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View Full Version : Unban Bloodraptor (long-standing surfer)

03-13-2016, 06:21 PM

i'm a long-standing surfer on your KSF servers (since 2013/14 i think) casual surfer ~3,7k Points. A week ago i moved to a new place and got some latency issues.
This evenig i tried again to play on KSF and got latencys about 120-200ms (but with massive lags) i couldn't even finish one stage. I changed my modem and now i get the message that servers are not responding (my brother "SilentDragon" is still able to join) and disappeared from my favourits list. All my other favourit Servers are still working (after modem change with good latencys).

Am im banned? This would be sad because of technical issues, after years of surfing on your servers :(

Excuse my english.

best regards,

03-14-2016, 03:32 AM
You aren't banned, if you are banned you can still see the servers but you won't be able to connect to them (afaik). Must be a problem on your side.