz was nothing like 90% of the people on the server, what he was doing was more than just harassment. If you fail to see that you're either too arrogant to accept the fact or maybe too stupid. Also seems like you don't know what an SJW is.

06-28-2017, 05:40 PM
"more than just harassment" dont need more retarded excuses im done

06-28-2017, 05:45 PM
As expected, you got fucking nothing and you're just seeking for attention. Why even start up a thread arguing about two completely non-related threads?

Neck yourself

06-28-2017, 05:53 PM
Because you acted like you were anti-SJW, and SJW's are the kinda people yelling about offensive speek exactly like yourself. You just didn't in relation to identity politics.

The funny thing you dont realize, is that admins intentionally started drama when I was complaining.

[Expert] mr.gmmbearz :D : wanna hear my opinion?
*SPEC* [κѕғ] SFC | THERAPIST : no
*SPEC* [PRO] Mosdef¤ : lol
*SPEC* [Veteran] Rullbabwe : voteban
*SPEC* иuяd ٠Arkawhale : your a cunt
*SPEC* [κѕғ] Blink : no
*SPEC* [Master] skandy ksf : not really
Rullbabwe voted to ban mr.gmmbearz :D
Votes required 1/15
hotslut gunter : not particularly
*SPEC* иuяd ٠Arkawhale : (͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)
[Expert] mr.gmmbearz :D : stfu arka
[PRO] SLYPH : yes please tell us
*SPEC* иuяd ٠Arkawhale : i wasnt talking to you bearz
*SPEC* [κѕғ] Blink : yo can u not hit your head on the ring at the end of 5 and do it faster?
*SPEC* иuяd ٠Arkawhale : i was talking to mosdef
[Expert] mr.gmmbearz :D : i dont know how he can represent the clan in negative way
*SPEC* [κѕғ] SFC | THERAPIST : theres 3 stages blink
[Expert] mr.gmmbearz :D : because ur argument it he doesnt even surfs
*SPEC* [Elite] remkoe : !vipinfo
*SPEC* [κѕғ] Blink : o
*SPEC* [κѕғ] Blink : ye
[Expert] mr.gmmbearz :D : and you are all on expert/veteran
*SPEC* [κѕғ] Blink : end of 3
*SPEC* [PRO] Mosdef¤ : arka
*SPEC* [PRO] Mosdef¤ : what u want ?
[KSF Clan] - Join our teamspeak server at http://teamspeak.ksfclan.com
*SPEC* serial fapper [-NeXxXuS-] : voteban
Authentic connected.
Authentic (STEAM_0:1:18617719) connected from Denmark
[-NeXxXuS-] voted to ban remkoe
Votes required 1/16
Disconnect: Banned - No Reason Specified.
Disconnect: Banned - No Reason Specified.

Mr.gmmbearz was banned just as I joined to be sure I noted it and could complain about it.
Open your eyes, moron.

06-28-2017, 05:59 PM
Dunno what the chatlog has to do with this, I barely chimed in the conversation at all, it doesn't matter.

Because you acted like you were anti-SJW, and SJW's are the kinda people yelling about offensive speek exactly like yourself. You just didn't in relation to identity politics.
I've never claimed to be anti-SJW, I've said I'm not SJW. Get your facts straight. Also give me examples of me yelling about offensive speech, without them I dunno what you're talking about.

The funny thing you dont realize, is that admins intentionally started drama when I was complaining.

Mr.gmmbearz was banned just as I joined to be sure I noted it and could complain about it.
Open your eyes, moron.

I've never questioned this, I know for a fact admins were banning him to makes you complain about it because it got to a point where it became a meme.

06-28-2017, 06:12 PM
This is you yelling about offensive speech: "I find it perfectly justified to punish a player that constantly pisses multiple other players off on the servers. He knows what he's doing and he's good at it, he's a massive troll"

Here is you saying you're not a SJW-cuck: "If you think I'm going to start censoring the people on the server just because you feel harassed, you are out of your fucking mind. There are systems on the server to make sure you don't hear as much as a peep from synki, if those are not enough I suggest you disconnect from the server or simply step away from the computer. I don't defend racism, I defend players who abide by the rules. I personally feel that we've managed just fine all these years without banning racism since I'm not some SJW cuck, but if there's a rule change I'll be happy to throw in a 60 minute ban for each and every 'nigger' and 'jew' on sight."

You're tolerating admins to carry out bans just for the sake of starting drama (cuz it became meme), whilst you oppose when mr.gmmbearz tries the same thing.
"Gmmbearz was harassing a large number of players (mostly admins?) to get a ban out of them so you could have something to complain about, this is a big no no."

06-28-2017, 06:20 PM
can u stop now, nobody cares about your retard ass

06-28-2017, 06:23 PM
This is you yelling about offensive speech: "I find it perfectly justified to punish a player that constantly pisses multiple other players off on the servers. He knows what he's doing and he's good at it, he's a massive troll"
Pissing people off isn't offensive speech, what the fuck are you on about?

Here is you saying you're not a SJW-cuck: "If you think I'm going to start censoring the people on the server just because you feel harassed, you are out of your fucking mind. There are systems on the server to make sure you don't hear as much as a peep from synki, if those are not enough I suggest you disconnect from the server or simply step away from the computer. I don't defend racism, I defend players who abide by the rules. I personally feel that we've managed just fine all these years without banning racism since I'm not some SJW cuck, but if there's a rule change I'll be happy to throw in a 60 minute ban for each and every 'nigger' and 'jew' on sight."
This is exactly my point. You said I acted like I was anti-SJW, which I did not. Congratulations

You're tolerating admins to carry out bans just for the sake of starting drama (cuz it became meme), whilst you oppose when mr.gmmbearz tries the same thing.
"Gmmbearz was harassing a large number of players (mostly admins?) to get a ban out of them so you could have something to complain about, this is a big no no."
Gmmbearz was taunting admins before it became a meme, what he did was what started this whole thing. I tolerate the bans because he deserved them, while the starting drama part with you was a funny bonus.

06-28-2017, 06:24 PM
jabra you should try to come out of your mother's basement and start doing something with your time instead of complaining about something that NO ONE cares about

06-28-2017, 06:31 PM
k. i have proven the hypocrisy. bb retards

06-28-2017, 06:33 PM
Mr.gmmbearz was banned just as I joined to be sure I noted it and could complain about it.
Open your eyes, moron.

yes, im sure the admins waited until you joined so that you could see how bearz was so unjustly banned for being a cunt to literally everyone, that makes total sense, because everyone wanted to see you make an ass of yourself in this retarded fucking thread

06-28-2017, 06:35 PM
You have proven nothing but your autism and stupidity.

06-28-2017, 06:37 PM
And this is an excuse to ban gmmbearz. You're stupid as fuck, Psycho.

O, let's ban people so we can enjoy a meme!

06-28-2017, 06:39 PM
yeah, i think being a cunt to everyone and repeatedly intentionally starting shit with people to create drama is an excuse to ban bearz. and i think you being a cunt to everyone and repeatedly intentionally starting shit with people to create drama as you have in this thread is just as good an excuse to ban you

06-28-2017, 06:43 PM
Yes, you you prob. wanna perm ban every1 who criticizes the admins and status quo because you're narrow-minded idiot.
"being a cunt to every1". Read my discussion with therapist again i already debunked this stupid statement. I dont have to repeat argument after argument. Take your time to read the thread.

06-28-2017, 06:48 PM
Yes, you you prob. wanna perm ban every1 who criticizes the admins and status quo because you're narrow-minded idiot.
"being a cunt to every1". Read my discussion with therapist again i already debunked this stupid statement. I dont have to repeat argument after argument. Take your time to read the thread.

i criticize admins all the time. hell, there are a lot of things i think ksf admins could be doing better, and i dont even play here that much, i could make a list if i wanted to, but thats not the point of this thread. the point of this thread is that youre literally just trying to start shit with people. thats literally it. thats the entire purpose of this thread. when literally the only thing you are doing is starting shit with people as has been clearly shown in this thread that i did in fact read, then i cant name a community on earth that would fucking want you around. the status quo and criticism of admins is irrelevant here, what is relevant is that youve done nothing but shit up the forums for the last week with this thread that is literally just created to annoy people and cause drama. so yes, i do want to perm ban everyone who falls under the category of being a cunt to everyone and starting shit with people. you easily fall under that category. why you're still able to reply to me at all i don't fucking know.

06-28-2017, 06:51 PM
It's called free discussion. Shut the fuck and contribute with an argument instead of complaining about a discussion. This is not ISIS KSF.

06-28-2017, 06:56 PM
Lmao youre the one bitching at me about complaining about a discussion? Youre the one thats throwing out random ad hominems at me when im trying to tell you that you're just posting horrible quality content and being a total fucking asshole to everyone and trying to start shit for the sake of starting shit. Free discussion is fine until it gets to the point where someone is being a retarded fucking asshole about it, at that point it goes from free discussion to someone just trying to make everyone else's experience worse, and that's not acceptable.

The only thing you've fucking done in this thread is yell at people that they're being hypocrites and horrible people when they point out how much of an entitled immature cunt you're being.

06-28-2017, 06:58 PM
What a thread...

06-28-2017, 07:02 PM
because you fucking retards start insult me. look at your own behaviour just as you joined the thread.
and you expext me to talk nice to you?
"if ksf is private property then what fucking grounds do you think you have for being a total fucking idiot and expecting anyone to take you seriously

im sorry but youre being such an idiot that i had to literally create an account to say something because jesus h fucking christ on a bike"

Listen, I dont want you banned even though you just join this thread to insult me and being a retard - this is called tolerance. It is what differs western society/culture from muslims, shitskins, guys like synki and urself etc.

06-28-2017, 07:09 PM
I never said i expected for you to be nice to me. I never said i expected anything. All i and anyone else is asking is for you not to deliberately try to make the servers and the forums a worse place for everyone involved

Im out of this thread now, theres really not any point in being here and the longer this goes on the more all of us look like idiots

06-29-2017, 01:48 PM
Pissing people off isn't offensive speech, what the fuck are you on about?
Saying crap to piss people off isn't offensive speech, it's protective and friendly obv. lol.

This is exactly my point. You said I acted like I was anti-SJW, which I did not. Congratulations
Stupid quibbling was the reason i didn't want to replay you yesterday. No you're obv. not an anti-SJW when you namecall SJW's "cucks". It doesn't matter even. My point is you acted like you were not a SJW, whilst you have been acting like you were, being A whilst not being A at the same time is impossible and a contradiction.

Gmmbearz was taunting admins before it became a meme, what he did was what started this whole thing. I tolerate the bans because he deserved them, while the starting drama part with you was a funny bonus.

K, so the admins' behavior was acceptable, because it had becomed a meme. You're just making up shit excuses because you're fucked, any honest guy with an IQ above 100 reading this thread can see trough your hypocrisy now.

Meme is an excuse to ban people on KSF. If you dont realize Blink is an imbecile fuck now, u must literally be urself.

07-03-2017, 03:25 PM
bro what do you want.

just leave us alone pls.

They call me queer
07-03-2017, 07:48 PM
you are all beneath me