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View Full Version : Too dumb to fix my map

02-25-2017, 07:17 PM
So I've been mapping a bit now and I hit a point where I run into lots and lots of errors, I don't have the knowledge but I assume my map has turned into a shitshow, if anyone has some free time to help me add me on Steam ~

02-25-2017, 07:31 PM
Just post the vmf here, some screenshots and the errors here to see if anyone recognizes a problem.

In the mean time try pasting your compile log to interlopers.net/errors and see if it can help any

02-25-2017, 07:49 PM
Here's the vmf (https://ufile.io/db740) (don't ask about the name, I have a proper one in mind. )

Compile log says this light has leaked, but the pointfile goes straight through the ceiling. I replaced the brush and it's 64px thick so I have no idea what causes this. (Also I know flat textures bla bla it's still temporary)

Another thing would be why these two are this high:

LDR leaf ambient 48730/65536 1364440/1835008 (74.4%)
waterindices 44217/65536 88434/131072 (67.5%)

I don't use water in my map at all, so that confuses me.

Thanks in advance

02-25-2017, 08:09 PM
waterindices has nothing to do with water, it has to do with intersecting geometry
don't worry about ldr leaf ambient, it can exceed 100%

The reason why you have a leak is because func_detail does not seal the map - move that geometry to world (Ctrl+Shift+w)

I see you are using 16 lightmap scale in your map, you should probably change it to 64/set the default to 64 because surf maps are very large scale

02-25-2017, 08:25 PM
Is there an easy way to change the lightmap scale globally?

02-25-2017, 09:11 PM
Okay so I found out how to set default, do I have to reapply all textures now? That's gonna be fun

02-25-2017, 09:29 PM
just select the entire map and open texture tool

Mooster Cow
02-25-2017, 11:00 PM
changing the lightmap doesn't change the texture

02-26-2017, 10:01 AM
Make sure that if you see ****LEAKED**** that you use Map -> Load Pointfile and follow the red line to see where your leak is. Also, select your whole map and change the Lightmap Scale to e.g. 64 and then, afterwards, change it to 32 or 16 at places where you want to have sharp shadows.

02-28-2017, 12:40 PM
Just stop caring about leaks like I do :)

Jokes. But all around good advice here.

03-05-2017, 02:50 PM
Aight new day new problem. I got the route done, so I'm working on lighting and details now. Wanted to use one texture as a light source so I tried creating a lights.rad in my cstrike, but it doesn't work. Googled for like 30 minutes now, no idea how to fix.

Another question would be if I can even use lights.rad since I don't know how the server handles something that normally gets placed in my personal cstrike folder.

EDIT: Horsefeathers helped me out so no need to answer this

03-05-2017, 03:03 PM

Have you seen this tutorial?

Pay attention the part around 4 min in and do it that way, that's how I got it to work for me.

Also use this format for the texture:


"$basetexture" "glow/glowgreen"

"$selfillum" 1

glow is the folder name inside of the materials folder and glowgreen is the texture name.