View Full Version : surf_salient

11-06-2015, 09:07 PM
Hey guys

I have been working on a map with sense, say wat, and misa. Each of us made a stage and I detailed them. Sense and I also made a bonus each. This was supposed to be just a quick map but we ended up working longer on it. Its 4 stages, 2 bonuses, and tier 5. The stages are 20-30 seconds each and the bonuses are a little shorter. There are no labels on the stages yet, but it goes: mine, say wat, misa, and sense. My bonus is easy and sense's is the hard one. I only have two more stages to detail and some other things to fix up to complete it.

Here are some pictures:

I also have a beta version for anyone to try:

Give it a shot and tell me what you think. c:

11-07-2015, 03:06 AM
is this harder than beginner?

11-07-2015, 04:08 AM

11-07-2015, 07:05 AM
looks interesting

11-08-2015, 06:42 PM
Downloading now. I'll give it a go tonight or tomorrow. :)

11-09-2015, 11:54 AM
Stages 1+2 are like easy peasy until you get to the end. The ends just feel forced to achieve a certain difficulty and are not even remotely enjoyable. Stage 3 was cool up to the 2nd last ramp, I didn't even really try beating the end of it then. Felt like I was building up speed only to lose it all again. Didn't even start stage 4 as I wasn't motivated to go on playing.

Also some ramps could need playerclips on them, e.g. second ramp on stage 3. This one glitches like 5 of 10 times when going sharply over the edge. Actually, all ramps in stage 3 have this problem.

Could be a cool map if you weren't trying so hard to make it difficult.

11-24-2015, 12:04 PM
Hello everyone,
I wanted to post the final beta version and describe some of the changes.
I changed stage 1 balancing it and making sure people dont go the wrong way.
I changed stage 3 a lot by moving the second to last ramp down under the previous ramp, the stage now has a lot more speed at the end.
I also fixed some ramps that were glitchy and added some final polish.

here is a dl link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/of8i3tnfnny969k/surf_salient_beta_final.bsp?dl=0

I will be posting the final version once the vid is made and up barring any further tweaks on the map.

I hope someone enjoys it!

11-25-2015, 05:51 AM
Stage 1 is pretty annoying to me because of this surfing back and forth and then onto the 180/half circle ramp, that stuff just isn't fun but that's how the stage is and probably a preference thing.

Stage 2 is really really awesome until the end flick. It's one of the coolest stages I've surfed but the last flick just ruins it for me, cause as I said in my last post, it feels like you tried to make it hard as fuck all out of the sudden. At least I didn't manage to finish it yet.

Stage 3 is really good as well now, the end feels so much better than before. Still quite hard, but actually on an enjoyable level now.

Stage 4 is fun as well and feels more balanced overall than the other stages (in terms of difficulty). Good stage, has a really nice flow!
EDIT: Aight, nvm. I've just been doing stupid things at the start of the stage, it is actually really easy until the hard end flick. Well, still a good stage.

Oh and maybe fix up the texture on first ramp of s4: http://puu.sh/ly7PH/0d084137a4.jpg

11-29-2015, 01:57 PM


This vid is not done yet but should be up soon.