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View Full Version : [Help] Lag when someone breaks a record...

03-09-2016, 01:27 PM
On both CS:S and CS:GO, I get lag when someone breaks a stage record, bonus record, or map record. Same with top tens. It's like a 1 second lag that has killed quite a few runs for me. I think it has something to do with the sound effect.

What I've noticed is if it happens twice during the same map, it only lags the first time. It's like the sound file has to be cached or something.

This isn't just on KSF either. This happens on a lot of servers.

Anyone ever heard of this problem or how I could fix it?


Edit: Just noticed it does this as well when someone beats the map for the first time. (the "who's the man" sound) So I'm almost for sure it is the audio files.

Edit2: I figured it out. It was my HDD. I put the game on my SSD and it doesn't happen anymore.