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View Full Version : surf_regen by Tioga060

02-28-2017, 12:47 PM
Category: Map Request

Map Name: surf_regen by Tioga060

Release Date: 2016

CSS/CSGO: CS:GO | Map: surf_tioga060 - Staged - Tier: 3 - Stages: 3 - Bonuses: 0 || CSS doesn't

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUudpxtORas

Download link: http://fastdl.eoreality.net/5413/maps/ (the 20th, couldnt find any other DL link)

P.S:i don't know why but i don't have the default guidelines for this kind of threads, maybe Evolv forgot to put perms to specific groups

02-28-2017, 12:52 PM
god damn that video so drawn out and it led to some of the worst surf I've ever seen.

pretty nice map though

02-28-2017, 01:54 PM
It is on CSGO you brainiac, with a different name I think. Also why do you post a CSGO Map in the CSS section?

02-28-2017, 01:58 PM
He wants it ported to css and added, although from what I remember there's stuff in the map that's csgo exclusive. I might be confusing this with some other map from tioga so someone should probably ask.

02-28-2017, 02:09 PM
It is on CSGO you brainiac, with a different name I think. Also why do you post a CSGO Map in the CSS section?


huh?, requested it for CSS, i know its on CSGO

And also, a lot of CSGO maps are being requested in the CSS section, like surf_sandstorm2, surf_aether, surf_crush, surf_doodles_njv and i can continue.. All this maps are already on CSGO but on CSS

02-28-2017, 02:10 PM
He wants it ported to css and added, although from what I remember there's stuff in the map that's csgo exclusive. I might be confusing this with some other map from tioga so someone should probably ask.

It's going to suck if we can't have a CS:S port

02-28-2017, 02:17 PM
Yea this map won't be on CSS, just like minimumwage.

02-28-2017, 02:30 PM
have played the map, just awful, don't even know why it was added to csgo

02-28-2017, 06:31 PM
What the fuck was that 2 minute intro..

Surfing looked mediocre at best

03-01-2017, 12:56 AM

huh?, requested it for CSS, i know its on CSGO

And also, a lot of CSGO maps are being requested in the CSS section, like surf_sandstorm2, surf_aether, surf_crush, surf_doodles_njv and i can continue.. All this maps are already on CSGO but on CSS

Literally all the maps you listed were originally made for CSS (other than crush, which was TF2)

03-01-2017, 01:47 AM
can we terminate sundays right to suggest a map?

03-01-2017, 02:41 AM
can we terminate sundays right to suggest a map?

Idiot kusché

03-01-2017, 02:54 AM
Idiot kusché

k but really can you post a bit less on the forums? correcting you is becoming a full time job

03-01-2017, 08:02 AM
I remember surfing this back when it was called surf_tioga060, did not enjoy it at all.

03-01-2017, 01:54 PM
Well let's not be all negative.. map looks very good and insane amount of work been put into it. Surf is lacking though

03-01-2017, 07:50 PM
it's already on ksfgo its called surf_tioga060 and you shouldn't play it

03-01-2017, 07:52 PM
also it's my magnum opus and the great first two sections are cancelled out by how bad the third part is. I don't think I want to port this to CSS because it's not super fun and because theres a lot of cool csgo things like better lighting and textureshadows and vscript stuff that make the map better that would take away from the experience in css.