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01-23-2016, 12:27 PM

I've seen these guys, especially Zer0, spamming chat simultaneously as I try to surf my ways through KSF. I know that I can turn off chat, but what about new people that join the servers.

Rookies that try to surf, try to fit in and use the chat gets bashed on for being a rookie. If a vote of extension doesnt go through, I can often see comments about "stupid rookies" "you can't play go easy surf" bla bla.

I think that this needs to stop, and this is a general matter on entire KSF that is pretty wide in my opinion. This happens every day, by few people but still, it happens.

01-23-2016, 12:36 PM
randomly joined css yesterday and saw this zer0 guy spamming aswell.


01-23-2016, 12:59 PM
yea he spams a lot , mostly every map

01-23-2016, 02:45 PM
A lot of people spam binds especially on KSF Europe where spam filter stopped? working or something, but usually it's not even that bad.. I've never had a problem with either users really. As for the rookie shaming, honestly if you vote no to extend, keep in mind this is CSS with only (3)5 servers to play, it really sucks for the higher level players when they are trying to grind maps for longer periods of time. Most surfers not just zer0 and whoever that other guy would get frustrated (reasonably) at whoever would vote no to extends. The reason people say to "go play CSGO for easier maps" is simply because CSGO easily has 100+ servers to surf on compared to the aforementioned 3 available to the people that want to play on CSS without vip/top200/50.

01-23-2016, 02:55 PM
I know, but sometimes it gets really bad just like my choice of picture linked above. I don't care about some puny memes here and there and a few bind-spams.
Altough, when it gets to that level people are being targeted, or racism/other bad words are used too often it's way too much.

For sure haneullol, I know what youre saying but still, the behavior of such is in my opinion not tolerable and very immature. About the rookie shaming though, I know some people wanna try to grind maps, almost every map is extended a several number of times.
I just started CSS surfing, after about 1000 hours into CSGO movement such as KZ/SURF/BHOP/HNS and I would not go back to CSGO for surfing, that's for sure. I'm sure some are the same now though since it's without question funnier to surf on CSS.

01-23-2016, 03:01 PM
A lot of people spam binds especially on KSF Europe where spam filter stopped? working or something, but usually it's not even that bad.. I've never had a problem with either users really. As for the rookie shaming, honestly if you vote no to extend, keep in mind this is CSS with only (3)5 servers to play, it really sucks for the higher level players when they are trying to grind maps for longer periods of time. Most surfers not just zer0 and whoever that other guy would get frustrated (reasonably) at whoever would vote no to extends. The reason people say to "go play CSGO for easier maps" is simply because CSGO easily has 100+ servers to surf on compared to the aforementioned 3 available to the people that want to play on CSS without vip/top200/50.

I Agree to this fully and if the spam filter was fixed it would be really good and noone would spam (including me)

also the rookie subject is more like a joke now a days

01-24-2016, 05:18 AM
Well i gagged zer0 several times for spamming and like i was expectating he does a retry to avoid the gag , so i don't know what's wrong with this guy since spamming is forbidden

Edit : btw he spams the same meme several times without reason

Edit 2 : ofc there're more surfer that do this type of spam , especially on US+EU svs like zer0 , MLGINGI , sometimes nik0 , and rest are rookies that think they can do whatever they want so they spam

01-24-2016, 06:33 AM

01-24-2016, 10:24 AM
Well i gagged zer0 several times for spamming and like i was expectating he does a retry to avoid the gag , so i don't know what's wrong with this guy since spamming is forbidden

Edit : btw he spams the same meme several times without reason

Edit 2 : ofc there're more surfer that do this type of spam , especially on US+EU svs like zer0 , MLGINGI , sometimes nik0 , and rest are rookies that think they can do whatever they want so they spam

yea realized pretty fast that this is a general issue when started going on to css ksf

01-24-2016, 10:25 AM

did you even read the post

01-24-2016, 12:29 PM
did you even read the post

don't mind him he's autistic

01-25-2016, 09:29 AM
don't mind him he's autistic

coming from mr autismo himself

02-01-2016, 08:21 PM
Lol you're getting mad and offended at some fucking faces? Some fucking text? Just hidechat if you care that much. Or you can just ignore it and surf. But don't fucking complain about it when you have all the power to avoid it.
Also, you clearly have no idea what it is like for higher level players to have to deal with the constant retardedness of rookies and pub servers. They usually never extend past 30 or 40, never nominate maps and just 1spam/pick the easiest maps, and most are annoying little cunts. You get mad at higher level players for "bullying" them or something, but you chose to completely ignore that rookies are just as bad if not worse...

Shut the fuck up kid ( ͡ ͜> ͡ )

02-11-2016, 02:56 PM
Lol you're getting mad and offended at some fucking faces? Some fucking text? Just hidechat if you care that much. Or you can just ignore it and surf. But don't fucking complain about it when you have all the power to avoid it.
Also, you clearly have no idea what it is like for higher level players to have to deal with the constant retardedness of rookies and pub servers. They usually never extend past 30 or 40, never nominate maps and just 1spam/pick the easiest maps, and most are annoying little cunts. You get mad at higher level players for "bullying" them or something, but you chose to completely ignore that rookies are just as bad if not worse...

Shut the fuck up kid ( ͡ ͜> ͡ )

You're obviously fucking retarded.
I'm not mad and offended what so ever, I just cant realize that there are some real fucking idiots like you out there.
About the hidechat, it's hidden 90% of my time on KSF and has always been, it just happens to be unhid sometimes for when i want to chat obviously? But is it hard to chat without spitting racial slurs or discriminating half of the people on the server? Growing up is tough but i think u can do it too if u tried, "kid".

New people enter the community every day to play, and you think that's gonna stop? Of course I know how it is, but is it actually that hard to fucking accept that some maps just wont be played for an hour straight? probably one out of ten wont get extended anyways so I dont see the fucking issue.

Easiest maps, lol. i see more tier 1-2 on expert than on the open pubs but k

02-16-2016, 11:22 AM
You're obviously fucking retarded.
I'm not mad and offended what so ever, I just cant realize that there are some real fucking idiots like you out there.
About the hidechat, it's hidden 90% of my time on KSF and has always been, it just happens to be unhid sometimes for when i want to chat obviously? But is it hard to chat without spitting racial slurs or discriminating half of the people on the server? Growing up is tough but i think u can do it too if u tried, "kid".

New people enter the community every day to play, and you think that's gonna stop? Of course I know how it is, but is it actually that hard to fucking accept that some maps just wont be played for an hour straight? probably one out of ten wont get extended anyways so I dont see the fucking issue.

Easiest maps, lol. i see more tier 1-2 on expert than on the open pubs but k

Clearly you realize that people are going to be retarded no matter what, otherwise you wouldn't of made a post complaining about it. Also, how about you just learn to deal with it? It's not like people are spamming literally 24/7. If anything it's only a few people on a few servers who would be "spamming", and it's not constant. Also who the fuck cares if some one is being "mean" to you. Grow up and stop taking everything to fucking personally.

And no I don't think the community is going to stop growing, I literally never said anything about that.

And "one out of ten wont get extended" is retarded. Most maps on every server unless it is like 40% rookies, will get extended to at least 50 unless the map sucks or something.

What I mean by they always pick the easiest maps is that they ALWAYS PICK THE EASIEST MAPS(well almost) JUST because it's a low tier. On exp/vet we will go to easy maps because there's more points to get from g1s/t10s. And when we're done we can go to any other map, without having no choice but to deal with rookies. And yes I know that rooks will go to harder maps sometimes but it's just not often enough for more skilled people who WANT to play harder maps that aren't exp or don't have vip. But hey, the pub servers only get full of rookies in peak times of the day and before and after that peak time it's usually a lot better.

If you want to chat, then just unhidechat and deal with the occasional spams and the assholes. If you just want to talk to 1 or 2 people, just add them and talk there or something. Otherwise, like I said before, stop fucking complaining.

You either haven't been here very long, or have a case of severe autism. Probably both.

02-20-2016, 02:37 PM
Clearly you realize that people are going to be retarded no matter what, otherwise you wouldn't of made a post complaining about it. Also, how about you just learn to deal with it? It's not like people are spamming literally 24/7. If anything it's only a few people on a few servers who would be "spamming", and it's not constant. Also who the fuck cares if some one is being "mean" to you. Grow up and stop taking everything to fucking personally.

And no I don't think the community is going to stop growing, I literally never said anything about that.

And "one out of ten wont get extended" is retarded. Most maps on every server unless it is like 40% rookies, will get extended to at least 50 unless the map sucks or something.

What I mean by they always pick the easiest maps is that they ALWAYS PICK THE EASIEST MAPS(well almost) JUST because it's a low tier. On exp/vet we will go to easy maps because there's more points to get from g1s/t10s. And when we're done we can go to any other map, without having no choice but to deal with rookies. And yes I know that rooks will go to harder maps sometimes but it's just not often enough for more skilled people who WANT to play harder maps that aren't exp or don't have vip. But hey, the pub servers only get full of rookies in peak times of the day and before and after that peak time it's usually a lot better.

If you want to chat, then just unhidechat and deal with the occasional spams and the assholes. If you just want to talk to 1 or 2 people, just add them and talk there or something. Otherwise, like I said before, stop fucking complaining.

You either haven't been here very long, or have a case of severe autism. Probably both.

Nobody has been mean to me?

Wtf man ur trying to talk beside the points i make its fucking annoying and u talk about me having a case of severe autism? irony