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View Full Version : BW Records - Ban Time and reset other records

07-01-2015, 07:46 AM
Hi, I'm Ruby. I'm here to report Time, a guy that started play 2 days ago with 2 different accounts with the same name, and started getting my BW records with ease. skip tracer warned me first about him when I was offline. I already told evolv on the Steam but he didn't do much...

Here are the screenshots of the records he broke using movement recorder (you guys can watch the replay of each WR/WRCP, if you don't believe me):

And here are the screenshots of Time's profiles:

Profile 1:
Profile 2:

Also, I would like to show this BW Top of Canada to report other hackers that I already told evolv months ago, like 10 times, and he didn't do much also:

Those are the reports of the other angle hackers that I also already told evolv months ago:

BW Hackers (take off bwwrcps, bwwrbs and bwwrs):

STEAM_0:0:37519789 (Haderz) (already banned, played after reimufag was banned):
surf_christmas s4
surf_christmas s3
surf_classics2 s1
surf_classics2 s2
surf_classics2 s3
surf_classics2 s4
surf_sunset s1

STEAM_0:0:97660472 (Gifted) (already banned, played after reimufag was banned):
surf_portal_game4 s1

STEAM_0:1:98923258 (Zeals) (already banned, played after reimufag was banned):
surf_beginner (bw top 2, he almost got my bwwr in a few minutes)

STEAM_0:0:96873605 (turban) (created account, got derpis nofail wr im a few minutes, got overgrowth and parc_colore s5 (almost impossible bw) bwwrcps, never played anymore, played after reimufag was banned):
surf_derpis_ksf bwwr (my old wr)
surf_overgrowth s1
surf_parc_colore s5

They all still have the bwwrcps, bwwrbs and bwwrs...

And also, some BW records that still not resetted even after the map got resetted:

Maps that got resetted/time increased but that the BW WRCPs/WRs/WRBs stills the same:
surf_lithium s2
surf_ny_platinum s4
surf_mash-up s7
surf_collection_njv s1
surf_creation s1
surf_boring s10

07-01-2015, 09:39 AM
Oh boy excuse me for overlooking those exceptionally important BW stage times when resetting.

You have already been told that, if nobody else finished a certain stage in BW mode, it is not possible to remove his time entirely, therefore those people will keep the WRCPs etc unless untouch decides to come online and do something about that matter of high importance.

I've banned those other guys and fixed up the times.

07-01-2015, 11:10 AM
Oh boy excuse me for overlooking those exceptionally important BW stage times when resetting.[..]

Thank you. But why that sarcasm? I didn't even talk shit about you or to anyone. I didn't even complain.

If it's not important, then why add Angle Surf? If it's not important to you, too bad, but it is important to me, because is my way of having fun playing.

Thank you again.

skip tracer
07-01-2015, 11:51 AM
anyone who tries to pick on my friend ruby will have to get through me first


07-01-2015, 05:37 PM
Thank you. But why that sarcasm? I didn't even talk shit about you or to anyone. I didn't even complain.

If it's not important, then why add Angle Surf? If it's not important to you, too bad, but it is important to me, because is my way of having fun playing.

Thank you again.

That's what i said also , since no one cares about angle why complaining? , i also surfs hsw for fun i don't care if i use binds to surf it , btw if you (all) don't care about angle then shut the fuck up , i love you sacred and i know you hate this threads about angle surf , but the ones we surf we care

Thanks for all

07-02-2015, 02:58 AM
I never said anything about hating angle surf, but especially the BW section is almost dead since there are maybe 2-3 people who can do it properly and the rest are cheaters. The records have just been overlooked cause there barely are BW records at all and I sometimes just skip SW and BW intentionally to save time when I think that the time reset probably won't matter there.

I've just been a bit pissed cause of your "evolv-bashing" in terms of "that I already told evolv months ago, like 10 times, and he didn't do much" and "I already told evolv on the Steam but he didn't do much...". Maybe you've just annoyed him? Why didn't you make a post earlier or contact me? More your fault than evolvs I guess, he got other things to do than fixing up BW times.

07-02-2015, 03:42 AM
Oh sorry then sacred :) that's almost true , only few guys surfs legit bw surf

Mooster Cow
07-02-2015, 01:44 PM

07-03-2015, 11:17 AM
Time angle hacks all the time on Zee's servers too