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02-23-2016, 03:05 PM
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : !pr raptor
*SPEC* [Experienced] Raptor Jesus : BN so rood
SurfTimer | 10 minutes remaining
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : i wish
Raz0r connected.
Raz0r (STEAM_1:0:34356348) connected from Switzerland
dex : ''wish'2
dex : '' *
SurfTimer | Time Remaining: 09:36
Turkeybeam connected.
Turkeybeam (STEAM_1:0:32668645) connected from United States
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : lab
Abyss Auction connected.
Abyss Auction (STEAM_1:1:81231363) connected from United States
dex : ok? lol
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : to the labaoratory!
Sleepy connected.
Sleepy (STEAM_1:1:102529750) connected from United States
dex : whatever makes you happy...
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : ok baby u make me happy
JrvL connected.
JrvL (STEAM_1:0:32333546) connected from Finland
dex : fuck you.
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : in what way?
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : like a love type of fuck you?
[Skilled] JrvL : !end
dex : hi razor
[Experienced] Raz0r : hey
[Experienced] Raz0r : !specbot
SurfTimer | PROSurf (Tier 1-6) - surf_blub (5/40) IP:
Acidtheinsane connected.
Acidtheinsane (STEAM_1:1:125248791) connected from United States
*SPEC* [Experienced] Raz0r : !botwr
*SPEC* [Experienced] Raz0r : !specbotwr
*SPEC* [Experienced] Raz0r : !specbot
[Experienced] Raz0r : gee
dex : indeed
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : u werent saying fuck me on the forums
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : ima go suck evolvs dick brb
dex : you're suppose to be a little more formal on the forums
SurfTimer | 5 minutes remaining
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : or to show how innocent you are
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : #ridindicks
dex : !gag bn
(Counter-Terrorist) [Rookie] Acidtheinsane : !shop
[Experienced] Raz0r : can we xtend this
[Experienced] Raz0r : votemap
dex : sure
mazswords connected.
mazswords (STEAM_1:1:40400015) connected from United States
dex : tryin' for WR, raz0r?
dex : !spec
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
Spydor#noflash connected.
Spydor#noflash (STEAM_1:1:55745920) connected from Germany
Nightshade connected.
Nightshade (STEAM_1:0:117890509) connected from United States
(Counter-Terrorist) [Rookie] Nightshade : !s 1
[Skilled] JrvL : !spec
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : lovely
[Experienced] Raptor Jesus : !spec BN
*SPEC* [Experienced] Raptor Jesus : gotta go fast
*SPEC* dex : how are you dodging them
*SPEC* dex : wtf
SurfTimer | Stage 'Stage 1' 00:26:59 (R10 +00:01:76). Improving by 00:00:45
SurfTimer | Total Time: 00:26:59 (R10 +00:00:03)
SurfTimer | Stage: 'Stage 1' finished with Rank 94/3396
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : they expire
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : [SM] Your gag expired.
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : [SM] Your gag expired.
SurfTimer | EasySurf (Tier 1-2) - surf_borderlands (55/60) IP:
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : you mad about it?
*SPEC* dex : !gag bn
Daniel Trumpet connected.
Daniel Trumpet (STEAM_1:1:97690063) connected from United States
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : go suck you know whos dick and you won't have to worry about my being ungagged
oTrapZ_Merak connected.
oTrapZ_Merak (STEAM_1:0:157436454) connected from United States
*SPEC* dex : or i could ban you
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : do what u gotta do
Dzik connected.
Dzik (STEAM_1:1:126797512) connected from Poland
☬RiA connected.
☬RiA (STEAM_1:0:126851866) connected from Germany
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : to the laboratory
*SPEC* dex : ban it is
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
[Xpurt] [☁BN] : mad it is
Disconnect: Banned - No Reason Specified.
Disconnect: Banned - No Reason Specified.

I have screenshots if necessary and I was also banned for 16 hours.

02-23-2016, 03:19 PM
no screenshots needed, but do you have any sound recordings? maybe a little "BN's disrespect/oppression compilation".


"lab rat" dex

02-23-2016, 03:30 PM
I can say that I agree a ban was needed, but 16 hours was a little excessive

02-23-2016, 03:35 PM
i'll take that in consideration the next time he does something like this

02-23-2016, 03:42 PM
ban everyone dex

02-23-2016, 03:49 PM
no screenshots needed, but do you have any sound recordings? maybe a little "BN's disrespect/oppression compilation".


"lab rat" dex

Sound recordings for what? I was typing the entire other then when rool was in the server but I wasn't talking to you. You selfmuted me , rejoined and didn't have a problem, I didn't say anything to you and you didn't say anything to me. The next map starts, I was talking to raptor and you said something to me so I said something to you.

i'll take that in consideration the next time he does something like this

What you should take into consideration is to not take "to the laboratory" personally. Everything I say triggers you. You have personal hate towards me. I said something to raptor, Why respond to me knowing we don't like each other? because you know how I'll respond and you also know that nothing will happen to you , you won't get banned or admin removed so you can do w/e the fuck you want.

Don't say anything to me, don't respond to me and I won't say anything to you or respond to you. You're the admin, you're suppose to uphold the rules and a mature manner but you're making ksf admins look bad along with nowlech but Nowlech and I have "settled" our argument and I won't bring it up again. Maybe you can stop being a faggot and I won't troll you? and if there is a next time don't temp ban me. Perm ban me. It'll blow over, you'll still have admin because from what I hear " dexter sucks everyones dick". So keep on suckin pal.

02-23-2016, 03:54 PM
BN what did we JUST talk about, stop instigating Dexter, I know you think I'm a bad example or whatever, but there's no reason for the harsh words, again.

02-23-2016, 04:09 PM
BN what did we JUST talk about, stop instigating Dexter, I know you think I'm a bad example or whatever, but there's no reason for the harsh words, again.

You're right. Won't say anything rude to him again unless he says something rude to me.

You aren't a bad example , you handle shit more maturely than him.

02-23-2016, 04:20 PM

02-23-2016, 04:31 PM
dont u dare edit your post , you cock sucker

just perm mute/gag/ban me already because i will not stop shit talking dexter. so he can come on the forums and look all innocent.

02-23-2016, 04:44 PM
im not admin lmao wtf is this

02-23-2016, 06:57 PM

02-23-2016, 08:30 PM
The ban wasn't needed. BN has already proven he is immature and disrespectful so let's not give him any more satisfaction.

02-24-2016, 01:38 AM
good RP dex. wp

02-24-2016, 01:35 PM
The banned seemed a bit excessive, so I lifted it after 2 hours. Please only give these bans out in extreme cases where players are continually becoming bothersome to a majority of players. If you don't antagonize Dexter and he bans / kicks you, then I can take the necessary steps to stop admin abuse, but if you are constantly provoking an admin I cant say a kick or ban is not justified.

02-24-2016, 04:41 PM
The banned seemed a bit excessive, so I lifted it after 2 hours. Please only give these bans out in extreme cases where players are continually becoming bothersome to a majority of players. If you don't antagonize Dexter and he bans / kicks you, then I can take the necessary steps to stop admin abuse, but if you are constantly provoking an admin I cant say a kick or ban is not justified.
Well could you tell him not to speak to me and I won't speak to him? That's the only way to avoid shit talking or me getting muted.

The first time, the people in the server an I was messing around. He muted me. I shit talked/trolled and I got muted/ okay cool. The next day he spoke to me first, knowing I'd shit talk him.

Thank you and if he does start with me or abuse his powers I'll let you know.

02-24-2016, 05:26 PM

02-24-2016, 05:29 PM
you're just being preposterous right now.

02-24-2016, 05:39 PM
dexter, please just stop.

02-24-2016, 08:44 PM
you're just being preposterous right now.
Took you 3 minutes to Google how to spell that right. Lol my apalogieEs, dexter. I know you aren't fortunate enough to live in a Yada Yada yada.

I'll be surfing in a little bit. Maybe we can have a fresh start pal.