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View Full Version : surf_bluewall - my first csgo map

02-16-2016, 09:10 PM
hi, I wanted to create a surfing map, so I followed the tutorial by Juxtapo (http://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread.php?4107-Basic-Surf-Mapping-Tutorial-STARTING-YOUR-FIRST-SURF-MAP! , thanks to him as well) and made my first csgo surfing map ! I haven't 100% finished it but here is a basic video showing the map. Please, tell me what do you think of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U0suprzOzs

02-17-2016, 02:29 AM
The skybox and lighting make the map look unnecessarily dark and gloomy, aside from that it looks pretty good for a first map. Not a fan of the long bhop to 3 end, I'd make the floor tele or a much bigger doorway so people can try direct hit it.

02-17-2016, 07:48 AM
The skybox and lighting make the map look unnecessarily dark and gloomy, aside from that it looks pretty good for a first map. Not a fan of the long bhop to 3 end, I'd make the floor tele or a much bigger doorway so people can try direct hit it.

Thanks for the reply. I see what you say here. I can light more the map indeed. For the end of s3, I have lost some speed due to my fail before, but we can directly make it to the end. Maybe I can remove the last floor before the end I will think about it (because it is supposed to be an easy map). Thanks for suggestion.

02-18-2016, 09:12 AM
looking cool, simple but nice, keep on going

02-18-2016, 01:13 PM
For a first map it looks good. But it also looks like a lot of other maps on CSGO, and the details are a bit boring. I cant say anything about the surf since i havent surfed it, but in terms of visuals, i think you should distinguish it from other GO maps. The texturing could be improved; try to break up big wall brushes into collections of smaller brushes to give your map some depth, at the same time you can reduce tiling which makes textures look bad from afar. Use a couple different textures that all compliment each other; if a texture has poor tiling, try not to use it on large brushes or increase the scaling to make it look nicer. Also remember that texture are actually materials, so you should think about the real properties of those materials. For example, in real life you wouldnt ever see a thin pole made of brick, or floor made of plaster. You should think of each texture having the properties it might in real life and use them accordingly. Also add light sources to your map so all the lighting doesnt look like it comes from nowhere.

02-18-2016, 02:31 PM
looking cool, simple but nice, keep on going

Thank you

For a first map it looks good. But it also looks like a lot of other maps on CSGO, and the details are a bit boring. I cant say anything about the surf since i havent surfed it, but in terms of visuals, i think you should distinguish it from other GO maps. The texturing could be improved; try to break up big wall brushes into collections of smaller brushes to give your map some depth, at the same time you can reduce tiling which makes textures look bad from afar. Use a couple different textures that all compliment each other; if a texture has poor tiling, try not to use it on large brushes or increase the scaling to make it look nicer. Also remember that texture are actually materials, so you should think about the real properties of those materials. For example, in real life you wouldnt ever see a thin pole made of brick, or floor made of plaster. You should think of each texture having the properties it might in real life and use them accordingly. Also add light sources to your map so all the lighting doesnt look like it comes from nowhere.

Yeah, for now I applied texture for the whole surface every times. I don't really know how to break big brushes with a collections of smaller. Do you mean by that, applying different textures on a wall instead of a unique one? I will try to reduce the tiling to make it looks better, good idea. Yeah, putting the right texture where it has to be in real life is what I've tried since (carpet for the floor :D). For the light, I already set more light, and added lamp beside source of light according the the first comment. Okay, I keep note of everything, thanks for the reply.

02-19-2016, 12:35 AM
If this is ur first map i think its pretty good , you can make it a lot better tho

02-19-2016, 11:59 AM
Seems like a nice easy tier 2 map. Well done for it being your first map ever.

02-20-2016, 03:04 PM
It looks like a really fun surf!

02-20-2016, 07:38 PM
If this is ur first map i think its pretty good , you can make it a lot better tho

Yeah, I'm trying my best but I have no idea where I can improve it tho, not enough experience.

Seems like a nice easy tier 2 map. Well done for it being your first map ever.

Thank you. I touched hammer back in cs 1.6 to try it out, but this is my first csgo map indeed.

It looks like a really fun surf!

Thank you.

Okay so I tried to apply all of your comments. Actually, I made it a little harder (not so much), like the end of s1 farther, more spin on the end of s2 + ladder for penalise ppl who fall, etc. I also added some white on the wall because I don't know. I have no ideas what to do more, so I decided to end it here. I'm pretty happy of myself to be honest, thanks to you for helping me too.

Here a new video showing the map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdRxJhRdZk0

Here a link to dl if you want to try it: http://csgo.gamebanana.com/maps/189354