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View Full Version : Boo-Americano Admin abuse

02-16-2017, 06:32 PM
Username of the offending player: Boo

Time the offense occurred: 0:15 Brussels, Madrid EU Time

Admins online(afk or not): boo and ambutes

Steam ID of the offending player: STEAM_0:1:112735874

Complaint description: We were playing surf_boring, i was trying to wrcp stage 5 and stage 7 so i was actually playing, on stage 5 on surf_boring there's a trick to get more speed by hitting the spine and strafing which gives you more speed, since Boo himself is the WRCP holder of the stage i asked him [See entire Console conversation] (http://prnt.sc/e9p8p9) if there was a way to get that "trick", he answered "ramp strafe m8" so as a joke and since i can't gag Members i did !gag gang (boo) which is useless.
I guess he also gagged me as a joke, didnt want to ungag myself because i was trying the wrcp and didnt want to stop to ungag @me, after like 2-3 seconds, ambutes which was on the server ungagged me (thanks), boo who seems to have only one eye read Kosmos: ungagged Kosmos, instead of [SM] ambutes: ungagged Kosmos. [Direct proof] (http://prnt.sc/e9pbih)
After this, he said "i think that's a gag evade, we were on a joke mood so ambutes said yes go 24h him (you just have read the entire console), so he decided to ban me, after he did that i thought oh cool now i have to wait 1minute ban, but WOHO! it wasnt a 1-5min ban, it was an actual 2hour ban by the face, so i asked ambutes what were the reason he decided to ban me and he said --> [Steam chat] (http://prnt.sc/e9p7an)

TL;DR Version :
Part 1 (http://prnt.sc/e9pbih)
Part 2 (http://prnt.sc/e9pbih)
Part 3 (http://prnt.sc/e9p7an)

The main goal of this thread is to not have anyones powers removed, it's to warn the leaders how little some admins might think of their actions and the consequences that follow


02-16-2017, 06:35 PM

02-16-2017, 06:41 PM
I already said I made a mistake no need to post all these pictures lol and I tried to get an admin to unban and none were online I thought about it after even though ambutes said 24 hours and I did 2 I still thought it was excessive but no need to spam shoutbox mayn

02-16-2017, 06:41 PM
can we all just agree that boo is an autistic faggot

02-16-2017, 06:46 PM
Sunday made some serious work out of this +1 for that!

Mooster Cow
02-16-2017, 06:53 PM

The Joker
02-16-2017, 06:53 PM
Dude get your fact right, i was the one who said "its only sunday"

Yes admins should think about their actions and consequences that follow, like when they jump in server to ban someone cause one of their butthurt friend asked em.
Most admins are useless, only thing they do is banning themselves or banning those who beg to be banned instead of fucking leaving normally.

There should be admins and clan members :
-admin have powers.
-clan members just wear ksf tag and color.


02-17-2017, 04:27 AM
"good times where people got 1w'd and they didnt make any thread , nowadays kids get 5min'd and they make eleven threads + ask for vip refund because they lose (5min-24h) of vip :stupid" -sunday

02-17-2017, 04:46 AM
"good times where people got 1w'd and they didnt make any thread , nowadays kids get 5min'd and they make eleven threads + ask for vip refund because they lose (5min-24h) of vip :stupid" -sunday

The main goal of this thread is to not have anyones powers removed, it's to warn the leaders how little some admins might think of their actions and the consequences that follow

More when he missread and banned without any reason, spar : )

02-17-2017, 04:49 AM
Anyway, what do you expect to happen due to this? What should be the consequence? Boo admitted it was dumb.

02-17-2017, 05:01 AM
Anyway, what do you expect to happen due to this? What should be the consequence? Boo admitted it was dumb.

Like Joker said, it's a warning for leaders so KSF Members to not jump and ban without knowning/reading/thinking what just happened, because it sucks, and i'm not the only one that suffered this, no need to continue this, if you don't mind closing thread, thanks