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View Full Version : [Request] Requesting ban on иѕ · Dusty miller

02-26-2017, 12:38 PM
I understand that these are public servers, and people have the right to play whatever map they'd like. (Whole reason we have RTV) However, while I was trying to get G1 on some maps, he repeatedly joined the server to troll. He joins the server, instantly nominates a map, RTVs, and leaves. This happened multiple times. Is there something you guys can do about this? (To prevent it in the future) I'm not necessarily requesting a ban.

02-26-2017, 12:42 PM
imo as long as he doesn't cvote changelevel or setnext, this is just pure normal.

02-26-2017, 10:14 PM
Habitat did it to me the other day.
Nothing you can do about it , some people are just fucking faggots.

06-19-2017, 12:15 PM
That is so annoying when you're trying to G1 a map, or even getting Top 10 on it or WRing it, and then, a few seconds before it happens, a troll joins and RTVs then leaves. Extremely annoying, to be honest. Trolls should be banned for that, and if you're not VIP, there's nothing you can do. One idea I came up with is that the troll will not be allowed to nominate or RTV maps because of an admin command. This will make things much better, as the troll will permanently lose their ability to RTV, nominate, and if they're VIP, they'll not be allowed to do changemap or setnext commands, but will still be allowed to extend maps.