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View Full Version : [Question] Texture/mesh glitch

02-03-2017, 08:29 AM

Hey, so I'm getting into mapping with hammer, I'm wondering why those glitchs appear on the ramp. Those polygons doesn't exist in hammer as far as I can tell, so it must be created by the compiler. I'm sure it's a common bug but I didn't find anything relevant on google.

Also, it would be very handy to have experienced mappers on steam for this kind of quick questions, please add me :)!

Edit: I realise the screenshot is pretty bad, what I'm talking about is those 4 flat polygons coming out of the top of the ramp.
Edit2: While I'm at it, how do you deal with fall damage? Is it server sided and I shouldn't bother or should I embed something in the map to negate fall damages?

02-03-2017, 08:42 AM
Use func_detail on the ramp (CTRL + T -> func_detail). For fall damage you best decompile a map which has it removed, but you just need a filter_damage_type that disallows FALL and use a trigger_multiple at spawn with the outputs OnStartTouch !activator SetDamageFilter "name of the filter_damage_type" (see: http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php?topic=894.0)

02-03-2017, 05:50 PM
Thanks, all good!