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View Full Version : [Request] Admin abuse

06-30-2016, 08:54 PM
I said "you can tell Mada has crippling depression". Other users trash talk each other, and I see people trash talking the admins all the time, but apparently Mada is a sensitive sally, so he banned me. I wasn't aware this is a SJW safezone!

06-30-2016, 10:20 PM
how about u just dont trash talk then

edit: i mean if u just behave you dont have to worry about a gag/kick/ban = easy solution.. isnt it?

07-01-2016, 02:14 AM
Nevermind. It was an hour long ban but it didn't say that when it banned me. Still utterly disgusted with this admin misconduct though!

07-01-2016, 05:31 AM
I'm not gonna say mada was supposedly conducting himself properly as an admin, but why would you ever say anything that can be taken as a negative thing, towards an admin? Why do you think it's OKAY for people to shit talk admins? It's literally a rule not to, stop assuming you're supposedly priviledged to act like an asshole.

07-01-2016, 09:43 AM
Someone's gotta do it. If everyone just sucks your guys' dicks all day, sooner or later it's gonna get to your guys' heads. I'm there to set you guys straight. Also, I just enjoy talking shit to people. Sometimes surfing gets boring, so I gotta spice things up a bit by starting controversy.

He should have gagged me instead of banning yo.

07-01-2016, 09:47 AM
The ban has expired now, CSGO admins and KSF members please include reasons for your bans so that I have more information to work off of.

07-02-2016, 12:30 PM
Everybody deserves respect. No matter who he is (Admin or not). People who trash talk eachother brings me to take actions against them. Insulting me in some cases, I had no idea who it was.. I did take action towards them. I do not know you but, if someone that i know quite well and insults me (nothing serious aka you're bad, where is your wr on surf_boring FML.....) I will laught at it and reply back to them with the same sense of humour.

If you wanna joke around, please, don't target people who aren't willing to take a joke and have a good idea who they are as a person.