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View Full Version : [Request] Ban http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198133627223/

07-19-2015, 04:59 PM
New VIP. Abusive in csgo servers. Spamming mic and rejoining to avoid selfmutes.

His profile

His mic spamming buddy's acc (seen him do this most days)

No other admins in server at time

Some banter:
[VIP] [بْج َدِي] : i don't even know. fuck german
[VIP] [بْج َدِي] : angrysounding bunch
[Rookie] SS/TM Gambit : !knife
[Skilled] Rĝlf : nazi language anyways
SS/TM Flash (STEAM_1:0:93918556) connected from United States
Ya Girl Kelsey (STEAM_1:1:79707631) connected from United States
Renz (STEAM_1:1:58729707) connected from Canada
[VIP] [بْج َدِي] : we're all stone cold psychopaths here in norway
[Skilled] Rĝlf : I ate my little brother
[VIP] [بْج َدِي] : your candy-ass is no psychopath
[Skilled] Rĝlf : no way that nigger is getting my food

07-21-2015, 04:08 AM
You posted this on cs:s , please next time post it on csgo , thanks

07-21-2015, 02:57 PM
Banned him for 2 days. Tell me if it happens again. (assuming its the same guy as in the other complaint, you posted no steamID)