View Full Version : surf_mesa_fix

05-02-2016, 07:53 PM
a few of you might know about the legendary mesa_fix project i've started like almost a year ago - and lately I've decided to finish it.
The fix version includes / notes:
- all ramps are remade, 1 ramp is now made out of 2 brushes (the ramp is func_detail and the neon line is non solid func_brush) instead of originally 5,
- because the ramps are remade, the lights differ a little bit, but they still use the same system as before (light comes from specific blue neon textures used on ramps, and the lava texture at the end of course) - in the video below the lights aren't final yet and require a few touches, but some of smaller "shadow bugs" will most likely remain in a minimal amount that shouldn't change your feel of the map,
- the ramps are the same exact size / shape as previous ramps, just to be clear - no advantages over the original map, other than no ramp bugs,
- the visuals are a bit worse in the _fix version because of the way the ramps are made. The ramps are made out of 1 big texture simulating the previous 5 brushes creating a ramp, as a result of this, the current textures don't have the "reflect" effect that propably most / all of you haven't even noticed, but yeah. Also the neon lines that are actually producing light are sticking out of the ramps a little, but as I said before, these are non solid so no worries, most of you propably won't even notice that anyway,
- nothing other than ramps got changed, stripper configs and stuff like that will still work the same way as on the original map,
- Arblarg personally permitted me to create this version of his map.

surf_mesa_fix video showing how the map looks for now:
Take a note that the lights are a bit bugged at very few places and they will be fixed before release.

And now - why am I writing all of this? Well, first of all - the map isn't just my idea because I got bored or some shit, it was a request of a lot of people - some of the better and the worse surfers - some of them are even good enough to contest the wr, but they don't want to because of the ramp glitches. And that's where the idea of fixing the map started. I've even asked Sacred if he would replace the map if it was the exact same in surfing as the original - he agreed (even though that was quite a long time ago).

So, the purpose of this thread is finding people and hopefully a server for tests of the map - alone I won't find some errors that might've happened - actually, I've never ever surfed left side of the map because I just can't, it's awkward lol. Basicly we have to test the map and find & fix any possible bugs before releasing the fixed version, I hope there are a few players that know mesa well (top10 or something) that would want to test it - for now I just know that Rickzter is willing to help and also Beetle, but for a few next weeks he is busy with something so he can't really.

TL;DR: surf_mesa_fix is real, need ppl who know mesa to test it (and server for tests if anyone has one) for any possible errors, ty.

05-03-2016, 12:03 AM
You forgot to build cubemaps :o

05-03-2016, 02:37 AM
big fan of the mesa maps in general, so a mesa_fix sounds really interesting. hopefully i'll replace the original.

05-03-2016, 03:14 AM

05-03-2016, 04:33 AM
You forgot to build cubemaps :o

I have no idea how to place cubemaps and also no idea what those really do (other than adding proper reflections) so I don't even know how you've noticed, if you care to explain, valve site kinda just says "place them good, scrub". I've seen a couple cubemaps on the decompiled map already though, idk if they do something.

05-03-2016, 08:08 AM
I would like to test the map, not top10 but i dont suck either :unconvinced:

05-03-2016, 11:02 AM
that's a nice run tbh, also would love to see this on GO as well

05-03-2016, 01:33 PM
that's a nice run tbh, also would love to see this on GO as well

That was just a first try run to show the map, but thanks :D
Also I'm most likely going to port the map to CSGO too, I play there way too often to not do that.

BTW: Anyone who is willing to help with testing and is pretty good at surfing please add me on steam.

05-03-2016, 03:42 PM
i never really experienced ramp glitches on that map. Although I really dislike it so i dont play it often

05-03-2016, 04:53 PM
added you! cant wait to try out mesa without aids ramp bugs

05-03-2016, 07:37 PM
Sounds exciting, I love mesa. If you need a playtester let me know! :)

My contact: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FluctuateFluX/

05-03-2016, 07:42 PM
This posted twice, sorry :/

05-04-2016, 04:25 AM
i never really experienced ramp glitches on that map. Although I really dislike it so i dont play it often

Dude. This map is a whole rampglitch, you get this 24/7 if you surf the bottom of those ramps.

05-31-2016, 06:56 AM
The map is done, everything should be fine, it got tested a few times.
See if anything is wrong, other than the map being a bit uglier than the original one. If you find anything I might fix it or not.
I also have tried to port it to CS:GO once, but I have no idea how these dynamic ass shadows work (the ones when u get close to they get "better") and it kept being weird and ruining the map. Feel free to message me if you want the .vmf.

06-06-2016, 05:48 AM
Nvm all this, it turns out that Arblarg is doing his own fix&remake of mesa, it would be propably better to wait for his one than use the one that I did.

08-06-2016, 09:14 AM
I think this might be revived since Arblargs "remake" is completely different, therefore it is more likely that we are going to replace with this one here.

06-05-2017, 01:32 PM
Thanks again to Masog for remaking the ramps.

Here's 2 versions I've been working on.

CSS & CSGO version


CSS version

Lowered some triggers
Fixed a bunch of visual glitches
Added cubemaps
Added triggers for map start and end

CSGO version

Fixed a bunch of visual glitches
Added cubemaps
Added triggers for map start and end
Added missing credit sign, missing sun textures

Download (surfheaven.eu/mesa_fix.7z)

08-01-2017, 09:01 PM
Ok so since this version still hasn't been uploaded and people have been saying that they would like to have mesa fixed but not look like shit at the same time, I have spent a few hours trying to fix the ramp glitches without changing how the ramps look - in the end I managed to compile the map with basicly 99.9% engine limits and keep the original ramps on top of adding the fixed ramp clips to them, so the map looks almost the same as the original does and has no ramp glitches. I had to model some things, make the shadows softer and remove all secret places (which are disabled on ksf anyway) to get it to work but it wasn't too much of work after all, it was just frustrating trying to get in the engine's limits.

This is the version, I named it surf_mesa_fixed so it doesn't get confused with my previous version that bro has finished (_fix):
>> new link in post below cuz I have updated stuff <<

@btw: triggers and all the important stuff wasn't touched at all so the current stripper config should work just fine.

08-03-2017, 04:52 PM
Ok so we had some tests today and we have decided that I might aswell fix some too strong reflections and the white floor texture bug that happens sometimes - I think I fixed it, can't be sure though cuz that bug is weird. New link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0ZdAWUNpWJXcG02RVJ2S3RSdUE/view?usp=sharing

08-04-2017, 02:41 PM
After like 4+ hours of compiling, CS:GO version is out aswell:

Note: If the stripper config removes trigger_once at any point, please make it so it doesn't. I had to add a trigger_once at spawn which removes env_cascade_light which is basicly responsible for the dynamic csgo shadows, but they bug out on mesa so it's better to remove it. Either that or remove env_cascade_light in the stripper file aswell.