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View Full Version : New To KSF

01-06-2016, 02:41 PM
Hello all! I have been surfing on CS:GO for about 6 months now. I primarily play on Newb Surf, Slayers Trade servers. I am ranked Expert currently, almost Semi-Pro, some of you may have seen me before. I have completed about 75% of the available maps on that server and am getting a little tired of repeating maps. I am thinking of making KSF my main surf server, but I have a few questions. Do your points trasfer between servers? Roughly how many maps are there in total? Do you recommend that I switch or should I stay on the Slayers Trade surf server for now? I like the Slayers Trade server, but I don't want to keep my options limited to tier 1-2. Thanks for the help!

01-06-2016, 04:12 PM
Welcome ;)! Yes the points do transfer. A bit more than 400 maps i think . If you really look forward to become better, farm points, have a great surftimer, etc... I suggest you to switch.

01-06-2016, 04:33 PM
CSS and CSGO ranks are separated, but ranking system for all the different tiered/streaming servers (including Europe and AU) on CSGO are combined, giving you the same amount of points on each one.

01-06-2016, 04:52 PM
I suggest KSF to anyone anytime. Once you've gone KSF you won't look back. We got active members of the staff making sure everything works great, admins that keep the servers free from "the cancer" and amazing surfers who set the highest standard in surf. Peace.

01-07-2016, 09:52 AM
Thank you all so much for the help and info! I think I will switch soon. You may see me on the servers sometime!

01-07-2016, 01:11 PM
Both CSS and CS:GO are well maintained, we have dedicated members that also report times (cheated), in order to keep the spirit high and competitive we have a set of rules that must be followed. That creates a well appreciated environment for times which are well representative of the surfers skill set. KSF has been around for a good amount of time now, that alone is well appreciated by the surfers since they wont fear all their hard putted effort wont just go away, like so many have in the past.