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06-11-2017, 03:13 PM
Synki has had an extremely offensive, racist chatname for about 10 days now (with a little break in the middle) -- first N*****179, and now sandN*****179. Besides being targeted at me specifically, it is exceptionally childish behavior from a former KSF member, exclusionary/deterrent to newcomers to KSF, outright racist, and makes the surf community look very bad. It has made it harder for me personally to stream, as I have to hide my HUD and be careful navigating the menus of the server to avoid his name.

I asked him politely to change his name twice -- once with the original name, and once with the new name -- putting aside our beef and asking him to just have some respect. Both times he responded less than appropriately.

Sacred declined to comment, but mentioned before that "he'll be gone soon anyway" -- for his mandatory service in the Finnish whatever. Not only is this not an argument, as it's still letting Synki get away with his storied privilege at the expense of surf/KSF's reputation and growth, but it's a poor response to a high-profile user parading his racism around publically.

I shouldn't have to explain why the most immediately recognizable name in surf right now toting a chatname like his is... bad. But it's long past the time where members of the community, especially prominent figureheads of the KSF name, be held to some simple behavioral standards like the rest of the community.

06-11-2017, 06:50 PM
Racism is not and has never been against the server rules. Having the word 'nigger' in your name might be in poor taste but it is permitted.

06-11-2017, 07:07 PM
Racism is not and has never been against the server rules. Having the word 'nigger' in your name might be in poor taste but it is permitted.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost positive that I saw someone banned for racism once in !bans.

Also, fuck synKKKi.

06-11-2017, 07:26 PM
Racism is not and has never been against the server rules. Having the word 'nigger' in your name might be in poor taste but it is permitted.

You're allowing unabashed racism on your server by your most notable player just because your extremely outdated, vague rules don't explicitly state "don't be racist". What kind of community are you trying to foster here? If you're going to go on the rule list, why are more people banned daily for memes than for actual reasons?

06-11-2017, 07:46 PM
You're allowing unabashed racism on your server by your most notable player just because your extremely outdated, vague rules don't explicitly state "don't be racist". What kind of community are you trying to foster here? If you're going to go on the rule list, why are more people banned daily for memes than for actual reasons?

The kind of community I try to foster is the one you've been surfing in for several years, one would think you know the rules by now. I can't really comment on people getting banned for memes since I'm not the one doing the banning, you can open up a complaint thread if you feel a ban was unjustified.

The Joker
06-11-2017, 08:01 PM
sacred too busy banning me

The Joker
06-11-2017, 08:07 PM
opening a thread for every unjustified ban would make the forum crash

06-11-2017, 09:20 PM
The kind of community I try to foster is the one you've been surfing in for several years, one would think you know the rules by now. I can't really comment on people getting banned for memes since I'm not the one doing the banning, you can open up a complaint thread if you feel a ban was unjustified.

I've been on ksf long enough to know that the real rules list is whatever the admins are feeling at the time. Sacred bans people who exploit maps for records; the rest of the bans are questionable at best, but more often just blatantly not listed on KSF rules. In my eyes, I feel harassed by synki, who's associating his racism with my name and reputation. The fact that that's allowed, much less defended, by the administration is just astonishing. Take some fucking initiative and clean up your server.

06-12-2017, 02:20 AM
Basically, what Blink said is true. I don't support any racism, but I don't ban for it either. Overall, there's no direct restriction of what you're allowed to say or name to have. I agree that synkis name is retarded, and the "he's gone soon anyway" wasn't really directed at me doing nothing about it, but a general statement.

If you compare this to some other stuff people regularily post as binds (e.g. "Don't mind me, just taking my SacReds for a walk *insert swastikas here*") or what other people have as names, which YOU simply don't care about because they are not rank 1 and don't attack you personally, this is not worse or worthier to mention. I'll talk to evolv and untouch, maybe it's time for some more strict rules about this. I mean we live in 2017, and if there's nothing to be offended by, what are we gonna do with our lives?

06-12-2017, 06:21 AM
I've been on ksf long enough to know that the real rules list is whatever the admins are feeling at the time. Sacred bans people who exploit maps for records; the rest of the bans are questionable at best, but more often just blatantly not listed on KSF rules. In my eyes, I feel harassed by synki, who's associating his racism with my name and reputation. The fact that that's allowed, much less defended, by the administration is just astonishing. Take some fucking initiative and clean up your server.

If you think I'm going to start censoring the people on the server just because you feel harassed, you are out of your fucking mind. There are systems on the server to make sure you don't hear as much as a peep from synki, if those are not enough I suggest you disconnect from the server or simply step away from the computer. I don't defend racism, I defend players who abide by the rules. I personally feel that we've managed just fine all these years without banning racism since I'm not some SJW cuck, but if there's a rule change I'll be happy to throw in a 60 minute ban for each and every 'nigger' and 'jew' on sight.

06-12-2017, 07:09 AM
but if there's a rule change I'll be happy to throw in a 60 minute ban for each and every 'nigger' and 'jew' on sight.

servers would be empty in a jiffy.

06-12-2017, 07:53 AM
The man cant even stream without having to worry about showing Synki's dumbass name on it. Trofle as well. But hey, being racist isn't against the rules so who cares right haha lmao nice meme name Synki haha good one!!!

06-12-2017, 08:00 AM
oh no, the SJW have made it to ksf

The Joker
06-12-2017, 08:04 AM
thats your fault rool

06-12-2017, 08:11 AM
Admins should have a choice whether something is bannable even though it's not explicitly stated in the rules, and this is obviously an extreme case targetting Beetle's stream and brand, more than just a stupid racist meme. This is also affecting your server population because the word nigger is popping on every map that synki holds records. New, old, or young players who aren't accustomed to shitty memes are going to see it as a toxic server giving KSF a poor brand

06-12-2017, 08:38 AM
I can change my name to Social Justice Warrior

Mr. Miyagi
06-12-2017, 09:06 AM
This is also affecting your server population because the word nigger is popping on every map that synki holds records. New, old, or young players who aren't accustomed to shitty memes are going to see it as a toxic server giving KSF a poor brand

I'm not disagreeing but by now after so many years newcomers, mediocre- & top tier surfers should know of KSF or at least have heard of it some way or another.
You don't open up CSS with the intention to look for new surf servers - there's only one (lets say 2 - nightmare).
Synki doesn't surf on KSF in cs:go where most newcomers are.
Not saying this is the case, but it most likely is.
As far as the bad reputation goes i do agree but come on.. this is 2017.. might as well be meme17

06-12-2017, 11:04 AM
Sure racism might as well be a meme on the server, and people shouldnt get offended at everything, but it's against twitch TOS, and everytime beetle, trofle, orson, or any other streamer looks at a map top, or shows the WR replay with that retards name in it, they run the risk of getting banned from twitch. Not doing anything about his name is basically saying a big fuck you to the hundreds of people, including myself, that enjoy watching their streams. I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend this.

06-12-2017, 11:18 AM
thx for whiteknight

06-12-2017, 11:23 AM


06-12-2017, 11:40 AM
Thx for being 275lb retard finnish neckbeard

06-12-2017, 11:45 AM

06-12-2017, 11:56 AM
Sure racism might as well be a meme on the server, and people shouldnt get offended at everything, but it's against twitch TOS, and everytime beetle, trofle, orson, or any other streamer looks at a map top, or shows the WR replay with that retards name in it, they run the risk of getting banned from twitch. Not doing anything about his name is basically saying a big fuck you to the hundreds of people, including myself, that enjoy watching their streams. I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend this.

Twitch TOS has nothing to do with KSF. As a streamer you can choose what you show, just have a blurry filter or a black bar to block the parts of the screen where you might see his name if you're afraid of getting banned. You're asking us to impose a new rule to the whole community instead of these 3 individuals having to put some effort into their streams. I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend this.

06-12-2017, 12:07 PM
Thx for being 275lb retard finnish neckbeard
This is synki, any problem?

06-12-2017, 12:10 PM
The real Mika Andersson!!

06-12-2017, 12:20 PM
First off, I don't think censoring what can possibly be described as the 4chan of gaming communities to be a viable option..... If no racism became a rule, it would only dig up the ass cancer in all of the community to be more racist and just be really counter productive. But that being said I am sorry that Synki's name offends you so, But just generally speaking, "No racism" rules are for children or for a place trying to be child friendly and from my 5 years in this community child friendly is something ksf has never been and probably never will. If you think Synki is bad, you should hear the horror stories I have heard of Digital Terrorist in his hay day, knowing him, he would have an offensive name and be micspamming this just to annoy you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCZJi3Z0ihQ . Just be glad he isnt still around grow up a bit

06-12-2017, 12:32 PM
this is a personal issue not a server issue and you should have kept it as one

06-12-2017, 12:36 PM
I understand that censorship is bad. and synkis name is just another slur.

i still feel its unfair for him to put 179 in his name though, if he was asociating me with it i wouldnt be so happy.

forcing the removal of the 179 wouldnt be censorship.
there could be a rule that concerns imitating other players, just like imitating ksf admin.
i feel beetle has a right to be upset by this.

06-12-2017, 12:40 PM
No shit twitch tos has nothing to do with ksf you ape. So basically they have to ruin the look of their stream just to surf on ksf. Gotcha. And I'm not offended by the word nigger, just trying to be an educated person here but i forgot css surfers all have down syndrome and you gotta have the brain capacity of a 3 year old to communicate with them. good try though haha xd thanks for keeping me entertained at work

06-12-2017, 12:43 PM
Can't we just agree that censorship sucks, but so did synkis name since it shows up everywhere? This thread is pointless now, as he changed it.

06-12-2017, 12:44 PM
https://i.imgflip.com/1qrhhe.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/1qrhhe)

06-12-2017, 12:46 PM
Twitch TOS has nothing to do with KSF. As a streamer you can choose what you show, just have a blurry filter or a black bar to block the parts of the screen where you might see his name if you're afraid of getting banned. You're asking us to impose a new rule to the whole community instead of these 3 individuals having to put some effort into their streams. I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend this.

putting black bars against server records would be a big dampner on a surf stream. im not saying ksf should do whatever streamers want, but dont you think a small amount of the growth of the community is because trofle and beetle stream?

I'd find it pretty likely that alot of people have found ksf through their streams.

just because ksf is the biggest fish in town doesnt mean you should do a poor job of working with streamers.
im not saying this because i feel owed anything. I feel its in the best interest of ksf.

06-12-2017, 12:54 PM
No shit twitch tos has nothing to do with ksf you ape. So basically they have to ruin the look of their stream just to surf on ksf. Gotcha. And I'm not offended by the word nigger, just trying to be an educated person here but i forgot css surfers all have down syndrome and you gotta have the brain capacity of a 3 year old to communicate with them. good try though haha xd thanks for keeping me entertained at work

They don't have to ruin the look of their stream, I just gave simple examples as to how to avoid this problem in the first place that wouldn't turn these few streamers problems into everyones problem. They could literally place shit like their webcams or chat on top of the hud and it would actually improve the quality of their streams rather than ruin it.

Also good job bringing insults into the discussion, you've successfully made yourself look like an idiot and will be treated as such from now on.

06-12-2017, 12:55 PM


Just because ksf has been a haven for racism in the past doesn't mean it should never grow up. If you wanna be proud that your server is grassroots, oldschool racist, that's fine; I guess it's not fair for me to ask for the server rules to change. But every other server has moved forward with simple decency rules to cultivate a less shitty community. The last I'll say is that if you wanna go strictly on the current server rules list, you're leaving it open for wild interpretation and allowing some really crazy shit to happen.

06-12-2017, 12:55 PM
I don't think that we do "a poor job" with streamers. IIRC, we even sponsored trofle a private CSGO server back then so he could stream on it and help KSF to grow.

EDIT: Or was it summit? Can't remember.

06-12-2017, 12:56 PM
Just because ksf has been a haven for racism in the past doesn't mean it should never grow up. If you wanna be proud that your server is grassroots, oldschool racist, that's fine; I guess it's not fair for me to ask for the server rules to change. But every other server has moved forward with simple decency rules to cultivate a less shitty community. The last I'll say is that if you wanna go strictly on the current server rules list, you're leaving it open for wild interpretation and allowing some really crazy shit to happen.
How about instead of the server growing up, you grow up and get a sense of fucking humour?
If you ban racism from ksf you would have to ban literally everything else because retards like you would just cry all the time about other stuff

06-12-2017, 01:01 PM
I don't think that we do "a poor job" with streamers. IIRC, we even sponsored trofle a private CSGO server back then so he could stream on it and help KSF to grow.

EDIT: Or was it summit? Can't remember.

sorry, i hope it didnt sound like i said you guys do a poor job, im more saying that expecting streamers to black out chat and positions of records is a poor expectation.


So ksf did a poor job of working with streamers for the time when synki had those names.

06-12-2017, 01:03 PM
https://i.imgflip.com/1qrhhe.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/1qrhhe)

https://i.imgflip.com/1qrirv.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/1qrirv)

06-12-2017, 01:04 PM
i think the problem lies with, when someone has a record, KSF servers promote that person, type !wr or !top and ksf will pop it up, again and again.

racist jokes arent the end of the world, but a company or brand promoting racist slurs is going to hinder that brand.

06-12-2017, 01:13 PM
This has gotten way out of hand. Last thing I'll say is sorry I got a little too excited, esp. on servers. My goal was to start a conversation about racism and harassment on the servers, but I think that was pretty open-and-shut.

06-12-2017, 01:13 PM
How about instead of the server growing up, you grow up and get a sense of fucking humour?

Haha lmao xd nigger funny word!!!! Epic meme dude LOL haha man that was funny he said nigger in his name oh man that's golden xDdd

06-12-2017, 01:18 PM
Haha lmao xd nigger funny word!!!! Epic meme dude LOL haha man that was funny he said nigger in his name oh man that's golden xDdd


06-12-2017, 01:21 PM
If you stream on Twitch it's on you to follow their terms of service. You have to do something about it, not us.
We do want to help streamers but banning 90% of the server is not a viable option.

06-12-2017, 01:21 PM
Im goin to ask for the servers i rent to be called NiggerWorld asap in the form of a peaceful protest lol

The Joker
06-12-2017, 01:27 PM
yes cause obviously 90% of the server is using retards names, seems like you are not on the servers a lot.

06-12-2017, 01:30 PM
If you stream on Twitch it's on you to follow their terms of service. You have to do something about it, not us.
We do want to help streamers but banning 90% of the server is not a viable option.

then ban racial slurs as player names. leave chat to meme how they like.

06-12-2017, 01:31 PM
yes cause obviously 90% of the server is using retards names, seems like you are not on the servers a lot.

90% of the server is spamming racist memes, seems like you don't read a lot.

06-12-2017, 01:37 PM
90% of the server is spamming racist memes, seems like you don't read a lot.
You ok bro? You got a little bit of drool dribbling off your lip.. Here let me re-write what he wrote it a more easy to understand way... 90% of the server isn't using retard names.

06-12-2017, 01:38 PM

06-12-2017, 01:41 PM
This robe wearer thinks I'm serious LUL

The Joker
06-12-2017, 01:42 PM
streamers can !hidechat but we talking about a problematic name here not chat, maybe its time for you to retire yourself while you r not completely burned.

06-12-2017, 01:42 PM
You ok bro? You got a little bit of drool dribbling off your lip.. Here let me re-write what he wrote it a more easy to understand way... 90% of the server isn't using retard names.

I'm saying the discussion has not been only about names, but racism overall in the server. That means we would have to ban racism in chat, not just names. You fucking muppet.

The Joker
06-12-2017, 01:44 PM
did you just said muppet ? i feel offended now

Mooster Cow
06-12-2017, 01:48 PM
I'm not completely sure but this may be a case of defamation. In this case it would be libel since it is in the form of written words. Although Synki is not spreading false information about Beetle179, the use of the name "SandNigger179" and "Nigger179" hinders Beetl179's ability to stream. This affects him personally and could potentially harm his "business" (streaming). The use of the names "SandNigger" and "Nigger" would not create a case for this matter. However, the numbers "179" are included which is a mark of Beetle179 and tied with his name/brand which is on his stream. KSF cannot do anything about this but provide evidence in the event of a lawsuit if Beetle179 decides to sue Synki.

06-12-2017, 02:10 PM
^lol I'd like to see that

06-12-2017, 02:20 PM
lolololololoololololollllllllll nigger ! ! !

06-12-2017, 02:40 PM
I'm not completely sure but this may be a case of defamation. In this case it would be libel since it is in the form of written words. Although Synki is not spreading false information about Beetle179, the use of the name "SandNigger179" and "Nigger179" hinders Beetl179's ability to stream. This affects him personally and could potentially harm his "business" (streaming). The use of the names "SandNigger" and "Nigger" would not create a case for this matter. However, the numbers "179" are included which is a mark of Beetle179 and tied with his name/brand which is on his stream. KSF cannot do anything about this but provide evidence in the event of a lawsuit if Beetle179 decides to sue Synki.

hate to be that guy, you do sound smart but ''KSF cannot do anything about this but provide evidence in the event of a lawsuit'' is completely false.

the discussion is all about, should ksf prevent racism and/or harrasment and/or defamation of character and/or racist slurs as tags.

i dont think ksf should censor chat, but i think it would be a good idea to put a rule in place against Nigger as a name. especially for players who have WRs

maybe a rule against imitating other players, seeing as admins shouldnt be imitated.

06-12-2017, 02:56 PM
hate to be that guy, you do sound smart but ''KSF cannot do anything about this but provide evidence in the event of a lawsuit'' is completely false.

the discussion is all about, should ksf prevent racism and/or harrasment and/or defamation of character and/or racist slurs as tags.

i dont think ksf should censor chat, but i think it would be a good idea to put a rule in place against Nigger as a name. especially for players who have WRs

maybe a rule against imitating other players, seeing as admins shouldnt be imitated.

I wouldn't be opposed to this, sounds pretty reasonable.

06-12-2017, 04:46 PM
I know everythings passed and the name has been changed but streamers could just do what truktruk has been doing for literally years and hidechat and hide the side hud while streaming. I know you all want to be able to display the WR and your PR but the middle hud has all of the really important info.

06-12-2017, 04:49 PM
I mean you don't have to put "no racism" in the rules, just know and moderate when things have gone too far

06-12-2017, 05:02 PM
Guys I'm pretty late to this thread and apparently it's all resolved now so whatever.

I'd like to just quickly collate all of Ling_Ling's posts together for everyones enjoyment though. It was rather interesting to see how quickly the pillar of maturity looking out for the community got triggered and crumbled down into.. well... this.

The man cant even stream without having to worry about showing Synki's dumbass name on it. Trofle as well. But hey, being racist isn't against the rules so who cares right haha lmao nice meme name Synki haha good one!!!

Sure racism might as well be a meme on the server, and people shouldnt get offended at everything, but it's against twitch TOS, and everytime beetle, trofle, orson, or any other streamer looks at a map top, or shows the WR replay with that retards name in it, they run the risk of getting banned from twitch. Not doing anything about his name is basically saying a big fuck you to the hundreds of people, including myself, that enjoy watching their streams. I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend this.

Thx for being 275lb retard finnish neckbeard

No shit twitch tos has nothing to do with ksf you ape. So basically they have to ruin the look of their stream just to surf on ksf. Gotcha. And I'm not offended by the word nigger, just trying to be an educated person here but i forgot css surfers all have down syndrome and you gotta have the brain capacity of a 3 year old to communicate with them. good try though haha xd thanks for keeping me entertained at work

https://i.imgflip.com/1qrirv.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/1qrirv)

Haha lmao xd nigger funny word!!!! Epic meme dude LOL haha man that was funny he said nigger in his name oh man that's golden xDdd

You ok bro? You got a little bit of drool dribbling off your lip.. Here let me re-write what he wrote it a more easy to understand way... 90% of the server isn't using retard names.

This robe wearer thinks I'm serious LUL

06-12-2017, 05:36 PM
Guys I'm pretty late to this thread and apparently it's all resolved now so whatever.

I'd like to just quickly collate all of Ling_Ling's posts together for everyones enjoyment though. It was rather interesting to see how quickly the pillar of maturity looking out for the community got triggered and crumbled down into.. well... this.

Although you dont know me, I would like to introduce myself. Hello! I am ling ling, I dont get triggered by people on forums for a dying game. I actually was enjoying myself making arguments on this thread for my enjoyment whilst at work, now that work is long over for the day, I would just like to inform you that I most likely will not be using said forums unless another thread like this where I can make arguments presents itself. I applaud you for thinking I was trying to look out for the community. It seems my intended purpose of all those comments did their job. You can actually tell by the time of day each comment was posted, that the work day was slowly ending and I was slowly losing interest in leading people on. I was hoping the "xD's" being used kind of tipped people off, but I forgot CSS KSF surfers are not that intelligent. That is all :)

06-12-2017, 06:05 PM
he was merely pretending to be retarded XD

average beetle viewer

06-12-2017, 09:56 PM
254 👍

06-12-2017, 10:55 PM
it's not the worst but holy SHIT this is a retarded post, candidate for most retarded forum posts in the surf community. back when ricky/me/mel were making posts, the consensus was that no more half of the community would meme on us. beetle smashed that and showed that even more is possible. this is a NUTTY post and i'll eat my hat if anyone even makes a more retarded post than this

06-13-2017, 02:51 AM
Good thing this forum doesn't notify me if someone mentions my name

06-13-2017, 03:08 PM
haha i said the brown people word haha look how edgy i am

Legit tho, since literally all synki does is antagonize people, why is he even still around?

06-15-2017, 09:57 PM
i think the core issue is that this has how the cs:s community has been since the game came out. why should it change now? this isn't about racism, it's about the temporary choice of a name. just hide it and move along.