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07-07-2016, 02:56 PM
CSS Username: synki

Has this player made any contributions towards the community recently? (This includes participation in ventrilo, forums, or anything that might benefit the clan): none.

How long has this player been in the clan?: ~2 months

Explain why you feel this user should be terminated: He does nothing for the clan, is one of the most rude people in KSF, doesn't represent the clan in a good way what so ever, abuses his admin since he only joined ksf for admin.

Additional Comments/Concerns: I try my best to do my job as an admin which involves gagging/muting people who are spamming/mic spamming, if they dont quit, i give them a ban, i've happened to mute his friend about 4 times for playing obnoxiously loud and annoying music on the server, which people have been complaining about, only to result it in a ban from synki. If there is any good he does for the clan, the bad outweighs it by tons.
I talked to evolv about it and i don't know if he talked to synki or not, assuming he did, synki still doesn't give a fuck about not using his admin to his own liking.

07-07-2016, 03:23 PM
Cannot vote, since I haven't been in touch with synki for.. a good month atleast. But I've heard things about it.

07-07-2016, 03:35 PM
+1 actually, although I clearly wanted him to be accepted into KSF. Wasn't really the best decision, could have known before. I just wanted him in because he was a friend, should have known how it turns out.

07-07-2016, 03:47 PM
+1, has banned me a lot of time for no reason, gives nothing to the clan

07-07-2016, 03:48 PM
visions biggest hypocrite on earth? xD

07-07-2016, 03:50 PM
Nah i'm not being a hypocrite in the slightest buddy, just because you dislike me doesn't mean you can ban me or anyone else whenever you feel like it.

07-07-2016, 03:52 PM
and no, evolv didnt talk to me baby

*SPEC* [Experienced] HsK : shena were u born so salty because ur moms vag smells like the sea?

07-07-2016, 03:56 PM
99% of people joined ksf for admin lets be fucking real. You didnt join ksf to fucking "I try my best to do my job as an admin which involves gagging/muting people who are spamming/mic spamming, if they dont quit, i give them a ban, i've happened to mute his friend about 4 times for playing obnoxiously loud and annoying music on the server, which people have been complaining about"

its honestly pretty funny coming from you with your background of all people.

Its 2016 in surfing if you cant fucking handle being banned for 1 minute you got problems

07-07-2016, 04:01 PM

07-07-2016, 04:01 PM
except it's a fact that he plain abuses his admin, don't be so ignorant habitat. I'm not the same person i was a few years ago, i didn't lie with what i said one bit.

07-07-2016, 04:17 PM
It's not like you have been wearing the chattag [toxic] for months for no reason, synki. We've been "friends", as far as it can be considered friends online. The thing is that you treat anyone you don't like worse than shit and all you say on the server is either shit talk, insults or finnish (which is probably a combination of both).

07-07-2016, 04:32 PM
1:29 - henrik =DD: its funny shena says youre banning people
1:29 - henrik =DD: he 10 mins me for no reason
1:29 - henrik =DD: all the time

07-07-2016, 04:35 PM
Been well over a week since i banned henrik, all times have been legit reasons, constant admin disrespect, antagonizing me to do shit i don't want to do(banning him). No reason to turn this around, so far you've only posted a bunch of cringe binds and can't reason anything, not even trying to defend yourself against me accusing you of abusing your admin, it's pathetic.

07-07-2016, 04:39 PM
Discrediting shena isn't gonna make this better, neither it is part of this topic. If you want to terminate shena for whatever reason, go ahead and make a thread. If you want to properly tell your opinion on this here, you're welcome, but don't just randomly shit post and take it as a joke.

07-07-2016, 04:40 PM
Been well over a week since i banned henrik, all times have been legit reasons, constant admin disrespect, antagonizing me to do shit i don't want to do(banning him). No reason to turn this around, so far you've only posted a bunch of cringe binds and can't reason anything, not even trying to defend yourself against me accusing you of abusing your admin, it's pathetic.

to be fair admin disrespect can just be an excuse for banning someone you dont like. i could call sacred an idiot or shit at surfing and he could ban me for 60 minutes but if you actually do ban ppl for just talkin a little trash talk is retarded and unnecessary.

Not saying this is what henrik did cause i dont even know who that is just saying that rule is pretty dumb.

Mr. Miyagi
07-07-2016, 04:40 PM
Its been well over a week since i've been on ksf, shena :) Nontheless I still think you're worse than synki when it comes to banning people for no reason what so ever.
Henrik over n out =D

07-07-2016, 04:40 PM
i take it as a joke bois

07-07-2016, 04:42 PM
henrik best wow player eu

07-07-2016, 04:46 PM
Nevermind, I will +1 to terminate synki. Only what hes posting in here is an enough reason to terminate. He thinks he is untouchable..

07-07-2016, 04:59 PM
Its been well over a week since i've been on ksf, shena :) Nontheless I still think you're worse than synki when it comes to banning people for no reason what so ever.
Henrik over n out =D

Well post a complaint thread with proper proof of me abusing my admin if you're so sure i'm banning you for no reason, please do.

07-07-2016, 05:01 PM
Well post a complaint thread with proper proof of me abusing my admin if you're so sure i'm banning you for no reason, please do.

the problem with that is people actually dont care about this shit anymore in 2016. i havnt seen a legit abusing admin thread in ages cause they simply dont care its only a 30ish minute ban

07-07-2016, 05:07 PM
the problem with that is people actually dont care about this shit anymore in 2016. i havnt seen a legit abusing admin thread in ages cause they simply dont care its only a 30ish minute ban

I mean you can think of it that way, but in reality that's the actual way of going about things, i haven't had any issue with anyone since i'm not doing anything absurdly wrong, we two seem to have very different views on everything on this matter and other things aswell, that's all im going to say about this, let's atleast stay on topic.

07-08-2016, 02:15 AM
You haven't seen a complaint thread in ages Hab? You didn't even know the link to the forums, in general, so I wonder why. Actually there have been quite a bunch of those threads lately, especially from CSGO players (they seem more butthurt overall). However, this thread just proves that synki doesn't give a fuck about being in KSF anyway (which I probably knew before, he "hates" like 50% of our members).

07-08-2016, 09:47 AM
vote retracted

07-08-2016, 02:55 PM
If Synki gets demoted, does that mean Kyle gets in?

07-08-2016, 03:08 PM
But on a serious note, Jay was way worse than Synki ever was and he was never never demoted as far as I am aware, and lets not forget how bad Tioga was at his worst too (I think he might have actually gotten demoted though). I don't understand how demoting synki will do much of anything, He will just continue to be toxic as a non-admin. Can't untouch just create a permagag command and just allow Synki to sit and play in the corner?

07-08-2016, 04:33 PM
I don't understand how demoting synki will do much of anything, He will just continue to be toxic as a non-admin.

From the looks of it, Synki is using his admin powers to do harm rather than something productive. In my opinion that's exactly the kind of person we do NOT want as an admin on the servers. If he truly is as toxic as the people in this thread make him look, I think he probably would've been banned plenty of times if he wasn't rank #1 and an admin.

No wonder he thinks he's untouchable when ppl are giving him a free pass to do anything

07-08-2016, 06:01 PM
He doesn't really talk to people he doesn't know, he can be quiet most of the time when no one else is also trying to start shit towards him. The people he hates though, he's pretty much toxic to, hence the bans and shit-talking.

07-09-2016, 02:11 AM
I don't understand why this post was made. Wasn't Shena/Visions permabanned for being toxic as fuck literally 1 year ago? Oh now hes the good guy *claps*

Mooster Cow
07-09-2016, 02:27 AM
haha yall fuckin bitches!!!
no one in ksf actually contributes except untouch, evolv, sacred, rool, and juxtapo

07-09-2016, 04:42 AM
I don't understand why this post was made. Wasn't Shena/Visions permabanned for being toxic as fuck literally 1 year ago? Oh now hes the good guy *claps*

2 years ago. Glad you're one of the few people who can't realise that people can change, either way, it's irrelevant considering i'm obviously not the only person who wants synki out of ksf, right? Some serious lack of sense in what you just wrote.

07-09-2016, 04:30 PM
haha yall fuckin bitches!!!
no one in ksf actually contributes except untouch, evolv, sacred, rool, and juxtapo

ive contributed more than rool and juxtapo go fk urself

07-09-2016, 05:00 PM

Termination over just this is pretty retarded. Obviously if it continues then we can see. It should be pointed out that shena has gone absolutely nuts on the bans since joining the clan, just looking in !bans I wouldn't be surprised if he's banned more people in the past 2 weeks than I have in the past 5 years or w.e. I've been in KSF.

I have no idea if those bans are legit (I imagine they mostly are) but at the least it is pretty clear that of all the admins shena has the by far lightest trigger finger which I think kind of lessens the impact of this report. Just speaking honestly if it was someone like shifty, Blink, stevo, or most of the other admins who this happened to then it would be much clearer that synki was in the wrong because when they rarely do ban someone it is readily apparent that the person did something exceptional to justify it.

At any rate I think this has escalated way too far.

07-09-2016, 06:48 PM

i agree with therapist.

07-09-2016, 06:50 PM

07-09-2016, 06:52 PM
At any rate I think this has escalated way too far.

Atleast you got one thing right.

07-09-2016, 07:13 PM
I have never seen any thread about synki abusing admin or whatsoever, maybe you shouldve done this instead of making a termination thread right away. I actually wasn't planning to vote on this but after reading what therapist said, I think he has a point, so a -1 from me.

07-10-2016, 02:50 AM
I have never seen any thread about synki abusing admin or whatsoever, maybe you shouldve done this instead of making a termination thread right away. I actually wasn't planning to vote on this but after reading what therapist said, I think he has a point, so a -1 from me.

You haven't cause he doesn't ban random rookies that get butthurt and complain, but rather other KSF members (rool, shena). It's up to you to decide what's "better".

07-10-2016, 01:53 PM
Concerning the amount of bans, since everyone thinks shena keeps banning anyone:

Number of UNIQUE bans synki: 21
Number of UNIQUE bans shena: 29

Just wanted to drop this here. (unique = multiple bans on same person don't add up)

08-18-2016, 12:24 PM
this shouldn't have been a competition over who was the worse admin, visions vs synki. this should've been an investigation into synki's job as an admin. 1.5 months later he's still proving he's not fit for it. still doesn't understand he shouldn't be banning people just because he doesn't like them or thinks they're annoying, still being incredibly childish and not contributing anything to ksf besides making it look bad by being incredibly childish and maintaining a ridiculously childish attitude about all server matters.

08-19-2016, 01:07 PM
Listen to Beetle. Synki was by far the person I banned most times for admin abusing when I was watching admins.

08-19-2016, 01:26 PM
just because he doesn't like them or thinks they're annoying,

says u

08-19-2016, 02:06 PM
this shouldn't have been a competition over who was the worse admin, visions vs synki. this should've been an investigation into synki's job as an admin. 1.5 months later he's still proving he's not fit for it. still doesn't understand he shouldn't be banning people just because he doesn't like them or thinks they're annoying, still being incredibly childish and not contributing anything to ksf besides making it look bad by being incredibly childish and maintaining a ridiculously childish attitude about all server matters.

I just wasted around 1584 ticks of my life reading this incredibly childlish comment.

08-19-2016, 05:09 PM
I just wasted around 1584 ticks of my life reading this incredibly childlish comment.

this sick burn doesn't make synki any less shit of an admin.

the way i see it, this whole thread has had lots of very real points made against synki but his only responses have been low-tier shitposts and attempts to discredit/redirect focus towards visions. visions has been dealt with. now deal with this shit. therapist said this:

Termination over just this is pretty retarded. Obviously if it continues then we can see.

almost 1.5 months later, it's clearly fucking continued. people are only letting this happen because synki is banning the people they don't like -- despite having no merit to ban them. see: cow, wucki, spar, gmmbearz. it's out of control -- when cow can join a server and get banned after saying 3 things (saying hello to a friend), there's a fucking problem. synki has proven many times over he's unfit to be in any sort of leadership role.

e: he has a long history of being toxic ingame. he regularly abuses his admin powers against people he doesn't like. his only activity on the forum is shitposting. why is this person an admin

Mooster Cow
08-19-2016, 08:04 PM
Lets be honest here. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what Synki does and is obviously abusing his admin powers yet many of you still feel the need to defend him.

08-20-2016, 03:55 AM
Lets be honest here. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what Synki does and is obviously abusing his admin powers yet many of you still feel the need to defend him.

And yet i'm the one that gets kicked from ksf when "admin abusing" against his actual admin abusing LUL

But it's alright, everyone in ksf is biased in one way or another it's why i've chosen not to give a fuck about surf in the most recent weeks, allowing people into ksf with bipolar syndrome such as skandy, and people with blatant retardation such as synki is quite ridiculous. Or perhaps even people that cant argue their own points without feeling insecure, such as..oh wait that's everyone XD

08-20-2016, 05:07 AM
True, Shena, there're a lot of people who care about social value and thus cant think for themselves independently.

KSF recommended me to make complaint threads, but yet they are somehow still not satisfied and usally just overfill all my threads with non-arguments and harassment.
It seems like whatever I do they will get angry if I ask them to account for their actions. Integrity is non-existing.
I was going to make a complaint thread about Synki in yesterday, but Skandy didnt just dislike me to do so, but also prevented a vip to upload demo for me and banned me 24h. This is very critical if you wont even allow critique among yourselves and demonstrates once again the fiendishly authoritarian admin culture.

08-20-2016, 05:42 AM
True, Shena, there're a lot of people who care about social value and thus cant think for themselves independently.

KSF recommended me to make complaint threads, but yet they are somehow still not satisfied and usally just overfill all my threads with non-arguments and harassment.
It seems like whatever I do they will get angry if I ask them to account for their actions. Integrity is non-existing.
I was going to make a complaint thread about Synki in yesterday, but Skandy didnt just dislike me to do so, but also prevented a vip to upload demo for me and banned me 24h. This is very critical if you wont even allow critique among yourselves and demonstrates once again the fiendishly authoritarian admin culture.

Have to say i agree with this fully, i voted +1 on your application since i know you're one of the people who are overall more independant on others, able to justify your actions in a proper way, i don't know what's happened since you joined untill the point you got kicked, but i have no doubt what so ever, that what you did wasnt any worse than what some people in ksf manage to do and get away with, just because they feel privileged as fuck because they're in ksf and have admin on the servers.

Skandy is probably the worst thing to happen to ksf, yet no one gives a fuck since everyone's always trying to reason "Well it's better for the majority", essentially. Hence people try way too hard to be social justice warriors when it comes to threads like these, because they're flat out biased.

08-20-2016, 06:41 AM
Anyway, they are at least suffering from cognitive dissonance now.
e: Thanks for bringing up SJW-term, kinda what all this shit is caused by.

08-20-2016, 06:54 AM
99% of people joined ksf for admin lets be fucking real. Glad to be part of the 1% anyway i havent witnessed abuse or threads at all but just the way hes acting in this thread makes it very clear that he doesnt give 2 shits about ksf and as such should be terminated

08-20-2016, 08:38 PM
u can't terminate synki. he's #1 surfer

08-21-2016, 03:48 AM

08-21-2016, 05:33 AM
i think its pretty clear that he is indeed abusing his powers, its up to evolv to decide what to do next, no point in arguing.