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View Full Version : rookie s2 wasnt lagged

12-23-2016, 04:11 PM
i want my time back. mayby one of these admins thought it was lagged but it wasnt i beat it 3-4 times in 5mins, i -0.03 the record because of my line and when you surf the ramps right while having the most forward momentum and lowest point of hitting the bhop. JUST in case your confused and dont know how to surf

12-23-2016, 04:56 PM

12-23-2016, 07:00 PM

SyFo is CP
12-24-2016, 03:17 AM
fake and gay

12-24-2016, 05:38 PM
thanks for nothing once again i really appreciate this lovely community, oh btw i have a few cp records i want removed that are "lagged" but honestly i just wanna profit from it like others right i mean lagged has no meaning does it not

12-24-2016, 07:38 PM
For a stage as short as stage 2, and a stage tried by many of the best surfers in the world, you're telling me you can not only beat the wrcp but -.03 it as well? Lol okay bro. And if you want to get something genuinely sorted out you should talk to us in a mannerly fucking way and not like some cunt that owns the place JUST for your information. Cunt post = cunt response pal.

12-24-2016, 08:22 PM
watch it in slowmo, ive surfed for 3 years you dont think id know what the fuck im talking about, i beat it back to back because i knew the route, i dont wanna redo it cause im using slightly lower syns, im rank 11 on go so i dont know what your talking about, ive gotten really close to css stage records on go so why is this one any fucking different, ive donated money to this shitty server regardless i should be treated with respect, why am i any different than any else who beats records, beetle destroys records all the time whats any different you need to suck admin cock to get any where in this server or what. im not gunna be respectful sorry i wasnt raised to be a pussy and bow down to the ones who dont respect you in the first place, if this doesnt get sorted out im not surfing on this server anymore, i thought speedruning was a end goal for surf now its not in the equation so no point in puting effort in it if you cant win cause there retarded fucking admins who dont care about anyone and will do whatever the fuck they want regardless of the facts

12-24-2016, 08:24 PM
merry christmas

12-24-2016, 09:03 PM
rlx bozo

12-24-2016, 09:06 PM
Was this on CS:GO? You posted this on the CS:S forums.

It was probably just a misunderstanding if it is legit. You could of contacted nowlech (since he is in charge of the cs:go side of things) or me and I would of let him know.

I accidentally reported a time before and it got removed. I contacted the admin nicely and it was resolved.

Next time try "Someone reported my legit time and it got removed. Could it be looked into?"

Nobody wants to deal with an asshole. This isn't customer service at a retail store. Being a dick about it will only hurt your situation.

12-24-2016, 10:31 PM
watch it in slowmo, ive surfed for 3 years you dont think id know what the fuck im talking about, i beat it back to back because i knew the route, i dont wanna redo it cause im using slightly lower syns, im rank 11 on go so i dont know what your talking about, ive gotten really close to css stage records on go so why is this one any fucking different, ive donated money to this shitty server regardless i should be treated with respect, why am i any different than any else who beats records, beetle destroys records all the time whats any different you need to suck admin cock to get any where in this server or what. im not gunna be respectful sorry i wasnt raised to be a pussy and bow down to the ones who dont respect you in the first place, if this doesnt get sorted out im not surfing on this server anymore, i thought speedruning was a end goal for surf now its not in the equation so no point in puting effort in it if you cant win cause there retarded fucking admins who dont care about anyone and will do whatever the fuck they want regardless of the facts

Nice meme

12-24-2016, 11:56 PM
i beat it back to back because i knew the route
this guy is the real deal he knew the WORLD RECORD route of surfing 2 ramps

12-25-2016, 04:05 AM
this guy is the real deal he knew the WORLD RECORD route of surfing 2 ramps
wow your a smart guy using a meme that would make any difference in this world other than make urself look stupid as fuck

12-25-2016, 04:12 AM

12-25-2016, 04:12 AM
csgo xd

12-25-2016, 04:23 AM
csgo xd

but he's almost rank 11!

12-25-2016, 05:48 AM
wow your a smart guy using a meme that would make any difference in this world other than make urself look stupid as fuck


12-25-2016, 07:28 AM
watch it in slowmo, ive surfed for 3 years you dont think id know what the fuck im talking about, i beat it back to back because i knew the route, i dont wanna redo it cause im using slightly lower syns, im rank 11 on go so i dont know what your talking about, ive gotten really close to css stage records on go so why is this one any fucking different, ive donated money to this shitty server regardless i should be treated with respect, why am i any different than any else who beats records, beetle destroys records all the time whats any different you need to suck admin cock to get any where in this server or what. im not gunna be respectful sorry i wasnt raised to be a pussy and bow down to the ones who dont respect you in the first place, if this doesnt get sorted out im not surfing on this server anymore, i thought speedruning was a end goal for surf now its not in the equation so no point in puting effort in it if you cant win cause there retarded fucking admins who dont care about anyone and will do whatever the fuck they want regardless of the facts

Mad cuz bad?

12-25-2016, 10:46 AM
nowlech didnt add me guess he holds grudges, figures. so sacred could you pls work it out for me since im not a person who has everyone added whos incharge of csgo. this is the last effort im putting into this shit

12-25-2016, 12:51 PM
ive donated money to this shitty server regardless i should be treated with respect
you can't buy respect, you tit

12-25-2016, 02:49 PM
nowlech didnt add me guess he holds grudges, figures. so sacred could you pls work it out for me since im not a person who has everyone added whos incharge of csgo. this is the last effort im putting into this shit

Are we talking about csgo here??? Who cares about csgo omg why didn't you say that?????!?? If it's fucking csgo then it'd probably be restored. Your fuck up on posting it in the wrong section. Nice job cunt.

12-25-2016, 03:41 PM

12-25-2016, 04:33 PM
csgo is decent my g

12-25-2016, 05:20 PM
I'm not readding the time, it was .03 faster than the other times, and all the other times were behind by ~.001, i'm not restoring that lagged time. I'm not adding you so you can shit over the work I do. I'd just like to see you stop complaining for once. Thanks

Dick Wizard
12-25-2016, 05:28 PM
stop deleting my s5 time nowlech wtf

12-25-2016, 11:26 PM
Are we talking about csgo here??? Who cares about csgo omg why didn't you say that?????!?? If it's fucking csgo then it'd probably be restored. Your fuck up on posting it in the wrong section. Nice job cunt.
im sorry mommy but this is the only section with this subpost or whatever its called nice try

12-26-2016, 08:09 AM
im sorry mommy but this is the only section with this subpost or whatever its called nice try

This section is for the removal of glitched / cheated / lagged times not the readding of already removed ones. You didn't even fucking make it clear which game it was in the first place which was the least you could have done. Post in CSGO General next time.