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View Full Version : [Help] My points just disappeared

â™ fuse-
12-02-2015, 05:48 AM

So yesterday I finally got into surf_aircontrol g1 (which I have been surfing for weeks)
it gave me a bunch of points and I ended up with like a total of 11.8k (rank 508)really close to exceptional
then this morning I check my points and im back to 10.7k (rank 568) could any tell me what happened? I thought losing points wasnt possible

Also most of my g1 times are achieved on troflecopters private server cause i can keep extending there

please help I was really excited to get to exceptional today

- fuse

edit: think i might have started whining too soon so i got kicked out of g1 on mesa
do we lose points when u get out of a group?

12-02-2015, 06:02 AM
You lose points if you derank from a group.

12-02-2015, 06:35 AM
if you type !mi you can check the groups, if you check your !mrank you can see if you dropped out or not, cheers