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View Full Version : surf_tronia_fix

05-17-2016, 09:31 PM
Sangre gave me the VMF and I have fixed this map for a few days and it's now done. Things that are changed:

All performance issues are gone, both on client and server
The 7000+ brushes are now nodrawed, some rebuilt to be a more optimal shape
Entity and detail types have been properly selected
End of stage 4 is now completable with a lot of speed
End of stage 2 alternate route is also now completable with more speed
Drunk effect trigger no longer spams the server
Lowered a trigger on stage 1, and in the middle of stage 4
The bubbles and fish in stage 3 has been removed
Water has been made cheap to prevent leaf cuts

Download https://my.mixtape.moe/jsjszx.7z

05-17-2016, 09:57 PM
did u fix the issue where bonuses 2 and 4 exist?

07-02-2016, 11:35 AM

07-06-2016, 01:32 PM
Turns out there were other problems I wasn't able to reproduce on stage 4 yet again. I have remade the triggers and logic for the end and if it doesn't work now then I don't know.

Changes in this is only for stage 4, the triggers in the rings have been extended to 64 units versus 16, the end slots have been extended to 96 units from 64 and some other logic has changed.

Download https://my.mixtape.moe/puvitw.7z