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05-11-2015, 01:18 AM
Unban request -

Name being used on the server at the time: Marzy (not entirely sure)

Time you were banned: A long time ago.

Number of people on the server at the time: 15'ish

Admins online(afk or not): I don't remember.

Which admin do you think banned you: I have no clue.

Why you think you were banned: It was because I was a scrub and used an auto bhop script in some tdm game, then I joined a ksf server and insta permabanned. I did not know it was not allowed. I usually surf of GO, but I want to come to css and sucks I can't play because of my dumb mistake.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57513419

EDIT- Just realized I posted this in the wrong section. Very sorry, if a mod could move it to the right section that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

05-14-2015, 03:22 PM
Hello? Is this thing on?

Mooster Cow
05-14-2015, 09:15 PM

05-15-2015, 11:46 AM
show the money bro

05-15-2015, 02:27 PM
show the money bro

Knew your comment would be something of that sort. If I paid money, it'd be because I enjoy the community and want to support it, not to be unbanned.

05-15-2015, 06:00 PM
Its a $15 fee to be unbanned from our anti cheat.

05-16-2015, 04:06 PM
Why is that not posted anywhere? That would have saved me the time I spent making this pointless thread. I'll never pay money to be unbanned, nevertheless being banned for a dumb mistake without any warnings. Seems pretty corrupt to me.

05-16-2015, 06:05 PM

05-17-2015, 05:40 AM

05-18-2015, 03:37 AM
I did not know it was not allowed.

Did you actually think that you would be allowed to have an unfair advantage in competitive surf timer server? We don't take any chances of some random scriptkid coming in and taking wrcps, that's why we have anti cheat. Pay up or find another server lel

05-18-2015, 11:33 PM
Did you actually think that you would be allowed to have an unfair advantage in competitive surf timer server? We don't take any chances of some random scriptkid coming in and taking wrcps, that's why we have anti cheat. Pay up or find another server lel

Like I said, I came from GO where every server has auto hop. I didn't read the rules so it is my fault but I am not paying to be unbanned, so you are right I will have to find another server. And thanks everyone for pointing out that I was "rekt".

And I didn't look for the rules before I joined the server, but it was hard to find them when I looked for them. You should add them to the top navigation, easier to find then being in the footer.

05-19-2015, 07:20 AM
Or you could just not cheat. But that would probably be too easy.

05-19-2015, 12:04 PM
Or you could just not cheat. But that would probably be too easy.

Okay, well thank you for making it easier for me in the decision of not paying. Guess everyone was right about this community being toxic.

05-20-2015, 10:44 AM
well you are the only toxic guy here , cheating is not allowed gtfo here

05-20-2015, 11:06 AM
Okay, well thank you for making it easier for me in the decision of not paying. Guess everyone was right about this community being toxic.

people throw toxic around as soon as they're even slightly angered about someone telling the truth. nobody has wish cancer upon you, nobody was wanted you or your family to die.

they've all stated the truth: that you cheated and there's consequences for cheating.

05-20-2015, 12:40 PM
people throw toxic around as soon as they're even slightly angered about someone telling the truth. nobody has wish cancer upon you, nobody was wanted you or your family to die.

they've all stated the truth: that you cheated and there's consequences for cheating.

Being toxic doesn't just mean people saying they hope you or your family dies? I tried ending on a positive note by admitting it was definitely my fault but I wouldn't pay so I will have to find a new server. Then I tried helping out by saying that the rules should be easier to find and giving an example of where they could go. But then Sacred had to come in and write some smart ass comment about me not cheating being too easy.

05-20-2015, 01:09 PM
Being toxic doesn't just mean people saying they hope you or your family dies? I tried ending on a positive note by admitting it was definitely my fault but I wouldn't pay so I will have to find a new server. Then I tried helping out by saying that the rules should be easier to find and giving an example of where they could go. But then Sacred had to come in and write some smart ass comment about me not cheating being too easy.

The KSF brotherhood is just ganging up on you. You cheated, admittedly by mistake (and it's not even a bad offense, mistakes do happen and should be considered), though you don't have a chance for a fair appeal instead you can be unbanned, no questions asked, by giving them money.

I would also like to state that bhop scripts don't work worth shit. A script can simply use the jump command every few frames, but it can't be aware of the exact time the player is grounded. A script can't guarantee a perfect jump every time, and if I remember right bhop scripts don't get perfect jumps all that often. A script is less effective then a mildly skilled bhopper, and the fact that you were banned for it with no chance to appeal doesn't sit right with me.

Mooster Cow
05-20-2015, 01:11 PM

05-21-2015, 01:37 AM
The KSF brotherhood is just ganging up on you. You cheated, admittedly by mistake (and it's not even a bad offense, mistakes do happen and should be considered), though you don't have a chance for a fair appeal instead you can be unbanned, no questions asked, by giving them money.

I would also like to state that bhop scripts don't work worth shit. A script can simply use the jump command every few frames, but it can't be aware of the exact time the player is grounded. A script can't guarantee a perfect jump every time, and if I remember right bhop scripts don't get perfect jumps all that often. A script is less effective then a mildly skilled bhopper, and the fact that you were banned for it with no chance to appeal doesn't sit right with me.

You know nothing, Crayz Snow.

05-21-2015, 04:36 AM
stop being so toxic sacred, how dare you tell him not to cheat

05-21-2015, 06:54 AM

05-23-2015, 12:16 PM

05-24-2015, 12:19 PM
The KSF brotherhood is just ganging up on you. You cheated, admittedly by mistake (and it's not even a bad offense, mistakes do happen and should be considered), though you don't have a chance for a fair appeal instead you can be unbanned, no questions asked, by giving them money.

I would also like to state that bhop scripts don't work worth shit. A script can simply use the jump command every few frames, but it can't be aware of the exact time the player is grounded. A script can't guarantee a perfect jump every time, and if I remember right bhop scripts don't get perfect jumps all that often. A script is less effective then a mildly skilled bhopper, and the fact that you were banned for it with no chance to appeal doesn't sit right with me.

We actually removed most of the functions in SMAC, making it far less sensitive than it should be. One must blatantly auto-hop for long periods of time before it will even be activated (We have tested it many times). Anyone who receives this type of ban is not just merely cheating for some short period of time and clearly has the intent to give themselves an unfair advantage over other players. The very act of making this post and receiving a response after deliberation, is in and of itself an appeal. If you have been banned by an admin which you feel is unjustified, then you can state your position before KSF Staff. Otherwise we are not going to circumvent the rules for those caught by our bhop detection plugin.

05-25-2015, 01:14 AM
We actually removed most of the functions in SMAC, making it far less sensitive than it should be. One must blatantly auto-hop for long periods of time before it will even be activated (We have tested it many times). Anyone who receives this type of ban is not just merely cheating for some short period of time and clearly has the intent to give themselves an unfair advantage over other players. The very act of making this post and receiving a response after deliberation, is in and of itself an appeal. If you have been banned by an admin which you feel is unjustified, then you can state your position before KSF Staff. Otherwise we are not going to circumvent the rules for those caught by our bhop detection plugin.

I think I was banned fairly quick. I'd say on my first run of the map. I may have bhopped on the spine of a ramp or something that may have triggered it. I was not using it to prehop or anything, I hate when people prehop.