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07-31-2015, 12:47 AM
hey, im just a lowely vip who plays anon on servers just surfing trying to get better, and i change between servers as everyone does and occasionally when im just cas surfing stratex5 comes online and starts abusing people he doesnt like, giving bans for people because he "thinks they are doing something wrong, i believe and not just for him that iff a ban is to put in play a thread with a screen shot of the offence in chat and the admin asking them to stop should be placed that way the person can appeal it directly. also other then just banning hes always yelling at people and changing server even when they are working. thanks for your time :D

07-31-2015, 05:13 PM
lol? First you're in the CS:S section, but that doesn't matter. As i said in the other thread, Left has been the only person I've banned, so I don't see how, "stratex5 comes online and starts abusing people he doesnt like, giving bans for people because he "thinks they are doing something wrong"." Also I barely ever use my mic so how can I be "always yelling at people".

"i believe and not just for him that iff a ban is to put in play a thread with a screen shot of the offence in chat and the admin asking them to stop should be placed that way the person can appeal it directly. also other then just banning". What does this mean???

And I only ever force change maps when the server is completely broken to attempt to recover the Surftimer.

Unless you have some 'Real' evidence of me constantly banning, map changing and yelling/abusing people, I'd recommend you stop trying to stir shit.


08-01-2015, 04:55 AM
I think this guy is a friend of Left and jumped on the "I hate stratex" bandwagon. I know none of you, but the ban seemed justified and now stop this bullshit until you get back with some real proof. Closed.