View Full Version : [Request] surf_meme s5 FPS drop

06-25-2016, 12:47 AM

I think it's the smoke in the starting area causing it. Causes my FPS to drop from 300 to ~40. Other people have had FPS drop here as well.
Only happens at the start of the stage.

Please remove smoke or whatever is causing it. :jolly:

06-25-2016, 03:47 AM
Can confirm, it's the smoke causing it.

"classname" "func_smokevolume"

//I don't really care, but if people are having issues, you can solve them by pasting 4 lines into stripper, without any work, don't see any problem here, only troll. Good day to you :)

06-25-2016, 04:45 AM
How about you get some PCs from this century?

06-25-2016, 08:06 AM
I have a GTX 970 and an i7 6700K with 16gigs of DDR4, and I get FPS drops on that part as well. and i'd say my PC is from this century

06-25-2016, 11:41 AM
In testing on CS:S, Phurix's fps dropped from like 200 to 120 and he plays on a horrible laptop. CS:GO garbage :(

06-25-2016, 11:51 AM
In testing on CS:S, Phurix's fps dropped from like 200 to 120 and he plays on a horrible laptop. CS:GO garbage :(

On CS:S it's perfectly fine for me. Just seems to be a CS:GO issue.

06-25-2016, 11:57 AM
I removed it from CSGO