View Full Version : Surf HUD

05-03-2017, 11:58 AM
Can't find a surfing HUD for 1440p. Does someone have one? I just want a smaller timer and more chat history if possible, and getting rid of all the other stuff.


05-03-2017, 12:51 PM
Truktruk posted this 3 years ago

This is what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/A5QmpWc.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/17kdj2045efrdnv/csshud.rar
To install, extract it into your \common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\custom folder (if custom doesn't exist, make it). To uninstall, simply remove it from your custom folder.

With this custom HUD, you wont have anything, Health bar, Ammo bar, timer, etc, etc..
Also if you want to wipe out everything including the radar do cl_radaralpha 0
You can't have an smaller timer as far as i know
Ah and for text time the command is hud_saytext_time XX (set your number here, 12 is default, lower number, less time, higher number, more time)
Hope this helps you

05-03-2017, 03:15 PM
Truktruk posted this 3 years ago

With this custom HUD, you wont have anything, Health bar, Ammo bar, timer, etc, etc..
Also if you want to wipe out everything including the radar do cl_radaralpha 0
You can't have an smaller timer as far as i know
Ah and for text time the command is hud_saytext_time XX (set your number here, 12 is default, lower number, less time, higher number, more time)
Hope this helps you

Ur the best ty. I think there is a way to change font for the timer and maybe the chat as well. Would be nice to have more lines in the chat too as it get cluttered fast with the timer, but afaik there is no way to do that

skip tracer
05-03-2017, 04:16 PM
you can change the chat around with notepad++ in chatscheme.res (counter-strike source\hl2\resource), FONTS part. i used to mess with a smaller chat and different font to work around getting little in-game freezes whenever someone posted a lenny or whatever else but it never worked and that's the extent of me trying to mod css. i couldn't even get sourcemod installed correctly. idk about the timer either. god damn

05-03-2017, 06:12 PM
you can change the chat around with notepad++ in chatscheme.res (counter-strike source\hl2\resource), FONTS part. i used to mess with a smaller chat and different font to work around getting little in-game freezes whenever someone posted a lenny or whatever else but it never worked and that's the extent of me trying to mod css. i couldn't even get sourcemod installed correctly. idk about the timer either. god damn

Can't believe u get lag because of lennys. thats fantastic

05-03-2017, 10:12 PM
Not sure if this will help since someone else already replied but here is a HUD that I got from somebody and customized it to my personal liking, it's made for 1080p though so you would have to mess with the font size to get it to look right for 1440p. Figure more options for you wouldn't hurt.

What it looks like: http://image.prntscr.com/image/269bda4ba1a1403baa6b276e9c4596a7.png

Download: https://puu.sh/vEZX2/5ce54eb1bb.rar

05-06-2017, 05:17 AM
Not sure if this will help since someone else already replied but here is a HUD that I got from somebody and customized it to my personal liking, it's made for 1080p though so you would have to mess with the font size to get it to look right for 1440p. Figure more options for you wouldn't hurt.

What it looks like: http://image.prntscr.com/image/269bda4ba1a1403baa6b276e9c4596a7.png

Download: https://puu.sh/vEZX2/5ce54eb1bb.rar

Oh that's really really cool. Thanks, I hope I can get it to work for 1440p

05-14-2017, 06:03 AM
im using this https://github.com/aixxe/surface

looks pretty dope,changes the color of your console/menu as well,im using it on 1080p so i wouldnt know if it works on 1440p