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View Full Version : DDOSER in Easy (1-2) server

Judge Ito
03-20-2016, 10:08 AM
The listed player, METRO METRO METRO, entered the server and stated "I'm about to DDOS this server." He then began DDOSing and taunting the server both on the mic and in chat. I don't think either of the players I listed are actually admins, but one is a donor (pacman912) and the other seems to be a high-ranking surfer.

Scrubby7656119818536006676561198" STEAM_1:0:112547169 also seems to be a well-known player who was present and can corroborate.

Judge Ito
03-20-2016, 10:09 AM
This person appears to be currently DDOSing most or all of the KSF servers, as only 4 are showing as online in the http://surf.ksfclan.com/connect/ menu.

03-20-2016, 12:02 PM
Added to the ban list, please include a screenshot of said threats next time.