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View Full Version : surf_prime_time_r3vamp change

10-19-2016, 03:34 AM
Recently surf_prime_time_r3vamp was made a staged map on csgo. I admit prime time is a pretty broken map to begin with on go, however out of all its problems being a linear was not one of them. I understand there probably isn't an easy fix to the spine boost or the CT tele for csgo but I don't really see the point to staging the map. All it has done is given a 13k completion map a nerf making it even easier to use the map for easy points. If this is to be the new meta for the csgo version of this map, I feel like the times should be wiped completely at this point. This is the second time I can recall that the map has been reworked and time was simply added to all existing times. G1s are easy enough, it would be nice if we didn't have yet another useless point grind map. It's probably too much to ask that the map be reverted and previous times restored, however I feel like removing the old prime time entirely and making a fresh version of the map will be a lot more fair to the community as a whole. The past few days the map has been voted as often as possible because top-tier csgo surfers all want the easy t10/wr points and lower tier surfers want the easy g1. I feel like having yet another surf_leet point farm is unnecessary and fruitless. And for perspective I was rank 20 on the previous version and currently rank 12 on the current version. I would like the points as much as anyone, but even so I feel like its abusing an already unbalanced point/rank system for csgo.

10-19-2016, 04:28 AM
I realize this is in the CSGO section, but the map was made staged because the latest linear CSS WR did a 20% random boost at CP2 that couldn't be fixed. The same was made for year3000 at CP1.

10-19-2016, 05:11 AM
Yep, the change was 100% for CSS and then just requested to be put into CSGO as well, and since we want to keep most of the stuff the same on CSS and CSGO it is as it is now.