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View Full Version : surf_hades b2

08-20-2016, 09:21 AM
on surf_hades, bonus 2, when I try to complete it HSW my timer turns into a forward timer when i get to the ramp strafes part. It does this everytime i try to complete it hsw, even though i'm not doing anything in forward style.

also, there is a way to finish the bonus using a double boost, it gives but it gives +6s. Is that allowed?

08-20-2016, 09:51 AM
Also, I just finished the bonus forward, and my timer switched to "[Practice]" for a sec upon falling on the endzone, and then teleported me back to start. And i didnt get the PR.

08-20-2016, 03:23 PM
edit: the timer is currently fucking up a lot for me, it reads wrong times and won't register when i go hsw.
on some staged maps it randomly adds a sec or two to my time when i enter a stage, and at the next stage the second that was added disappears again.