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03-04-2016, 01:30 PM
Hi, I would like to know how do i record a non-choppy/broken demo from a server like Zee's to make a surf clip, cause my demos have always fucked up angles and stuff, but i would like to do such a clip. I know I'm a noob at this kind of things, but i hope someone will help me :D

03-04-2016, 11:50 PM
Can you upload a video of your demo so I can see what your problem actually is?.. if not
>record namehere
>whenever you're done surfing
>go to lobby
>type demoui in console
>play demo
>speed up to the part of your run
>cl_hidehud 0 (in console)
>play at 1/4 speed or normal speed(which ever you prefer)(on demoui)
>record(fraps etc)
>Import to sony vegas
>ctrl+drag(to the left until it doesn't let you anymore)(only applies to 1/4 speed)
that makes it normal speed but a lot smoother

Something that I use in csgo to stop the player models from lagging is host_timescale 0

03-05-2016, 04:40 AM
In overall i want to record with srcdemo so it doesnt apply to this i wonder :/ But heres the upload:

03-05-2016, 01:01 PM
In overall i want to record with srcdemo so it doesnt apply to this i wonder :/ But heres the upload:

I see what you mean about the angle surfing. How i use srcdemo is:

Or you can add rool : http://steamcommunity.com/id/irool/

He helped me with it.

If the demo has the angle weird then there's nothing you can do to fix it. Only thing I can recommend is recording in game with dxtory(for less fps lag/mouse input and a decent quality) using the Lagarith Lossless Video Codec

03-05-2016, 04:36 PM
I kinda sorted out whats the problem, so case is closed, but I really appreciate your help man! :D