View Full Version : [Unban Request] Unban please, it's been over a year.

05-18-2016, 07:04 PM
I got banned for spamming some stupid stuff i cant even remember, but i would love to be unbanned because i miss playing on this server so much.

05-19-2016, 12:54 PM
probably not gonna happen tbh

05-19-2016, 01:03 PM
Rule 18 states that:
"If a player does get banned for any of the reasons stated above and attempts to circumvent the punishment by using another steam account, every subsequent account will be added to the banlist.
The ONLY WAY to have a permanent ban retracted is to contact one of the owners, who will then determine an appropriate donation price to relinquish the ban. This will vary based on the offense that was committed. Donation price WILL increase if the player attempts to circumvent the punishment.
(This is not only for the effort wasted on catching cheaters, but also to ensure anyone who has previously cheated will not commit the same offense twice)"

05-19-2016, 01:37 PM

05-19-2016, 03:23 PM
why do cs go nerds need to comment everything?

05-19-2016, 03:25 PM

05-19-2016, 03:41 PM
People change, a year is a long time lets face it. Hell even visions was freed. I think he should be unbanned, 1 strike though

05-19-2016, 04:22 PM
There's no CS:S ban for this SteamID.