View Full Version : surf_mesa music
07-30-2015, 11:12 PM
If a player keeps activating the surf_mesa secret music and everyone on the server agree's that they want them to stop, they dont, is it kick/temp-bannable?
07-30-2015, 11:17 PM
Ok it was melco (banned by sacred for admin abuse a week ago) and he didnt stop so i gave him a 30 minute ban, if my actions weren't acceptable, I am extremely sorry.
Hi, I really don't like that fact that i just got removed from Surf_Mess, because i put the music on,
It is a bonus on the map if you don't want it on, Remove it from the map
I also don't like 16 year old abusing there admin powers ..
I also don't like the fact that i got banned for "admin abuse" without and sort of proof
Yet i see 12 year old screaming into mic's on a daily bases with ViP and nothing happens
Also his not sorry, His a salt 16 year old, Who has been kicking people from the Tier 1-3 for using voice changers without warning or with a proper reason,
Stratex if you would like me to keep going, I can go alot worse
So stop being a little bitch get off your high-horse and get the fuck over yourself
Sorry for my foul language, Im just sick of this kid thinking his better then everyone and abusing his power
07-30-2015, 11:23 PM
Left, when all the higher ranked players are asking you to stop using the map secret music because you are distracting/lagging them and you act like you don't care because you're being self-centered like that, you deserve a little time out I feel. I can only request for you to be more considerate toward the members who are surfing because yes, some of the more casual players, including yourself, enjoy the music, a lot of other people do not, which people were clearly telling your. Also most of those 'kids' do get disciplinary action taken against them, no one is singling your out. Maybe yes, a 30 minute ban was too long, but please next time stop thinking about just yourself.
Here is the proof of the banned, For "Annoying everyone on the server"
I'm pretty sure a map bonus is not a reasoning for a ban, and i sure as hell want something done about this
07-30-2015, 11:29 PM
You taunted me saying, "What are you going to do? Kick me and get your admin stripped". This isn't acceptable behavior by your as you clearly knew that you were doing something annoying to everyone, but I 'couldn't' do anything about it. I'm not sure why you like to always make a fuss about things, because yes at times you can be a great person in the server, but times like these and when you were banned, you sure as hell were trying to aggravate many. If you want to listen to music, listen to it locally because no one wants to listen to you abusing a 'bonus'. Especially when you can't turn it off.
How about you stop acting like a twit, and if these "high ranking player" don't like it,
How about they go join the other server, Simple as that buddy now stop trying to act like you're a adult on the forums and how about you act like you do on the server buddy
Like i said before You're not sorry, You've been trying to do this ever since the first time you got me banned,
Grow the fuck up, remove the poll from your asshole and stop abusing admin powers, because everytime i go on mesa, I will put the music on whether you like it or not
07-30-2015, 11:34 PM
How about you stop acting like a twit, and if these "high ranking player" don't like it,
How about they go join the other server, Simple as that buddy now stop trying to act like you're a adult on the forums and how about you act like you do on the server buddy
Like i said before You're not sorry, You've been trying to do this ever since the first time you got me banned,
Grow the fuck up, remove the poll from your asshole and stop abusing admin powers, because everytime i go on mesa, I will put the music on whether you like it or not
I think this comment clearly shows how immature you can get. I do not abuse my admin, this was a case of you pushing me to take some action of my own discretion. If you don't respect the players then you will get handled by someone higher up. Also saying that high ranked players should go to another server is extremely rude. They are there to surf. It is a SURF SERVER. Not a 'sit in the bonus and spam the music so I can annoy everyone' server.
How the fuck can you abuse a bonus ... you were clearly dropped as a child and need some sort of treatment
and yes i did say that i have it in a text fill, not the point you're 16 trying to act "Mature" with makes you sound like a fucking idiot and from what i can see you really don't like me and i don't care, but the fuck you have to act like such a better person then me to try and prove a point is fucking beyond me
I fucking get it, You're a admin big tough kid, The doesn't mean shit so stop acting like a little keyboard warrior get over yourself
You've done nothing as a admin so far, and you're more useless then a broken condom
So leave me alone, If i want to play a bonus that is apart of a map then i will and if you don't like it, Go back to your little dark hole you came out of and stay there
I think this comment clearly shows how immature you can get. I do not abuse my admin, this was a case of you pushing me to take some action of my own discretion. If you don't respect the players then you will get handled by someone higher up. Also saying that high ranked players should go to another server is extremely rude. They are there to surf. It is a SURF SERVER. Not a 'sit in the bonus and spam the music so I can annoy everyone' server.
So immature says the 16 year old, Who lives at home with mummy and daddy and they pay for everything
Talk to me about being mature when you have to work got a living ...
07-30-2015, 11:43 PM
How the fuck can you abuse a bonus ... you were clearly dropped as a child and need some sort of treatment
and yes i did say that i have it in a text fill, not the point you're 16 trying to act "Mature" with makes you sound like a fucking idiot and from what i can see you really don't like me and i don't care, but the fuck you have to act like such a better person then me to try and prove a point is fucking beyond me
I fucking get it, You're a admin big tough kid, The doesn't mean shit so stop acting like a little keyboard warrior get over yourself
You've done nothing as a admin so far, and you're more useless then a broken condom
So leave me alone, If i want to play a bonus that is apart of a map then i will and if you don't like it, Go back to your little dark hole you came out of and stay there
My age has nothing to do with my maturity, I am also not 16 anymore.
You also need to calm down because you know perfectly that you had annoyed everyone on the server. Also I don't 'hate' you, if anyone else had kept spamming the music, i would have done the same thing. Also it's not your judgement to say whether I have done anything as admin. I feel as though I have helped many people with my admin, you are just one to be displeased as you cannot come to terms with not having control.
I've spent long enough arguing with you, so we will wait for evolv or Sacred to decide on the next step.
07-30-2015, 11:44 PM
So immature says the 16 year old, Who lives at home with mummy and daddy and they pay for everything
Talk to me about being mature when you have to work got a living ...
I think you really need to go rethink yourself and your behavior because the way you handle yourself is not of someone who is 'mature'.
I think you really need to go rethink yourself and your behavior because the way you handle yourself is not of someone who is 'mature'.
Startex seriously, How on earth is that Bonus abuse and not admin abuse stop trying to justify your stupid disliking towards me, and saying you're sorry when you're clearly not and you clearly don't give a fuck,
Please go learn the definition of 'Admin", And learn what they are meant to do
Also if someone is "Lagging" from music then they music have a some serious computer problems and should probably get the shit fixed
07-30-2015, 11:49 PM
joining in on this conversation, iv heard many reports of admin abuse from stratex on multable servers where ii dont hear anything from about left, have you got screanshots of the high ranked players asking him to stop playing the mesa music? and if they are high ranked why are they playing mesa? go play on there own expert server where they have control? please real admins take care of stratexx.
07-31-2015, 12:01 AM
Who are these people that say i abuse my Admin? There are always going to be people that complain about something being unfair, but that is why there is an Admin. To maintain order so that the majority of people are happy. I always try to do the best thing i can and have only ever banned Left. Changing maps because the timer broke or muting mic spammers is not Admin abuse. Also i do not need to carry evidence of bans that i give, it was done under my own discretion. I was playing mesa to get a top time, high ranked players deserve the right to play in a peaceful environment where they can selfmute people, but not have to be forced to listen to a map bonus, because 'you feel like it'.
07-31-2015, 12:09 AM
well youre wrong on the banning point because there have been numerous people mention you banning them for no reason on servers, then you server hopping anyway? hows is that fair, and if you want to ban someone, yes you should have proof of why you banned them, else fucking unban them because you have no proof, do you think a court can just ocnvict someone without evidence or proof of the crime? should be same here you want to keep order among the civilians then stop opressing them and have proof, when you say i do it at my own discretion all that is saying to me, is your banning cause you dont like him. Hence the admin abuse. you ban someone put it up on the site with a screen shot of what they are doing wrong, so that they can appeal that ban on the thread otherwise dont ban people, either that or get your admin powers taken off you. again simple as that
07-31-2015, 12:22 AM
How is it possible multiple people have complained to you that I have banned them, when i have only banned one person (melco/left) also this is a game server, I gave my word that I felt the bonus abuse was extremely annoying to the majority of people.
07-31-2015, 12:32 AM
so its youre word that people were annoyed ? so your not sure, your story is falling apart mate, now youre telling us all that you banned him because you "think" people were annoyed, and banning other people. iv seen you do it on a server myself that wasnt left? and if his name is melco why are you saying it on a public forum? i dont go round telling people your name do i. sick of admins thinking they are high and mighty just cause of an admin status. take the music of the map if "you" dont want to deal with it, or dont you have that authority? seriously enough, can i speak to a real admin please
07-31-2015, 12:47 AM
There are many flaws in your arguement, for one you said you have seen me ban others other than Left, but that is not true as if you were to look at the ban history, i have only banned melco. Also i call him melco because that was his name before he got his 1 day ban. The thing is when i asked who wanted melco to stop starting the bonus music, 7-8 people said yes and one said no, but he still didn't stop so i decided to ban him for 30 minutes so people could surf the map in peace. I am not the one that manages maps.
HAHAHAHAHAH, 7-8 people said stop when their was 58 people on the server
And thank you tink, Im over this admin bulling and abuse
07-31-2015, 12:50 AM
many flaws? yes iv seen you ban them. i didnt no his name was melco? you cant stop the mesa music cause its a map bonus, and when there are more then 9 people on, which i know there was cause i was on, then saying 8 people said yes doesnt justify at all why you did it. i say again can i speak to a real admin
07-31-2015, 01:10 AM
HAHAHAHAHAH, 7-8 people said stop when their was 58 people on the server
And thank you tink, Im over this admin bulling and abuse
58??? the server had like 15-20 people haha
When you got on most likely, When i went to join surf_mesa, there were 58 people,
07-31-2015, 01:13 AM
many flaws? yes iv seen you ban them. i didnt no his name was melco? you cant stop the mesa music cause its a map bonus, and when there are more then 9 people on, which i know there was cause i was on, then saying 8 people said yes doesnt justify at all why you did it. i say again can i speak to a real admin
look at the bans, ive only banned melco. And considering he didn't listen to what i was asking him, he was also disrespecting an admin. I can understand why you are trying to defend him as you guys are clearly good friends.
07-31-2015, 01:18 AM
i defend anyone against admin that doesnt follow there own rules, its just this one was top thread
07-31-2015, 01:21 AM
Think of it this way Left:
If you walked into a school/library/whatever and started playing loud music while people were focusing on their own activities should you get thrown out? Yes, anyone would do that is just someone seeking negative attention.
You got negative attention for doing something similar and you're acting surprised - pls leave
07-31-2015, 01:24 AM
hey jux, think of it this way youre accused of murder, you walk into a court and sit down, the judge says your guilty, end of story... hmm fair? no plz leave
Righto mate, It's called a bonus for a reason don't like it, Fuck off simple as that
And im not looking for negative attention i just want little fuck boys like stratex to know that he can't just abuse his power when ever he feels like it
Also you should be thanking me, If it was for people like me who donate you wouldn't have this server to surf on, So please think about that before you comment ..
07-31-2015, 01:28 AM
I seriously don't see how a 30 minute ban is anything like years of prison for murder.
07-31-2015, 01:33 AM
Righto mate, It's called a bonus for a reason don't like it, Fuck off simple as that
This makes literally no sense. You're doing something that's clearly annoying to other people and getting upset when you get a 30 minute ban. I'm sure if the lead admins of the server were still active it would have been removed, but unfortunately they're not, so players will have to use common sense when it comes to things like this.
Stop trying to stir up shit/troll
07-31-2015, 01:33 AM
its the meaning behind it not the fucking punishment you nob
This makes literally no sense. You're doing something that's clearly annoying to other people and getting upset when you get a 30 minute ban. I'm sure if the lead admins of the server were still active it would have been removed, but unfortunately they're not, so players will have to use common sense when it comes to things like this.
Stop trying to stir up shit/troll
I don't give a fuck about that 30 minute ban, I can happily go surf on my second account
It's the fact he banned me for no reason then calling it "Bonus Abuse" when clearly banning someone for using something that is apart of the map,
Then claiming 7 people got annoyed when there were 50+ people on the server at the time, i call the Admin abuse
It's the meaning Behind it no the punishment
07-31-2015, 01:41 AM
sucks for you i guess lol
If a real admin does end up reading this far, I just want to let you know Stratex does not act this "Mature" on the KSF servers,
I thought i'd let you know
07-31-2015, 08:49 AM
Too long, too much immaturity, didn't read it all. I'd have banned you for 60. Haven't seen complaints about stratex before.
If a real admin does end up reading this far, I just want to let you know Stratex does not act this "Mature" on the KSF servers,
I thought i'd let you know
Too long, too much immaturity, didn't read it all. I'd have banned you for 60. Haven't seen complaints about stratex before.
Yeah sorry about that shit fight, Everything is good now
07-31-2015, 02:42 PM
Yeah as Left said, I'm also sorry for maybe taking a bit of a harsh route. Thanks Sacred and Left.
Also a request Sacred, how hard would it be to make it so the part of the surf_mesa map which does the music is non-jumpable?
07-31-2015, 03:51 PM
Oh it wouldn't be a problem but then we wouldn't have those interesting discussions here.
07-31-2015, 04:05 PM
great banter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mooster Cow
07-31-2015, 06:19 PM
fucking faggots l0l
07-31-2015, 07:00 PM
fucking faggots l0l
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