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View Full Version : [Help] The Server crashed in the exact second I got a top10

03-03-2017, 05:26 PM
So I am gonna try to explain this as good as possible, sorry if it will be confusing.
I was playing on the expert server trying to do a top10 on Surf_diamond_beta1, and eventually I got a decent run was about -3 secs on the top10 on the last stage.
I managed to finish the run, but in the EXACT same second the server crashed... First I thought it was my internet that crashed, but the expert Server was on Surf_graphia after, which confirms that it crashed. It's a bit strange now, cuz on the Maptop it says I have rank 3, which would be correct, but my CPR and CCP didn't update my times exept finish time. In rrtop10 it also says I got rank 3, and my rp also says it but my !p doesn't show the Top10.... I have a shadowplay recording of it which I'm gonna upload soon if u need that. It should show pretty obvious what happened.

I'm sry that this is such a long post now, but I was quite confused about what happened and I hope i explained it as good as I can.

Hope this will be solved and I keep my time :(