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View Full Version : Banned by mistake? Or misunderstanding?

03-03-2017, 01:55 PM
I was banned for "admin disrespect", but I didn't disrespect anyone. I had pressed 2 chat binds, a big "LOLWUT" in response to rickzter's comment that he "couldn't surf now because he was in his spec chair". Kosmos said shortly after, "would you please unbind that". I hadn't followed chat aside from rickzter's one comment before, and wasn't sure if that was in reference to me or any of the countless other binds people use, so I did a shrug meme in chat. less than a minute after, I got banned. The ban reason was "admin disrespect", but it doesn't seem to me like I disrespected anyone. Could someone help me understand? I'm not sure if it's a permanent ban -- the message didn't say how long. see below for the chat log and ban message:

from chat console:
*SPEC* им ٠ rickzter : bye
*SPEC* lllll Kosmos : why'd u watch kusche when matti is surfing
[κѕғ] matti : ◔(̯◔)
*SPEC* [κѕғ] ambutes : ya ur right
*SPEC* lllll Kosmos : that's why im watching kusche
[κѕғ] matti : i give UP
[κѕғ] matti : !spec
*SPEC* им ٠ rickzter : ᴸᴼᴸ
[κѕғ] kusche : rick go play
[κѕғ] kusche : ◔(̯◔)
[Surf Timer] - kusche has 6 spectators: им ٠ rickzter, Q̲ů̲ῗ̲₭̲̲ ̲๑ﭥ, khonat, Kosmos, ambutes, matti
*SPEC* им ٠ rickzter : cant, im in my spec chair
*SPEC* ❤ Q̲ů̲ῗ̲₭̲̲ ̲๑ﭥ : █▄▄ ███ █▄▄ █▄█▄█ █▄█ ▀█▀
*SPEC* lllll Kosmos : please
*SPEC* lllll Kosmos : just
*SPEC* lllll Kosmos : unbind that
[κѕғ] kusche : !surfimter
[κѕғ] kusche : !surftimer
*SPEC* ❤ Q̲ů̲ῗ̲₭̲̲ ̲๑ﭥ : ¯\_﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿_/¯
[κѕғ] kusche : good loc
[κѕғ] kusche : ?
*SPEC* им ٠ rickzter : maxvel if u do it good
Disconnect: Admin disrepect.
Disconnect: Admin disrepect.

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You have been banned from this server.

Connecting to
You have been banned from this server.

03-03-2017, 02:03 PM
lesson of the ban: dont spam faces
(it was 10 minutes)

03-03-2017, 02:06 PM
Kusche why did u ban this guy... WTF

03-03-2017, 02:07 PM
You were actually already unbanned by the time you posted this

03-03-2017, 02:10 PM
lesson of the ban: dont spam faces
(it was 10 minutes)

Don't spam faces? I wasn't. It was 2 binds that weren't being spammed that were actually in response to other messages. Besides, you, Kusche, (and matti) had also use face binds: "[κѕғ] kusche : ◔(̯◔)" right before... I wasn't aware of a rule that only admins were allowed to use chat binds. No one said "quik". No one said "don't use chat binds". No one said "stop spamming chat". Wouldn't you think a gag would be more appropriate if my chat was in fact disturbing anyone? Seems like I'm the only one who got disrespected.

03-03-2017, 02:13 PM
You were actually already unbanned by the time you posted this

Cool. But now look... An illegitimate troll-ban has 3 people on the forums instead of surfing.

03-03-2017, 02:25 PM
the reason was admin disrespect cause i couldnt type ur name i literally put that reason cause it was the 1st thing that popped up xd

03-03-2017, 02:31 PM
soz xo

03-04-2017, 11:09 AM
Do we really need more "ermergherd I'm banned for 10 minutes PLS REFUND VIP" threads? If the ban lasted a few hours I could understand your anger, but 10 minutes? Come on.

03-04-2017, 01:02 PM
Do we really need more "ermergherd I'm banned for 10 minutes PLS REFUND VIP" threads?

ermergherd I wasn't informed it was 10 minutes until posting this. Looked to me like it was perm.

I'm not sure if it's a permanent ban -- the message didn't say how long. see below for the chat log and ban message:

If the ban lasted a few hours I could understand your anger, but 10 minutes? Come on.

No need to understand my anger because I wasn't angry. I wanted info on why I got banned, not knowing how long. If the ban message had included a duration I could understand your anger, but it didn't. Come on.

Besides, if these threads are common... wouldn't the better question be: Do we really need admins banning our paying "donators" without telling them why or for how long?

03-04-2017, 02:14 PM
ermergherd I wasn't informed it was 10 minutes until posting this. Looked to me like it was perm.

No need to understand my anger because I wasn't angry. I wanted info on why I got banned, not knowing how long. If the ban message had included a duration I could understand your anger, but it didn't. Come on.

Besides, if these threads are common... wouldn't the better question be: Do we really need admins banning our paying "donators" without telling them why or for how long?

donating to ksf doesn't give you the right to act like a moron

03-04-2017, 02:17 PM
It only gives u the right to join expert and veteran servers

The Joker
03-04-2017, 03:35 PM
donating to ksf doesn't give you the right to act like a moron

you, for sure dont need vip to act like a moron.

Guy who banned him for nothing is the real moron here.

03-05-2017, 07:55 AM
If this was a valid reason to ban someone, 90% of the server population would be banned, including admins.

get your head out your asses and stop banning random people for dumb reasons