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View Full Version : [Request] ban for bunnyhop script

εx • Zaray
04-16-2016, 11:37 PM
hello, i was just ban on the css servers for bunnyhop scripting. i had a razer macro that jumped for me and im so sorry i didn't no it wasn't allowed. i really want to move to css from csgo (i surf on ksfGO right now) and i didnt no the macro was a banable thing and im really sorry. i have already deleted the macro, i just really want to join my friends on css and as i said im really sorry. i just genuinely had no idea :c

04-24-2016, 09:45 AM
You should have probably did !rules.
3. Please note that excessive "hyperscrolling" may result in a ban if +jump is being spammed for long periods of times.
Not sure if that rule is related to what happened here but it's pretty similar.

05-03-2016, 07:52 PM
Macros and scripts aren't allowed on any server, it's not even really allowed on the game either, since it's considered a cheat. Do you think it's allowed on ksf?

05-04-2016, 04:25 AM
Why would you even use anything on CSGO while it has global autobhop?

εx • Zaray
05-04-2016, 09:55 AM
it was on css. i took the marcro off a while ago.