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View Full Version : Merkz

06-15-2015, 01:41 PM
This is my admin application, i know i'm not the right age but i thought i would try anyways/ I've been surfing for at least 6 months now and i am known on a lot of the servers by a few people. i have been VIP for most of my time surfing on KSF, i'm on everyday for at least 3 hours and i will start to be more active on the forums. No i am not the best surfer, but i feel like i will be a good helper, example, and leader for the community. I will also try to learn from other admins, i am already friends with Zet, hes helped me with a lot of things and he is really an inspiration for me to get better at surfing and helping the community. I hope you consider this application, i will be on the surf server almost everyday so if you have any questions. Add me :)